OOC Chat

Everyone's desperate for that Sag.


Let the battle begin.
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@Orikanyo I think you were the first to respond that you wanted it, so technically the hold is for you. But perhaps we can work something out with @Tonkatsu or you guys can sort it amongst yourselves. We'll do our best to accommodate everyone.

I think @Blizzaga said they just want a minor role.
If only it were gemini, then we could do something like twins. 


Perchance it can still happen? 

I'd rather not toss yea to the curb simply because I wasn't sleeping @Tonkatsu what do you think of this?
Well, I do have the wanna-be delinquint idea for Sagi. 

I'd prefer to be able to use him...
well, my original idea was a wheelchair-bound female. lost usage of her feet when she got into an accident from one of her adventures.

buuut, i'm okay with being the other half of Gemini, as long as @TheForgottenDoll is fine with the idea.

and since i said i wanted the role p. late anyway, i guess it'd be rather fair that orikanyo gets it.
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I mean, maybe you could even bend the rules a little bit too and say Gemini is like a "spiritual twin" or something like that.  Maybe make it a whole yin and yang kind of deal???
So it is done. 

I shall continue my slumber.
@Tonkatsu @TheForgottenDoll
I'll leave it up to you guys to plot and sort it out, but it doesn't seem impossible to make your characters actually related based on Sakura's CS. But they don't have to be. I don't know. We'll pretty much allow anything that isn't lore-breaking.
If classes are conducted in English, should a local character have a reason why they can speak the language, or are there classes conducted in Japanese as well?
I mean, I have an idea. I read your history just now, and figured that something would work. well, with a little bending of rules

so the omi family had another child, and the night sakura went out, her sister saw it too and followed sakura all the way to the little museum. there, she witnessed sakura walking on an invisible path and followed her all to the way to gemini. it wasn't until everyone finished talking to the zodiac that the godly entities noticed that the little sister was there. at first they were in shocked and confused what to do, but they left gemini to deal with the matter. then, sakura's stone shined and got considerably smaller. it is then revealed that the piece of stone that got chunked off of sakura's stone is now the sister's, and as a result, she became a star scout too.

does that sound a-ok or. .? idk. i need you guys' opinions w.w

@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers @TheForgottenDoll

and this would only work if the omi family had another child when sakura was five or something. since a two year old fighting sounds pretty bonkers to me. thus, i need opinions!
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@Tonkatsu This could work, we can fandangle the lore a bit so that Gemini made another charm forreasons and that it fell from the back of the preexisting charm?
The only thing is that because their powers would be drawn from the same councilmember and therefore the same type of technology, both your powers would have to be founded upon the same attribute and godlike ability, which has not been established yet so you guys can work that out~
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Alright, I've finished my character, and somewhere along the way I found a great inspiration as an alternative to the current Omi history. Please see if this is fine to you @TheForgottenDoll >w<

So the Omi family had twins to begin with, and they were treated differently. Sakura was treated with discipline, while Aratani (I've come to call her that w.w) was treated with care. Sakura was their second priority. However, this is not without a reason. While Sakura was perfectly in well mental and physical condition, Aratani was not. She had a frail body and a poor energy-production ability. As a result, she was not able to overexert herself, and their parents showed concern for Aratani, thus why she's treated with care. Then, after they're tired (y'know after taking care of Aratani and stuff) they just made sure that Sakura was ok and treated her with discipline, because she's the second priority. And so, their parents, believing that they could not do this anymore, and to make Aratani know how is it to live while taking care of herself, she was sent to SHIS. As a countermeasure, Sakura was, too, so that if an emergency happens she would still be in close proximity to Aratani. Otherwise, Sakura's told not to help her.

Does that sound okay to you? I was planning to make her a 10-year old for something but that would cause trouble since she wouldn't be able to meet the other characters and stuff. Or do you have any other suggestions?

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