OOC Chat


* It's finally time to post! Whoooot! Your op definitely doesn't have to be as long as this one, but please try and include the following:

-Your character's reaction to the physical effects of the soul-bounding

-How and why they get to Gyokuto Crater

-Their obtaining the Charm

-Their reaction to the vision

-Meeting Mitya (and the others), for interactions' sake
Hey @Pretzel Heart does everyone end up in the same place as Mitya does in his vison or can the vision for each person be different. I'm clear on the rest of the stuff you explained on the post.
Hey @Pretzel Heart does everyone end up in the same place as Mitya does in his vison or can the vision for each person be different. I'm clear on the rest of the stuff you explained on the post.

They end up in the same place, it's essentially the same recording attached to each Charm, but the ending is slightly tailored to each Scout because of the different speakers talking to them. You can add on to my descriptions though as long as the general architecture doesn't change too much, if that makes sense.
Hope that helps. 
I'm going to sleep for today, and just a tip, but I was really confused with the "he"s , a lot of them I couldn't understand who they were referring to
I was working on an assignment for a college class and I saw the IC post was up, never felt so motivated to succeed in my entire life.
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I keep trying to think of witty names for Delia's powers, and I kind of hate myself because I keep coming back to "WHAT'S A SUPER SALAD?!"


* Side note- If Delia were a Pokemon, she'd 110% be an espurr.

The meme doesn't even make sense when it comes to her powers what the heck
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I keep trying to think of witty names for Delia's powers, and I kind of hate myself because I keep coming back to "WHAT'S A SUPER SALAD?!"


* Side note- If Delia were a Pokemon, she'd 110% be an espurr.

The meme doesn't even make sense when it comes to her powers what the heck

Call it whatever you want. Wiznibs and I both used memes, so

@Pretzel Heart

Since I'm having a hard time to read, can you quote the part for the charms for me? Or are the charms the artifacts?

Uhm can you clarify the question? 

Oh yeah, since Mitya is supposed to be undercover, if you want Nolan to recognize him I guess it could work if his friend was Russian or just into Russian pop lol and since Nolan is the more perceptive type I could buy him putting things together. That means he and Haruo are the only ones so far who know though.
(I probably won't be able to really work on a post until after my exam on the 20th jsyk)



Can you please put another line break inbetween your paragraphs?  RPN really messes up formatting like that, and it makes your post super hard to read.  
I'ma play an unwise game called "What's Faster?" Me getting through this line or typing out an airport baby for this RP.

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