OOC Chat

Yea, I'll keep my boy as a wannabe tough guy, still gona have a motorcycle though. 
Well I did a bit of research and found that Ophiuchus was originally a part of a 14 sign Zodiac that also included Cetus. How lucky for me right? If it wouldn't screw up your idea too much I think I would like to be Cetus, a kind of rogue Star Scout thats on the line between good and bad, maybe representing an alien race trying to muscle its way onto the Council.
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Well I did a bit of research and found that Ophiuchus was originally a part of a 14 sign Zodiac that also included Cetus. How lucky for me right? If it wouldn't screw up your idea too much I think I would like to be Cetus, a kind of rogue Star Scout thats on the line between good and bad, maybe representing an alien race trying to muscle it's way onto the Council.

We did have a fate for Cetus in the lore we already worked out. 
I think your idea is basically already what Ophiucus is though...plus IDK how they would get a Zodiac Charm, so they'd probably need to be an alien themselves, or perhaps a knock-off type?
Not completely against it, but would need some work. Plus we're trying to dance around spilling too many lore secrets.

The sit-up one used to play on the train every morning. xD 
We watched the Cup Noodle at the school ads at the manga club I go to.  o'course, the video we watched just had those ads, as well as some behind the scenes things and a bunch of the missed takes. 
We did have a fate for Cetus in the lore we already worked out. 
I think your idea is basically already what Ophiucus is though...plus IDK how they would get a Zodiac Charm, so they'd probably need to be an alien themselves, or perhaps a knock-off type?
Not completely against it, but would need some work. Plus we're trying to dance around spilling too many lore secrets.

The sit-up one used to play on the train every morning. xD 

I love the sit-up one. My favvvvv
I wish I had that ab power.

We used to watch ads in Japanese class every blue moon. Especially the Soft Bank ones with dog dad. xD 
Japanese commercials are so refreshing, American ones have so much bass that I get headaches.
We did have a fate for Cetus in the lore we already worked out. 
I think your idea is basically already what Ophiucus is though...plus IDK how they would get a Zodiac Charm, so they'd probably need to be an alien themselves, or perhaps a knock-off type?
Not completely against it, but would need some work. Plus we're trying to dance around spilling too many lore secrets.

The sit-up one used to play on the train every morning. xD 

No worries. I'll come up with something else. I read the OOC stuff but haven't read the IC. Maybe something there will give me an idea.
My my, so lively when I go to bed hmm? 
@Idea Hi! Yeah, I was looking for one and I found one too, but lol this just grabbed my attention instantly, so I decided to apply for this instead. w.w

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