OOC Chat

Okay to be honest I'm not 100% sure what your complaint here is, but I'll throw out my two cents.
Just because you're used to thinking of RP in a certain way doesn't mean that's the way it works for this RP. Relationships, characters, powers...they all matter in a big way. Everything will be changing and growing over time. Your CS is a fluid collaborative work to track your character's and the RP's progress. This is why we say this is a 'Detailed' RP. Because yeah, there is extra work involved in reading and writing and developing your character. We defined Detailed to be not about the length of posts but about the work you put into the RP. We made every point to be as clear about this as possible, even including a whole page for it in the Rules. If this is not the right RP for you, you are free to leave at any time with no hard feelings. 

On the other hand, there has been some confusion over the fact that this RP has been in development since I first put up the Interest Check. I didn't want to spend a lot of time working on something no one was interested in. It was just an idea I had that sounded fun at the time. So yeah, there have been kinks to work out along the way. But that's why we have a community where everyone has always had the ability to add input and have their ideas be incorporated. Of course, as we have been working behind the scenes to fill out the plot / lore, the chances for outside player input have begun to diminish. But coming up with a solidified plan was necessary otherwise we would have no direction for the course of the RP.  Also the GMs themselves have not been immune to this fluid nature of the RP, and have had to make the same exact changes and updates as everyone else.

Another source of confusion is the fact that this RP has mystery elements. This is my personal choice because I think starting out clueless is a fun way to be engaged with the RP and those types of RPs are my personal favorite. Like your character, you are practically in the dark and have to discover things for yourself. However, implementing this full stop is impractical for an RP of this nature so of course we've had to reveal some things your character won't automatically know. Because of the need to retain secrecy some ideas might not have come out as clearly the first time, because I'm writing from a place of knowledge to people who shouldn't have that knowledge. Not to mention there have been multiple times where people have read something and then they all interpret differently. In these instances I have done my best to clear things up; that's the main point of recent Announcements. It's not that things are being changed, it's that they were interpreted falsely and got to the point where it seemed like it would be a problem in the RP.

You may think that we just post a bunch of shit because we have no idea what we're doing or want to torture you guys or belittle you or whatever but that is not the case at all. We spend hours on the phone talking about everything for the RP before it's finalized. LITERALLY HOURS of planning has gone into this RP since I first put up the Interest Check. Not to minimize anyone else's participation (because it really has been amazing to see the characters grow and the way you guys have responded to the journals and the updates) but we have spent just as much time working on our own characters as well as thinking about everything else for the RP. And as GMs we make decisions looking at the bigger picture, so while something might not seem fair to someone at the moment, we definitely have our reasons for it which are determined by the underlying logic of the RP that perhaps you just don't understand yet. 
So far the only instances in which we have asked for someone to change something is because it A) Directly conflicts with the written lore (outside of the villains I cannot think of a single case where something was asked to be changed because of "unexplained reasons" or unwritten Lore, and even in the case of the villains we made it clear that the more plot-important ones would come in later precisely so you guys wouldn't have to change much). B) Directly conflicts with someone else's character (if two characters have the same personality / abilities / ect.). Or C) Directly breaks a rule of the RP. We are very open about our reasoning and can readily explain and defend any decision we have made thus far should anyone ever require it.

And while we would never tell a player to just 'shut up' and we do take everything to heart, I will admit it is a bit frustrating to be torn down after every single update when the answer almost always lies in a simple misunderstanding or not reading things through clearly. This RP is supposed to be fun for everyone, including the GMs who are both doing their best. Flipping @wizard nibblers, this RP wasn't even her idea at all, and yet she has graciously been here to help me organize it and come up with ideas because of my busy schedule.

Calling this a 'dictatorship' is harsh and honestly a bit hurtful given how much care we put into making this an RP where everyone has a voice.
If this RP has stopped being fun or engaging for anyone there is nothing forcing them to stay.

first of all, I want to make it clear that I was not attacking the GMs in any way, nor disregarding their hard work. I aknowledge , as a person who GMs several RPs and has therefore awareness of just how much hard work can really go into such things (heck, I´ve been working on an RP that hasn´t even come out yet for the last 13 months ), the fact that you have been putting heart and soul into this.

However, the reason I said it as a dictatorship is because of a fact that, as such, does not depend on my opinion over how an RP should be run, but in the very basic of respect for my dignity as a person and member of this roleplay. Simply put, nomatter who you are or what you think, you don´t have the right to change your criteria after telling someone they´re done. I can understand there being an emergency where you suddenly realize that something you approved actually went against your criteria in such a way that could prove to be a problem: but changing criteria for an impossible task and such a mundane attempt is disregarding the time I previously spent trying to fix my CS for the previous criteria. Changing your criteria is what makes things into a dictatorship, that and the fact that our only option and the only thing we get to do about it is leave. It´s like an unspoken threat.

I realize my sort of criticism can and likely will hurt. I don´t want to hurt anyone, though. What I am trying to do is cut the problem by the root as I always try to. This was a random, but thankfully minor (although until further clarification - by the way, double check that the way you word things is clear, because this time it really wasn´t- I thought it was a lot bigger than it turned out to be), infraction against that, once a character is accepted, they are cannon to the RP, and that ignoring that among others things violates the dignity of players. However, "when one does not act the way they think, they start to think the way they act" as we say around here. My goal with this criticism is to raise awareness about these problems as to perhaps give you and who knows who else some understanding on these matters to help avoid repeating the mistake with worse consequences.
I was making CS just for the heck of it, and I was looking for a face claim when I just



Nailed it.
If The Power of Friendship™ doesn't factor into this roleplay in some way, I will be mildly upset.  
"We might have lost the war with the aliens and destroyed the world, but at least we had fun with friends along the way." :)  

- Delia, Probably

I can totally see Aurora jumping in place everytime anyone goes like "I summon" and Aurora would just look around looking for pentagram circles calling the devil or something....
Nope, found it


His name is Rex Taylor.  He's a 15 year old Canadian student in the Self Defense club.

Sorry to add another blond, pretty boy to the character roster   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Pretzel HeartDamn. You had to do essays, then got sick, then got to study for finals, and I think you said that you were studying for the GRE. I'm surprised a post wasn't made that the rp didn't start because of spontaneous head implosion caused by worst week ever.
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@Shelter Lmao yea I probably chose the worst time to host an RP -cough hack-

But I work hard so I can party hard next semester maybe hopefully please

I swear I've been working on OP in-between fever dreams. It's almost there. I can't imagine it being up much later than tomorrow evening. ''oTZ

Do you ever just do something, and you get really into it, but you finish and you look it over and think, "I might have thought a little bit too much into this?"

Because I reworked Delia's powers, and I'm looking at it now, and it's not as convoluted or complicated as it looks, but at the same time...

I got far too zealous with it.  Idk if I should even post it at this point
Do you ever just do something, and you get really into it, but you finish and you look it over and think, "I might have thought a little bit too much into this?"

Because I reworked Delia's powers, and I'm looking at it now, and it's not as convoluted or complicated as it looks, but at the same time...

I got far too zealous with it.  Idk if I should even post it at this point


Yep , my kind of stuff sometimes...

@Pretzel HeartDamn. You had to do essays, then got sick, then got to study for finals, and I think you said that you were studying for the GRE. I'm surprised a post wasn't made that the rp didn't start because of spontaneous head implosion caused by worst week ever.

Do you ever just do something, and you get really into it, but you finish and you look it over and think, "I might have thought a little bit too much into this?"

Because I reworked Delia's powers, and I'm looking at it now, and it's not as convoluted or complicated as it looks, but at the same time...

I got far too zealous with it.  Idk if I should even post it at this point

Post it. Everything willwork out fine.

I'm on night life u can't hide that from me

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