OOC Chat

I know it might be too late to do this, but I added that my character does Tennis. It's always been on the back of my mind since she has high agility. Also she would look really nice in a tennis uniform
I know it might be too late to do this, but I added that my character does Tennis. It's always been on the back of my mind since she has high agility. Also she would look really nice in a tennis uniform

It's not too late. :CaptainCat:

I'm sure we can find the ugliest Catholic school uniform to---  I mean yeah cute uniforms! 
As in, how many people know that the spaceships exist? They're big and huge and floating in full view and pretty much everyone on earth knows unless you've not looked up at the sky or read any news article ever for a month or two lolol

ok, and what kind of action , governmental and all was taken? I think you may have mentioned it before but I want to be absolutely clear about it, since such information will affect a segment of my post.
ok, and what kind of action , governmental and all was taken? I think you may have mentioned it before but I want to be absolutely clear about it, since such information will affect a segment of my post.

It's all here: https://www.rpnation.com/topic/274258-history-of-extraterrestrial-contact/

I think the only thing that hasn't been mentioned there is that been two months since then and that the school semester has been in session for 2 weeks which was in pretz's post but it was mentioned briefly so I wanna make sure that wasn't skipped over 
Hmm well this is a contradiction I noticed:

the weird spaceships that had appeared right over our town

The closest of the spaceships, called 'Dounachuu" by its fans, loomed over downtown Tokyo, specifically the Shibuya district, or so he had heard. The nickname had come from a popular Twitter artist who designed a cute and charming mascot for the vessel, creating an internet sensation that had apparently evolved into actual merchandising in certain districts. But that was all very far away. Rumor had it that on clear days Dounachuu's faint outline could be glimpsed from the top of Inubousaki Lighthouse.

But that's it.
Whoot first posts! 
In the spirit of procrastination I took on this little side project in rendering everyone's names as they might appear in Japanese. I have always had a fascination with names in Japanese because I love how deeply layered kanji can be, even if they are a pain in the butt to learn. Plus katakana localizations are always fun, though another thing I'm not the best at so any practice is good practice! I tried to sound it out for myself then check if there were official / commonly used renderings. The Japanese names appear in Japanese order (family name, first name), and the others in the said order (first, middle, last). Let me know what you think of my choices, or if you had something different in mind.  :smile5:

Takumi Morisawa: 守早匠 (Mori - To protect, Sawa - Fast, Takumi - Artisan. I chose this name because of Morisawa's obvious ties to heroics and as a nod to a certain man. Takumi was also a Fire Emblem reference given who else is in the Astronomy Club. :Ghostuvu:  His family is all full of highly-skilled individuals so it would make sense that they'd want him to live up to this name. Plus it is easy to write for a practical family constantly on the go!)

Ai Yoshizumi: 義澄愛 (Yoshi - Righteousness, Zumi- Clarity, Ai - Love. Each kanji is detailed and beautiful which might be attributed to her more scholarly father; it's a big name to live up to which might explain some of her insecurities. Writing 'Ai' in kanji is the most common use in first names. This is the most difficult name to write in the RP lol but Ai seems like the sort of hard-working person who wouldn't mind it.)

Riley Barkley: ライリー・バークレー 

Arthur Eustace Gaucebert:アーサー・ユースタス・ガースベールト (Since he's British I included the hard 't' in his surname as opposed to the more French reading?)

Sakura Omi: 臣桜 (Omi - A governmental position like a retainer, Sakura - Cherry Blossom Tree. Its a simple but beautifully-rendered name with visual appeal. Chose to use the kanji for sakura over the more common hiragana spelling because of her more traditional tastes and discipline-oriented parents.)

Dedrick Van Gogh: デッドリック・ファンゴッホ (I was curious to learn this is how Van Gogh is rendered in Japanese! It's literally Fuangohho. But I used the same spelling as the famous artist.)

Akemi Marugo: 丸子明美 (Maru - Round, emphasizing the perfection / completeness of roundness, Go - Child, Ake - Bright, Mi - Beautiful. Seems like Marugo might be an unusual surname as this is the only used reading I could find for it, but it also fits in with the pressures put upon Akemi by her family. Akemi uses the most common reading, which could make sense given that her mother didn't think much about her as a child :smile13:  But it still has a nice meaning.)

Aurora Ayumi: 杏弓おおろら (A - Apricot, Yumi - Japanese bow, Aurora rendered in hiragana. Kind of went out on a limb with this one since Ayumi is most commonly a first name, but this reading seemed like it could work as a surname. Thought it was nice that it combines something from nature with a weapon, given her parents' shared views on ecology and their professions. I thought they might use hiragana for her name over katakana because they're an unusual family and to underline her Japanese-ness.)

Eruna Tenka: 天華えるな (Ten - Heaven / Sky, Ka - Splendor, Eruna rendered in hiragana. I used the most common reading for the surname, but it also fits nicely with Eruna's personality, that 'ka' is a girlish kanji in my opinion. I got the impression that her family might be more laid back like Eruna, so I thought simple hiragana would suit her over more complex kanji. Overall an easy to write but pretty name.)

Manami Nishikawa: 西川真浪 (Nishi - West, Kawa - River, Ma - True / Real, Nami - Wandering / Billows. Nishikawa is a pretty common surname and I can't imagine it being written any other way. But her family isn't anything special so a common name kind of fits. Also apparently the kanji for Nishi used to be used to refer to Spain, which is coincidentally fitting given that Taurus is the Bull. Yay learning! Manami I used a rarer reading with its emphasis on spirituality and hard work. Maybe her family had high hopes for their daughter?)

Nolan Alvarado: ノーラン・アルヴァラド

Haruo Oshiro: 御城春男 (O - Honorable prefix, Shiro - Castle, Haru - Spring, O - Son / Boy. I used the most common reading for Oshiro but I think the idea of a fortress rather fits them. The reading for Haruo was included in his CS.  :smile3:  )

Delia Olivia Eriksen: デリア・オリビア・エリクセン

Nikola Beranek: ニコラ・ベラネク

Mitrokha Alekseev: ミトロカ・アレクシーフ

Koray Turabov: コレイ・ツラボフ
Fun Fact: I too, enjoy coming up with how to write characters names in Japanese, so for all my Japanese characters I've also picked out, well, characters for their given names, (in Takemi's case I picked out her family name's writing too)  any way, I'll just steal that writing of Nishikawa for myself, thank you much.  For Manami I actually picked out these ones: 茉海, jasmine and ocean.  You put more thought into it than I did, lol.  i just thought they looked nice and didn't want to use the character for Beauty because I already put it in Takemi's name. 
@Pretzel Heart Wow. That must have taken a lot of work to do, I didn't know so much meaning existed in Akemi's name. I just picked her name from a generator lol. Thank you so much.
According to the site I took it from "Ayumi"  means "peace, stroll, walk" . Aurora is actually a portuguese name (or at least it was intended that way), a word also used for the boreal aurora.
The thing about Japanese names is that, in general, there are a ton of different ways to write a certain name, and a ton of different ways to read certain characters within the name.  You think a dozen varieties of Caitlin is bad?  Nah, yah got nothin'; look at this:


Apparently this site doesn't even have all the variations for some names. 
@Veradana That's a nice reading, too! Has such pretty imagery. Girls names are so elegant...lol.

@Shelter It's not that hard, once you start to familiarize yourself with certain kanji and the meanings. It's good practice for me since kanji in names often use really obscure readings, especially these days there's seems to be a trend with using the most obscure readings in names so they get overly complicated really quickly. But I do enjoy learning about kanji, the way that they can add meaning just through the types of radicals used or the way it looks, blurring the boundary between the verbal medium of literature and the visual, creating extreme depth and ambiance with just a few brush strokes (nerdnerdnerdnerdnerdnerdnerdNERDNERDNERD)

@Idea Hmm hm it seems like this 和歩 is the spelling your source was referring to. Ai - Peace, Yumi - Walk. 

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