OOC Chat

The SHIS students get the rep around Choshi for being the students with the weird international students with the weird hats.  I can dig it

I just really love that movie and Ezra Miller.  I think I'm going to get to go see Fantastic Beasts this weekend, and I am super hyped for it tbh.

That's why the kids at the other schools beat them up and they need their own self defense force it all makes sense now

It's a lot of fun (even for a cynic like me who over-analyzes everything past the point of enjoyment). @wizard nibblers and I are both in deep if you ever want to talk...   :lenny:

::O I'm here btw.

Welcome to the fam bam

Excuse you this is a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger RP ok

Mmm I do have the power to force everyone into ugly hats mm don't tempt me. The uniforms are bad enough.  :smile9:

I love how you gave a whole mini movie review there it's actor credits and everything lmao. Well have to say I wasn't expecting that answer. Mostly because I don't remember any bows and arrows in that movie but you know. 

Weird I think I've seen most of the stuff Miller has been in but never really connected him as being the same person until now lol. Of course my favorite has to be Fantastic Beasts because I have such a guilty pleasure for that movie despite its glaring flaws GDI 

No but like the school doesn't really care that much about what the students wear as long as it looks school uniform-ish and is in the school colors because the hats are so signature and as long as you're wearing the hat you're good
No but like the school doesn't really care that much about what the students wear as long as it looks school uniform-ish and is in the school colors because the hats are so signature and as long as you're wearing the hat you're good


The school has a very strict uniform policy.

The school has a very strict uniform policy.




Some anime be like: "You're wearing striped socks, eye-patch, finger-less gloves, and you're wearing a necklace of the anti-christ ... but you're wearing the school tie, so it's cool lol."
Some anime be like: "You're wearing striped socks, eye-patch, finger-less gloves, and you're wearing a necklace of the anti-christ ... but you're wearing the school tie, so it's cool lol."

My student council breaks all the uniform rules tbh.
No but like the school doesn't really care that much about what the students wear as long as it looks school uniform-ish and is in the school colors because the hats are so signature and as long as you're wearing the hat you're good

I just need a group picture with all the characters each wearing the cricket hat.
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By the way, what time zone are all you in? Because sometimes I see people post stuff at 2am.
By the way, what time zone are all you in? Because sometimes I see people post stuff at 2am.

It's just cause I completely destroyed my own sleep cycle.

Some anime be like: "You're wearing striped socks, eye-patch, finger-less gloves, and you're wearing a necklace of the anti-christ ... but you're wearing the school tie, so it's cool lol."

My student council breaks all the uniform rules tbh.

Well, yes. Even in the King of Games this


passes for uniforms.

But this RP is set in a normal world (well, before the alien shit comes in) and based upon the my own experiences and observations in Japan. So the school is rather strict. . 3.
Gotta stir up any and all tension. And I like having a sense of a physical embodied school community.

As for time zones I'm in GMT-5.
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Well, yes. Even in the King of Games this


passes for uniforms.

But this RP is set in a normal world (well, before the alien shit comes in) and based upon the my own experiences and observations in Japan. So the school is rather strict. . 3.
Gotta stir up any and all tension. And I like having a sense of a physical embodied school community.

As for time zones I'm in GMT-5.

Welp, I'm four hours behind at least.
Every male character besides Koray and Haruo has blond hair lol

Technically Mitya is a ginger because he has crabs but yea. I keep thinking 'why don't we have any Japanese guys?' (sorry Haruo you just hang out in the shadows too much).

We've almost got a full roster

I never in a million years thought we'd start with this many characters tbh. I hope it's not too many
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