Just now, Thalia_Neko said:

Just make the ring like a bracelet or something. Change it like that I mean.

Also, no Mirror Dimension. At least not like how it is in Doctor Strange, because then it removes the stakes of the rp.

Also I intend to use mirrors for something very soon.


what about pocket dimensions? 
I mean there are many different types of magic in this rp. So Im not going to be very stringent on these things, as long as they make some sense, and aren't rp-breaking op.
Alright, I'll post it. It's inspired from my avatar, but of course, done in my own style. I'm not sure if I should color or leave it black and white... Hmm, and I need to work on adding a background as well. I'm also thinking of cutting it in half... ugh, so much to do. D^:


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Yeah, I'm a big fan of using two completely different things to show contrast, in order to capture the best parts of them. In this piece, I tried a 'Hopeless - Hopeful', but of course, I like making things slightly grim, so it ended up having that feeling too. X^D 
It's creepy as fuck. Maybe you should make a character out of her and give her the power to cause hallucinations on weak willed people
Funny you should say that @Broncos I'm not sure if it's coincidence or you noticed the similarities, but It's actually my current OC without the mask on. So maybe one day, I might use this image for this roleplay. X^D
I imagine Natalia just patting Lilian's head, "Now, now, don't get angry. I have no intention of stealing any of big sister's things." 
Hehe you're doing totally fine! Its really well done and interesting xD <3 Yeah id imagine you should rp the werewolf since you seem to know where this is headed <3 

Aww, thank you! <3

You have no idea how much that boosts my confidence.... I'm still relatively new to RPing, but I'm no stranger to writing lol.

I actually wrote a book a while back... But I scrapped it, bc I was to critical of my own writing lol... :')
Well this is something I wasnt expecting and Im really enjoying it lol xD  so yah it must be good :P

and aww :< ive done basically the same thing 

(if your new to it i couldnt really tell, you rp really well in comparison to a lot of people ive rped with haha)
Awwww! Thanks. :$

Yeah, it's tough... I should've gotten my English teacher to read it lol. Although... I tend to write some pretty messed up stuff, so it isn't really something for an English teacher to read lol.

I'm just too much of a horror junkie to not write something in that genre... X3

Fantasy + Horror = <3
fantasy + horror is the best xD


also blueflame is like the name of a weapon from demons souls xD
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