OOC Chat

Yeah I think we should give a bit more time for people to get intro posts in before moving on. It hasn't even been a week yet so they still got some time.

Is that the one with the weird love triangle and the tan girl?
ok, I´ll wait then

never heard the name, in English at least, what is the japan name?

Um I don't know of a Japanese name

Yeah I think we should give a bit more time for people to get intro posts in before moving on. It hasn't even been a week yet so they still got some time.

Is that the one with the weird love triangle and the tan girl?

yeah that's it! I actually really liked it XD But I was just wondering if there were any fans of it cause japan made a live action movie which come out some time 2017. It's looks good and I'm excited for it :smile2:
Go ahead without me my friend. 

I just got a new job, am busy with army recruitment and just found out I'm about to have a child, so I've basically got no time :(  

So do you want to drop the RP? 

But good luck with everything! Sounds exciting, right? 
So could somebody double up, or are we gonna put this on hold 'till we find a replacement?

It's not on hold. We don't need everyone to RP. Never thought we'd start with them all anyways.  :smile5:  People's CS and stuff will have to be edited though. :(
Going to wait and see if anyone else needs to dip out before start actively recruiting.
At the moment still prefer if only one Scout to player. 
It's not on hold. We don't need everyone to RP. Never thought we'd start with them all anyways.  :smile5:  People's CS and stuff will have to be edited though. :(
Going to wait and see if anyone else needs to dip out before start actively recruiting.
At the moment still prefer if only one Scout to player. 


What if Sagittarius was a veteran Star Scout who could come in later and be all lone wolf at first because he's from the previous generation and is too upset about the death of his team to work with the new one but then realizes that he was supposed to be with our characters all along

Also, changed up my character. Can you review his abilities to make sure they check out?
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What if Sagittarius was a veteran Star Scout who could come in later and be all lone wolf at first because he's from the previous generation and is too upset about the death of his team to work with the new one but then realizes that he was supposed to be with our characters all along

Also, changed up my character. Can you review his abilities to make sure they check out?

Hhhhrrrmmmmrr it's an interesting idea, but I don't think it could work out. Then again, it will up to the new player to come up with their interpretation. Depending on how long it takes us to find a replacement, they will have lots of options.

We'll look at it.
I've been reading everyone else's intros to get ideas.  Unfortunately, I have the attention span of a rodent and they're all kinda long.
I've been reading everyone else's intros to get ideas.  Unfortunately, I have the attention span of a rodent and they're all kinda long.

I want my intro up tonight too... I just... seemed to have forgotten how to write.


If I may offer a piece of advise (tough I myself spent almost 10 hours staring at the screen trying to figure what to type...) trying going over your character sheets. Focus on that first and uses the mandatory content as filler. Ask yourselves how your character and the people around them would be reacting to the spaceships and to the massive headaches and voices. For example, I had my character assume she was sensing a stalker since she´s that paranoid. She lives alone, but I had classmates react to her reaction. Stuff like that. Use this space as an illustration of who your character is, what their motivations are, and what kind of group dynamic and way of looking at difficulties and wonders they have.

If it still comes off short, take your time describing the visions from your character´s perspectives. Think of what your character would know, how they grew up, and draw from that to establish how they would describe and react to the vision and the rock.

If this still comes short, don´t worry: it´s not like you actually have to write a titanpost like the rest. I do realize that´s not the best advise ever, since a person will likely feel uncomfortable not matching, but I hope my advise served for something.
lolol if anyone gets to call you guys weebs its me without the anime fc ;)

Coming from someone who doesn't write much (and has little RP experience lol) don't go for length, just say what you want to say about your character.  It's nice to use the opening post to give a sense of your character, but you have the whole RP to establish and explore them~

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