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lvl 1 draconic sorcerer with a +7 bonus due to a 17 Dex and improved initiative. 

ewwww a dragon sorcerer xD

lvl 1 hopeless bard with no bonuses and terrible timing xD

Edit: and now it seems my time has come.. to post. brb.
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If i end up suddenly disappearing until tomorrow. i fell asleep before either finishing my post or before i could post it. So im gonna apologise in advance, sorry.
Yeah, I think it makes sense for Lilla to open up to Skye first as well.

Yah it really does lol

Honestly kinda why I didnt want them to be partners, because it might be too easy of a relationship, but so far its fine and has been fun xD

Im actually expecting Lilla to ask Skyes help for some training in the sorta the same way Jaune asks Pyrrha xD
Yah it really does lol

Honestly kinda why I didnt want them to be partners, because it might be too easy of a relationship, but so far its fine and has been fun xD

Im actually expecting Lilla to ask Skyes help for some training in the sorta the same way Jaune asks Pyrrha xD

She might, maybe after her first major defeat. Lilla hasn't had a chance wait to show how powerful she is. Besides, she is meant to fight humans, not Grimm... Speaking of which, Lilla hides her semblance, because story, shit, just realized that, so I can't use it for a while.
She might, maybe after her first major defeat. Lilla hasn't had a chance wait to show how powerful she is. Besides, she is meant to fight humans, not Grimm... Speaking of which, Lilla hides her semblance, because story, shit, just realized that, so I can't use it for a while.


She might, maybe after her first major defeat. Lilla hasn't had a chance wait to show how powerful she is. Besides, she is meant to fight humans, not Grimm... Speaking of which, Lilla hides her semblance, because story, shit, just realized that, so I can't use it for a while.

I forgot what her semblance was, could you remind me without making me do work? lol xD
I forgot what her semblance was, could you remind me without making me do work? lol xD

People with aura's feel light to heavily reduced pain while their aura is up and active. It protects them from being mortally wounded as well. Lilla's semblance forms invisible temperature whips around her, extending from her aura. She can lacerate enemies that can feel pain with these whips, either cold or hot. The quick heating or cooling of that piece of flesh whipped with it feels like it was just cut down to the bone, while in reality the enemy took no damage.

It's called Blinding Pain, and it's meant as a distraction thing, with some other practical uses, here is the full description.



Blinding Pain - When Lilla activates her semblance, she will go into a berserk like state. While she will get extremely more aggressive during this state, however, the actual affect of her Semblance does one thing. It makes the recipient of her strikes feel pain in a much more intense way. While the enemy may not be actually wounded, they would feel like spikes are getting shoved into them, even though their aura is still protecting them from 100% of all physical damage. This is done by her aura now generating temperature differentials around her. When fighting an enemy, she increases the ambient temperature near where her strikes are going, making it feel like they have been hit, when in reality, a small part of their body had just raised temperature incredibly fast and then dropped again. This temperature can be hot or cold, and can be focused to do very specific things like freeze a small metal object to the point it shatters, or set some very flammable items alight. While the ambient temperature around her in this state may increase, or decrease some, her allies wouldn’t really be able to tell the different, but the recipient of her wrath certainly will.
Oh right! Wow its super neat, and complicated lol xD  But I like it :o  and see why its mostly useless against Grimm lol
People with aura's feel light to heavily reduced pain while their aura is up and active. It protects them from being mortally wounded as well. Lilla's semblance forms invisible temperature whips around her, extending from her aura. She can lacerate enemies that can feel pain with these whips, either cold or hot. The quick heating or cooling of that piece of flesh whipped with it feels like it was just cut down to the bone, while in reality the enemy took no damage.

It's called Blinding Pain, and it's meant as a distraction thing, with some other practical uses, here is the full description.



Blinding Pain - When Lilla activates her semblance, she will go into a berserk like state. While she will get extremely more aggressive during this state, however, the actual affect of her Semblance does one thing. It makes the recipient of her strikes feel pain in a much more intense way. While the enemy may not be actually wounded, they would feel like spikes are getting shoved into them, even though their aura is still protecting them from 100% of all physical damage. This is done by her aura now generating temperature differentials around her. When fighting an enemy, she increases the ambient temperature near where her strikes are going, making it feel like they have been hit, when in reality, a small part of their body had just raised temperature incredibly fast and then dropped again. This temperature can be hot or cold, and can be focused to do very specific things like freeze a small metal object to the point it shatters, or set some very flammable items alight. While the ambient temperature around her in this state may increase, or decrease some, her allies wouldn’t really be able to tell the different, but the recipient of her wrath certainly will.

I'd like to see her go up against Haemon, my Berserker

Berserker Rage- Haemon's animal instincts begin to take over. He will no longer feel pain or fatigue for a short time. Upon activation, his aura explodes into a fiery blaze, making him seem like a bonfire. Anyone with aura glows the color of their aura in his eyes only. However, Grimm appear as they normally look. This ability causes him to become a reckless force of anger. His aura immediately shuts down, allowing others to harm him without his aura to protect or aid him. After the time is up, he will collapse into a comatose-like state until his aura has fully recharged. Another way for it to end, is if he were to take enough damage to prove life-threatening.
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