OOC Chat

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2 minutes ago, Keidivh said:

Lol, that's seems like it would fit our team oddly :P

But I have an idea that might fix the team name, if Olivia's name becomes Gaia (Earth)

Team SAGE anyone?



wrong person xD  Lilla isn't on your team. There are two teams of four.

Edit: oops. i misread your response to me as something else entirely. srry
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Okay I posted, Lilla's dislike of crowds has been triggered, she now recluses.

btw, Nyx isn't actually near Lilla, Skye and Joshua. she is just in their field of view since she messed up her landing. hence the wave hi. otherwise if she was close she would have just said hi in her monotone voice.

2 minutes ago, Keidivh said:

Haha, don't worry I'm aware :)

Think I'm with Echo, Argent and Sienna?

If I become a G, then we'd have a kickass team name!


funny you say that. cause a few pages back we were talking about your team's name being SAGE. xD  weird coincidence. 
btw, Nyx isn't actually near Lilla, Skye and Joshua. she is just in their field of view since she messed up her landing. hence the wave hi. otherwise if she was close she would have just said hi in her monotone voice.

funny you say that. cause a few pages back we were talking about your team's name being SAGE. xD  weird coincidence. 

Really? Well now it seems like I have to switch it :P
Really? Well now it seems like I have to switch it :P

nonononono, you certainly don't have to if you'd rather not. didn't mean to make you feel pressured to change the name. i just thought it was a cool coincidence. 
yup, but it also makes Olivia the team leader :P


Lol, this is all I can think of to describe Olivia leading! xD  Part of me desperately wants to see that though because... Well because the lolz :)
It is insanity. Easily one my favorite movies of all time. And the last shot was filled with symbolism holy crap. Its such a good movie.
"And while incredibly fun, plummeting tended to have a somewhat fatal aftermath"

is a beautiful line lol

and "I WASNT LATE" was super funny xD
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