1 minute ago, JPax said:

*Smacks @Thalia_Neko* U hurt my feelings!!!!




It was 2013, during the summer. France was in a heatwave, it was reaching (and surpassing) 35-40*C (95-104*F), which, for a Brit, is numbing.... I can't even handle temperatures of 18*C or over, so this for me was suicide levels of heat...

We went over on the ferry. And I have chronic motion sickness,and even though it was flat calm, I was ridiculously sick on the very short journey. We went (thankfully) in the car, and my Dad's Audi is the only vehicle in existence that won't make me sick. So, I still felt pretty bad from the ferry, but I was getting better.

My Dad has quite a wealthy friend, who took one of his boats from the canals of England, over the channel, to the canals of France. We were set to stay on said boat...

So, we arrive at the boat. It's getting to 40*C now, and it's midday. I'm spending literally all my time in the air conditioned car. We walk to the boat, and I'm ready to pass out from the heat... We reach the boat, and my Dad unlocks and opens the door. A very warm mushroom cloud of stale air hits us in the face, like we just got hit in the face by a fire...

We had no choice but to go into the boat, and I can't even function, so instead of sleeping, I watch the whole Harry Potter series.

So, after having not a wink of sleep, we vacated the earthly embodiment of hell, and getting back into the heaven of the car, we set off again.

We drive for hours, and, thanks to my Dad navigating, get very VERY lost. Now, I did French for GCSE, and I'm the only one who can speak a word of it. So my Dad stops beside a construction site, and asks the 3 men chatting there (in english) if they can help. They (obviously) can't speak a word of English, and I ask in broken french if they know anyone who could, or if they could help us.

They phone up their sister, who did english as a degree, and tell us they want to show us something...

They take us to this massive champagnery, and we discover that we just asked 3 millionaires, that own literally all the land in a 20 mile radius, for help. They give us champagne, (I don't drink, so I didn't have any) probably at least £200 worth. And the sister phones a local B&B, and gets us a room, then drives in front of us, to take us there.

We stay in this really nice B&B, then the next day, decide to head up to Belgium (The area we were in in france was around Rimes). Long story short, we find an amazing B&B, with a lovely couple, land, a swimming pool, river, hot tub ect. And we had breakfast with them every morning, and toured round the area for a few days, and then go home!

That's my story! Probably the best I have.
Why did I choose remote teleportation for a char, you can't name magic powers unless it's something stupid along the lines of "Move" or "Blink" -_-  
Whoa, sounds like a crazy time that trip! I remember love riding the ferries across the channel to France, so it sucks that it was such a horrible experience for you. And as a fool-hardy college student, I'd be more than ready to down such expensive champagne, pretty rare I can get any good ones with my budget. Plus the french millionaire treatment must have been so awesome. I enjoyed the story a whole lot. I wish I can ask more, but looks like you're going to sleep. D^:

Good night!
Well now that RP isn't happening for me who wants to go to the beach?!





1 minute ago, JPax said:

Well now that RP isn't happening for me who wants to go to the beach?!







im quickly learning you tend to explode.... O_O explosion count: 2
Same... I'm just sketching and laughing while reading this ridiculous OOC. 
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I haven't gone to bed yet... ;-;

It's just the whole "Body appearing out of nowhere" has a lot of meaning to my character.... So I'm gonna need to think a lot more for it.

Also, can said body be a young boy? (It'd help with the aforementioned meaning lol)

I'm glad you all liked my story!  :D

... School systems in the UK and America are super different lol, so I assume you mean American college, so UK university?

I'm applying for uni at the moment lol.
im just super excited for more people to rp in the coven xD this is already one of my fave rps in recent memory, im glad i made it a hosted project

yes it can be FrostFire :>
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