OOC Chat

Aaaaaawwww. Brendan's a little qt.

However, at the same time he is rather... sensitive, as much as he wishes to act like a delinquent will he simply cannot force himself to bully people, steal money, hurt animals of any kind(bugs dont count) or even coerce people into doing things they don't want to do(Save for one time he helped his buddy finally admit his feelings to a girl). 

Loves it.
Aaaaaawwww. Brendan's a little qt.

Loves it.


i was gona add on there "but it didn't help when his friend screwed up and forgot the time he was going on the date." 
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@Pretzel Heart

I rewrote Manami's power like in the cs.  It should be good now.   

I also wanted to ask if time manipulation could be used for like, teleportation.  So, she'd disappear briefly before reappearing somewhere else on the battle field, so it'd be like she moved to a different moment in time?  This would be much closer to an ultimate power, naturally. 
@Pretzel Heart

I rewrote Manami's power like in the cs.  It should be good now.   

I also wanted to ask if time manipulation could be used for like, teleportation.  So, she'd disappear briefly before reappearing somewhere else on the battle field, so it'd be like she moved to a different moment in time?  This would be much closer to an ultimate power, naturally. 

@Veradana We'll go check it out in a bit. Just in time as there will be a huge Announcement tonight reminded everyone to update (I just did mine as well so). 
I could see teleportation working either that she speeds up time so quickly that to everyone else she appears to teleport, or like you said she's flicking through different moments in time. In that case I think it would work slightly differently though. We can work it out if/when it comes up, since we'll have to make sure it's nerfed a bit. 
Obviously time control is OPaf but that's okay because the ultimate powers are supposed to be OPaf. But whether or not our characters will ever be able to actually use them to their full or even half potential will depend on actions in the RP.
I am now accepted.

All boy down before me. 

For it's ya boy, Guz- Ori.
Now the group officially has a delinquent. That's good, I guess... I mean, it adds to diversity and everything...
Don't sound so excited, your heart might give out from it. 
@Veradana I hope you don't mind me posting this, but I have a couple ideas for your power. Hope to god, I'm not god-modding. 

So if you wanted to teleport in the aspect of time, you would also be manipulating space since time can only be described with the description objects. For example, if you speed up time, eventually everything around you will move forward to perhaps another season. Trees may die, animals may feel compelled to migrate, etc.

So, to teleport with time you could slow down time but increase your speed to increase your m/s. You wouldn't teleport because people would see your multiple after images and this would put stress your body, but,eventually, you would be reduced to two afterimages and no stress of your body. You would seem like you're teleporting.

This is where the weaboo  anime enthusiast side of me appears. Freezing is a bad anime, but the manga is really good. Hot girls with super bodies fighting to save the world against interdimensional monsters that may come from God. Anyway, they have certain abilities that deal with speed and somewhat teleportation. The closest to teleportation I have seen is the illusion turn where a girl can teleport to different spaces really quickly by traveling in an another dimension.

What I am proposing is that your character can teleport in any direction, in any part of space by moving through an another dimension that removes the constraints of time and space on your character. This could incorporate the wormhole theory, but I'm not going to go to deep into that. The manga has it's own description on how the power works but I don't think that matters regarding your character, it's convoluted, and I think it's bullshit. It's not the 4th dimension because it's only deals with space, not time. I also think that you should develop the rules of that dimension and how it works.

Also, you can ignore this and do your own thing. This is just an idea I proposed .... also I want to look up physics stuff and justify reading 200+ chapters of a manga.
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@Orikanyo Also, woop woop. My badass, but not really bad, delinquent is accepted.

So, to teleport with time you could slow down time but increase your speed to increase your m/s. You wouldn't teleport because people would see your multiple after images and this would put stress your body, but,eventually, you would be reduced to two afterimages and no stress of your body. You would seem like you're teleporting.

This part reminds me of Cyborg 009, since super speed like this was one of 009's abilities. 
@Orikanyo Also, woop woop. My badass, but not really bad, delinquent is accepted.


*Reads your CS to ready a complement back*


I am now saddened... 


Poor thing TT~TT

"What're yea sayin'!? I'm bad! Totally bad! bad at everything I do!


Wait a sec-!"
I'm reading part one also, I watched a bit more in the anime but I like reading manga better.
@clarinetti Welcome to the RP! Just let us know if you need any help. ( ´ ◇ ` )ノ 

@TheForgottenDoll You just need to just make sure you have all the things on the CS. And also talk with @Tonkatsu to work out the Ultimate Power / power essence 

By the way, I'll be a tad busy for the next two days. 

Understandably, since it's christmas.

But that aside... what's the plan yo? Do I wait?

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