OOC Chat

So I have summed up everyone's relationship data about my character. They either only just met her, or they didn't know she existed.
Finally did the relationship journal (imsuchagoodgm)
I tried to say something thoughtful for everyone unless there's no way they'd ever met lol
did I miss anyone in mine? I feel like there should be at least one more person mentioned in my relationship journal, though I only made it about people from her class and the one girl that came on her.
did I miss anyone in mine? I feel like there should be at least one more person mentioned in my relationship journal, though I only made it about people from her class and the one girl that came on her.

You could write about the student council members, or anyone who hangs out in clubs where she'd see them. There are a couple of characters who are also said to be popular, so maybe she'd heard of them before.
You could write about the student council members, or anyone who hangs out in clubs where she'd see them. There are a couple of characters who are also said to be popular, so maybe she'd heard of them before.

she doesn´t talk to anyone enough to know who the popular people would be though I guess the student council would make sense to be within her radar...
I came to join a magical girl rp not bs science

It was always BS science based, it just may not have been very clear before. We don't need people to fundamentally change their abilities, but they need to fit the new bit in the powers section of the CS. As it stands now, everyone's powers are kind of all over the place and it'll make things more complicated later if we don't iron it out before we start. Like comparing the stuff we accepted near the beginning to the stuff we've accepted now it became clear that the abilities didn't really match up in terms of how powerful they are and how the'll grow over time and we just want people's abilities to be on the same level of effectiveness. Also it won't work plot-wise if its just inexplainable magic. We're nowhere near physicists so just like... make some shit up that sounds like it might be alien tech :P
still don't like the science but i'll edit it

It was always BS science based, it just may not have been very clear before. We don't need people to fundamentally change their abilities, but they need to fit the new bit in the powers section of the CS. As it stands now, everyone's powers are kind of all over the place and it'll make things more complicated later if we don't iron it out before we start. Like comparing the stuff we accepted near the beginning to the stuff we've accepted now it became clear that the abilities didn't really match up in terms of how powerful they are and how the'll grow over time and we just want people's abilities to be on the same level of effectiveness. Also it won't work plot-wise if its just inexplainable magic. We're nowhere near physicists so just like... make some shit up that sounds like it might be alien tech :P
I finally finished my relationship journal.  If anyone has anything they'd like changed just let me know. 
It was always BS science based, it just may not have been very clear before. We don't need people to fundamentally change their abilities, but they need to fit the new bit in the powers section of the CS. As it stands now, everyone's powers are kind of all over the place and it'll make things more complicated later if we don't iron it out before we start. Like comparing the stuff we accepted near the beginning to the stuff we've accepted now it became clear that the abilities didn't really match up in terms of how powerful they are and how the'll grow over time and we just want people's abilities to be on the same level of effectiveness. Also it won't work plot-wise if its just inexplainable magic. We're nowhere near physicists so just like... make some shit up that sounds like it might be alien tech :P

ok, let me make one thing clear.

If you´re gonna dictate something about what other people can do, it´s basic courtesy you either do it from the beginning or stay silent forever. As it stands, this is just dictatorship and if it was not for the fact that I´ve already spent what....two weeks? Three weeks? Working on the character , it´s something I could easily leave the roleplay over. Because, where does it stop? Let me make this straight, you CAN`T balance power levels if the abilities aren´t roughly the same thing. It´s just not possible. The most you can do is assure everyone fills a role in the group, rather than two people doing the same thing. So, if you´re gonna force us to change the powers now over an unnacomplishable goal like that, what´s stopping you from dictating half our actions later in the RP without even giving us a reason?

And this is not to mention how demoralizing it is to have people change their CSs even BEFORE accepting them (I know by experience that a lot of my roleplays fall to this), but AFTER their accepted? It can really break the confidence in a GM, so it better be done in a (excuse the language) f***king emergency, only.

I know I can be a rather confrontational person and one that will speak up about the things I find wrong or unfair. So, I get the temptation to ignore what´s here or to just outright tell me to shut up (whether or not you´re do this is not what I´m saying, just that it may be tempting to). But I´m BEGGING you to take my words, whichever they may be, into account. Because I love this roleplay. I love the effort that was put into it, the consistent of the magic system, the lore, the journals, the characters! It´s truly impressive. So I would hate to see it go down for what I see is your most common mistake, a lack of consideration for the ramifications of your individual actions.

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