OOC Chat

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And I was at class, now I need to study for ANA or procrastinate. You guys want a unique fight at the end of this chapter?
Anatomy, yes indeed is it a hellish class. Straight shot as well meaning whatever I get receives no curve or help. Great well to kill a college kids GPA.
[SIZE= 12px]Yes I have seen human hearts, brains, arteries. In a little bit I will be able to see a full cadaver which means a human body that has been cut open to do research on.[/SIZE]
i was gonna say after Mossino is able to post. you should post about Nyx and Joshua actually meeting Skye and Lilla. but you just left that to me with your response yesterday. ;-;

Ok, and Joshua would have actually done most of the talking anyway. But yeah, I'll wait until after Mossino posts.
[SIZE= 12px]Yes I have seen human hearts, brains, arteries. In a little bit I will be able to see a full cadaver which means a human body that has been cut open to do research on.[/SIZE]

you are far braver then i am. i cringe just from the sight of blood. not small bits of blood like cuts or scrapes. but like, bigger injuries.
[SIZE= 12px]Yes I have seen human hearts, brains, arteries. In a little bit I will be able to see a full cadaver which means a human body that has been cut open to do research on.[/SIZE]

This is gross! I could not handle that. The sight of such makes me sick! >< Im extremely squeamish

Not going to be a medical major I presume. Also if you guys want a fight I have two ideas in mind.

what are those fights you have in mind?
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