OOC Chat

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Oh right! Wow its super neat, and complicated lol xD  But I like it :o  and see why its mostly useless against Grimm lol

I could see really, really powerful Grimm being affected by this, but regular Grimm are just mindless killers.

Anyway, I need sleep, and yeah, Lilla might swallow that little pride she has and ask for training, oh well. At least another Faunus is going to let Lilla be a lot more relaxed.
[SIZE= 12px]The guy has gotten back to me so we are good. more Grimm coming to bother the headmaster and team SA E. Even if the headmaster is triggered enough as is by Team INJL XD.[/SIZE]
I'd like to see her go up against Haemon, my Berserker

Berserker Rage- Haemon's animal instincts begin to take over. He will no longer feel pain or fatigue for a short time. Upon activation, his aura explodes into a fiery blaze, making him seem like a bonfire. Anyone with aura glows the color of their aura in his eyes only. However, Grimm appear as they normally look. This ability causes him to become a reckless force of anger. His aura immediately shuts down, allowing others to harm him without his aura to protect or aid him. After the time is up, he will collapse into a comatose-like state until his aura has fully recharged. Another way for it to end, is if he were to take enough damage to prove life-threatening.

I had another semblance that was a berserk thing, but what would happen was her aura defense would go up 5 times, making her go form like 90 Aura points (Like they showed in vytal festival and stuff) to 450. The downside was is the character would fight with no regard to their own safety, making them a berserk tank glass cannon, but I Thought that was waaay too much.

[SIZE= 12px]The guy has gotten back to me so we are good. more Grimm coming to bother the headmaster and team SA E. Even if the headmaster is triggered enough as is by Team INJL XD.[/SIZE]

okay i would like to say Lilla wanted to get out, the rest of my team is to blame for the huge grimm fights...

pleast dont hurt us headmaster flint / sadist GM blackjack.
Wait what, team INGL triggered the headmaster? xD

<3 i cant wait to see the new guys character lol

btw Semblance is powered by Aura, so the more you use your Semblance, your aura actually depletes to use it
Wait what, team INGL triggered the headmaster? xD

<3 i cant wait to see the new guys character lol

Because we weren't focusing the objective and kept killing Grimm! So we have to be put into place....or something like that...oh well...see you guys tomorrow >_<
I had another semblance that was a berserk thing, but what would happen was her aura defense would go up 5 times, making her go form like 90 Aura points (Like they showed in vytal festival and stuff) to 450. The downside was is the character would fight with no regard to their own safety, making them a berserk tank glass cannon, but I Thought that was waaay too much.

What I think would happen is that the AP detector would glitch and not show his aura 'shutdown'
Stalling again...

I feel like I want Lilla to have two personalities. Her normal one, and then one that hides inside her until she uses her berserk semblance, and some story as the more she uses her semblance the more the other personality comes out, even when she isn't using the semblance.

okay for realsies going to bed.
It's not like he's super mad just angry because he has been going through a lot and no one listened when he said focus on the objective. he just realized he has a class of really cocky people is all and he wants to shut it down. he himself will do nothing but that's not who you have to bother about.
gnite mossino ^^ 

yah Skye's pretty cocky, haha and she thinks shes a great fighter already, but she'll be shown that shes not as good as she thinks
It's not like he's super mad just angry because he has been going through a lot and no one listened when he said focus on the objective. he just realized he has a class of really cocky people is all and he wants to shut it down. he himself will do nothing but that's not who you have to bother about.

I mean if anything, apart from him killing the Grimms originally, Joshua at least heard him when he said pocket watches. 
im sorry guys. i trying to type a post. but fatigue and mental exhaustion is making it harder then it should be. so im gonna get some sleep and you guys can just go on without me if you want.
Hehe, enjoy my recent post Mossino! Cant wait to see how Lilla reacts! X3

I’m not honestly sure yet how Lilla will react to that vanity. Annoyed at first, and then find it funny when even Skye realizes how ridiculous she was being. Dunno, but that was a really good post. But yeah, see, I wasn’t expecting to have 6’2 giant scary faunus woman that was really powerful on Lilla’s team. That is gonna make her open up a lot faster, feeling more comfortable around someone who is well, like her.
i have posted. but i wasn't sure what to do since Nyx was left behind a bit. so i just had her arrive at the goal.

Edit: nevermind. i had her mess up her on her movement through the trees to meet the trio.
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