OOC Chat

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Show us one Mossino :D

And uh, I do want to reply next, but should we wait? I know theunderwolf said he was typing up a post a little while ago..

Let's see....actually I saved every one of these...

I have one that was 6000 words, almost, and another I think was really funny when put into context...

Lmao, here is a 3000 one I rushed for some reason, it's really bad, read at your own risk. For context my char is Nothel, this character I tried to make so super edgy.

Well, it had been a weird day hadn’t it? Nothel got called into the Guild Master’s office for some important information. Nothel for once was worried, did they find out what he did? That he killed that child… But, luckily enough the leader, Kakuma Blackflower, had noticed he had completed a fair sum of quests. In return, she had said it was his time to take the exam to progress to the next rank. It was dubbed quite simply, ‘C’ Rank. Nothel was currently D rank, and this would be a nice promotion for himself. He had been wondering what his exam was going to be every since he walked into the office. Amazingly enough, it was right up his alley. Go to a place, get items, kill the shit that tries to stop him, leave. Easy right? Most definitely, Nothel wasn’t going to let some stupid animals finish him off. Anyway, he was told that he had to go to some Black Rose controlled lands dubbed the ‘Crystal Plains.’ Oddly, lacrima crystals grew here, and his quests was two retrieve six decently sized crystals of these, then return back and present them. Honestly, he could just run in, grab the stuff and leave right? Well…it is never that easy is it? But, Nothel doesn’t know that, and he was in for the time of his life.

Anyway, he had just stepped inside the plains, and it was quite weird. The grass was dark, and felt tingling with magical energy. The area was quite beautiful; it was in never-ending twilight, stars sparkling in the sky. Across the ground there would be beautiful tiny crystals shimmering in the twilights light. Nothel would smile lightly, he had a slight spot for beautiful things, and this setting was nearly perfect. Shaking his head, he has to move on. Slowly going through the land, he looks for crystals of decent height. He was told nothing would attack him until he got some crystals, so he should be good. For now, that is.  Travelling through the plains, he looks for these crystals. Quite quickly he would post a nice sized chunk. Easy enough, one already, outta six. Taking out a sack he approaches the crystal. Bending down he puts his hands around it and attempts to pull the crystal out. After a bit of work, he pulls the crystal from the ground. It would shine a beautiful light blue, shimmering slowly. Smiling lightly, he stuffs the rock into the sack, standing back up. Five more to go. He would continue walking, being drawn towards the center of the plains for some reason. He doesn’t know why but it feels like the right thing to do. He really had to commend this place. It made him feel comfortable, relaxed, maybe even some odd form of happy. Though, this could be the excess magic in the air, putting him into some high like state. Whatever it was, he really enjoyed it.  Smiling slightly as he walked he would slowly progress into a skipping like state as he moves, skipping forward towards the next crystal.

After a few minutes, Nothel would be laughing to himself about some random jokes he came up with. He hadn’t even realized he was standing beside another lacrima crystal for at least a minute at this point. Smiling stupidly widely, he’d bend down and pull this crystal out. He’d have a hard time doing so and would fall down on his back after pulling it out. He’d laugh on the ground for a minute before dumping the crystal into the sack, standing up slowly. Smiling slightly, he subcumbs to the magical energy around him, and would start to halluncinate. Off in the distance he would spot some butterflies. He would start to walk after them, grinning widely. They would flutter away from him, and he would continue to walk after them, “Cooommmmeee baaackkk~” he calls out, trying to get to them. Suddenly, they would disappear. Actually, not that just disappeared…everything disappeared around Nothel. He would blink, and he would be back in his old house, with his parents. He also finds himself much shorter….was this some kind of flashback? What is going on? Looking around, he sees his parents bickering at eachother over something. It was some stupid fight; it always was…What was it about this time? Oh…it was this fight, when Nothel brought a friend over when he was really young, like six years old. His parents didn’t like him bringing company over, as there house was pretty bad, and his parents hated company. They despised human company, always did. He remembers something his mother told him that day, not to bring anyone else over, again. Nothel took this time really badly, he didn’t know it but this started the chain of events that made him hate people himself. After this, he never really got any more friends for some reason. He was never sure why but he never attempted to do so. Honestly it was a sad childhood after that, but Nothel got used to it. After that he just studied hard in school and or taught himself stuff. From going to the library or practicing stuff. Next, Nothel would be sitting in his home, much taller. He would remember this day from the date on a calendar. It was the day his parents died. The day he was fully free. He had waited the entire day for them to get home, yet they never did. Finally, he left the house to go check and found the crime scene. A bloody mess, which made Nothel enjoy the scene. He loathed his parents, and the bloody end they met was quite satisfying. They had been crushed by something, it has a heavy concrete brick it seemed. Finally, Nothel was able to leave his old life behind, and start one of magic. He had started to learn his blood magic, but never really sought after it. Until now that is. Heh, what a day.

Nothel shakes his head visciously opening his eyes. He would be in the middle of the crystal plains again, back to his senses. The magic induced high had worn off, and he seems to be resistant to it know. Groaning lightly he stands up, thankfully still holding the sack in his hands. God that was a…weird experience. Nothel shivers, looking around the area. No monsters yet, and thankfully, he sees another lacrima crystal in the distance. Walking over, Nothel takes a bit of time to yank the crystal out of the ground. After a second, the crystal comes free and he dumps it into the sack. Shaking his head slightly, he moves on towards the next crystal he sees off in the distance. But…he would hear something coming up on him. Turning around quickly, something passes around him and stops, looking at him. It is some large, red feathered bird that looks oddly shaped. Blinking slightly, he would wonder what the hell it is. Well, he would wonder that until a magic circle appears in front of it and fires a fireball at Nothel. Nothel dodges out of the way, sighing. The bird apparently knew magic or something. Anyway, whatever it was, Nothel was gonna stab it. Draw his sword quickly, Nothel charges the beast, sinking his sowrd into its side. The bird hoots and panics off, leaving Nothel standing there with a blood covered sword. That was a…weird encounter. Would being Nothel until the bird circles around. Apprantly a impaling wasn’t enough for it eh? He readies his weapon, waiting for the bird to attack him. This take it charges him. Bad mistake bub. He dodges to the right and slashes down, catching the neck of the ostrich like animal. Clean cut. The head flies off, leaving the bird sitting there. Dead. That is all that bird is for Nothel. Actually no, the bird has supplied a nice source of blood for Nothel to use. Smiling to himself, he uses very little magic power to bring a small pool of blood with him onwards. He walks for a few minutes and would come across another crystal to grab. Swiftly he bends down and easily pulls out from the ground, inspecting its beauty before putting it in the sack. Two more to go, Nothel thinks as he moves on, wondering what he will have to fight next. Moving on he spots a peculiar looking tree. It is tall, and looks like it’s wood is black. Upon closer inspection it seems to be a magical tree in this well, highly magical area. The leaves are light blue and shimmering with the power of lacrima. While the wood itself seems dense enough to be iron. It is like an iron tree type thing. Quite weird to be honest. Nothel notes this tree down and keeps moving across the area. He wonders how long he has been here, minutes, hours, days? No, it couldn’t have been days. That dream at most took an hour to go by. Well, unless he is perceiving the time to be fine here, but it is actually faster. Hm, how could he test that since he has no way of telling what time it is right now? Even though he is in twilight right now, making it damn near impossible to tell the time, because it was like this when he got here. Shaking his head he stops, looking around. The plain seems to expand infinetly around him in all directions, as far as the eye can see. Just how big is this expanse of grass and crystals? Could it stretch for miles? If so how far is Nothel in. Could he possibly have stupidly wandered miles in before collapsing in his previous intoxicated state? No, that isn’t possible, his legs aren’t hurting. While a mile or two isn’t much at all, his legs would still be a bit tired. Since they weren’t that kind of disproves he walked a long time. But…but wait, what if the land was changing itself as he walked. I mean, he was in area imbued with more magical power than normal. It could totally be changing and morphing as he walked. That would be scary, because he would honestly never get out if the land didn’t want him to. But no, that makes no sense. That amount of magic it would take for the entire landmass to twist and bend would be gigantic. That can’t be what was going on here. Nothel shakes his head, forcing the notion into the back of his head. Yet it still ate away at him, what…what if that was what was going on. No, bad Nothel, stop thinking about it. You only need two more crystals and you can just walk out of here, no big whoop.  Speaking of lacrima crystals, there is one there. Approaching it, Nothel would sense something wrong, but not be able to identify what it was. Shrugging it off, he goes over to the crystal and tries to pull it out. No budging. He tries again, nothing. He steps back, wondering what is going on when suddenly…

Nothel realizes he was stepping not on land, but a creature. A giant turtle is what he was standing on, with a shell that was colored like the ground in the place. Groggily the tortoise stands up, having a huge lacrima crystal on its back. Its head would kinda sluggishly look around and at Nothel. It didn’t seem angry at him, but it had a jaw on him, and would hurt pretty badly if provoked. But, Nothel had a fix for this. Drawing his sword, Nothel cuts his own wrist, enough to make a large trickle of blood to come out. Holding it over the turtles open mouth, the blood trickles into it. His poisoned blood will take hold of the enemy soon enough, and kill it quickly. Sheathing his sword, Nothel goes and sits down on a rock nearby, watching the turtle. It would take about thirty or so minutes, but the turtle went through multiple phases. Like one where it was going frantic, walking as fast as it could in a circle. Or the time when it tried to attack Nothel. Sadly it’s time was up by then, because as it approached Nothel the poison finally took it over. His blood stopped the blood flow in the beings body and killed it within seconds after that. Smiling, Nothel stands and slices the lacrima off its back, dispensing it into his pack. One last lacrima to go. But, following the pattern of a new enemy per lacrima, what will he fight next? The line of enemies has been quite weird, maybe a lizard or something. That would be interesting, like a tiny lizard furiously trying to nip his arm. That would be hilarious actually.  Nothel smiles lightly thinking about it. Oh well, time to move on. After walking for about 10 minutes with no lucky, he would see the last crystal. It would be the biggest he has seen this entire time. Like a huge chunk of diamond glistening blue. Again, quite extravagant. If he was a real thief he would totally steal all of these crystals and make jewelry out of them. I mean come on, they have to be really valuable, being that beautiful looking. Shaking his head, he grabs the crystal and yanks it up, putting it into his sack. Thinking this is it, he looks up, and then hears a rather peculiar noise. A large screech, unhuman at that too. Nervous at this point he looks around while drawing his sword. What the hell is in here with him? A demon? A ghost? Or was it just his mind playing tricks on him again. Shaking his head, he starts to turn around and go back the direction he came from. Then he sees it.

There it is. A large dinosaur as tall as him, longer than him, large talons and sharp teeth. Dark blue scales covering the body. All of that with a spiked tail on the end. What a…horrible creature. But maybe it is friendly like the giant turtle. Another screech with disconfirm that theory. This thing was definitely a predator, and it wanted to kill. Probably to kill Nothel. Smiling slightly at the challenge Nothel brandishes his sword, still covered in some of his blood. He stares the beast down, waiting it to attack him. The raptor rushes Nothel with its talons, slashing out at him. Nothel easily raises his sword to block, the talons and metal clashing. What Nothel wouldn’t be expecting is another set of talons to come up and strike him across the chest. Nothel is flung back, holding his chest in pain. It would be bleeding profusely. Nothel grunts and stands himself back up, reaching his hand up. Three blood crystals would form around the blood on the ground and fly at the beast. Two would get smacked out of the air, but one would hit home, impaling the creatures stomach area. This would do three things. Piss the raptor off, deal damage to it, and poison it. Grinning slightly, his wounds would start to heal themselves. His cursed blood repairing the broken and slashes fleshed. He readies his weapon, waiting for the beast to charge him. Nothel wouldn’t expect the speed the enrage raptor would come at him with. Before he knew it, he got impaled in the stomach. Nothel coughs, blood coming up out of his mouth when he does so. No! Damnit! He can’t give up now! B-But the pain was so intense…he could barely handle himself…In a fit of last second energy he raises his sword, and impales the creature through the neck. It would hit home and the creature collapses as it can’t breathe anymore. It would then die quickly of poison and oxygen deprivation. Nothel coughs up more blood, holding his stomach. God that fucking hurt…he has to get out of here before anything else comes. But sleep sounds so good right now. He shakes his head, trying to stay awake. In an attempt to stand up he stumbles a few times, but finally he gets up. His shirt is ruined and pretty much fall off of him. Shaking his head he grabs the sack and slowly makes his way back towards the guild hall. He walks quite slowly due to the pain, letting his bloodline heal his wounds slowly. That…sucked…and the pain is so much. Groaning slightly he falls down again, laying on the grass. He’d sit there for a few minutes thinking of his strategy. Which was just stand back up and walk till he got back. And if this mean walking all night, then so be it. He stood back up with renewed vigor and determination to make it across the plains. After a while of walking, the bleeding would stop and Nothel could go a bit faster. Sadly, with each step pain shot through his body like a needle piercing him. It wasn’t a good feeling, and he really didn’t enjoy it. I wonder If you can guess why. Shaking his head, he continues to tote the bag back. About forty minutes lature he would reach the end of the plains. Thanking god himself he walks across the land back to the nearby guildhall. Throwing open the doors he walks up towards the guild master’s office. Without even knocking he opens the door. Then would enter a bloodied, cut up and impaled Nothel without a shirt on. He sets a bloodied leather sack of 6 lacrima crystals down on the table. He then smiles at Kakuma, nods to something, and say, “There you go, six lacrima crystals, nearly died for it as well…welp, good night.” He then instantly passes out on the ground, lying on a small pool of blood causes by his own wounds. There, he had done it, he had finished his exam. While it may not have been a really clean procedure, or easy to do, he had finished it. C Rank here I come.
Hehe, yes he did. And @theunderwolf san's post was actually really interesting. I like the use of the Semblance xD

So now, @SP3CT3R and @BlackJack hasta post. Then I'll feel good about posting again :3

Meanwhile, heres a post of mine from my AVATAR rp. (im really proud of it sorry, shameless plug lol)

If Futeki was beginning to dwindle on her more brilliant-side, then it was because she was quickly losing patience. She was indeed a hot-head when it came to that sort of thing. All Fire Benders were. It was sort of their shtick. Perhaps this Mountain guy, whoever he really was, or really could be deep inside, he was a bit more reasonable, and calmer than most. She had had heard that Earth Bending required force, but concentration, and inner strength. Unlike Fire Bending which was more of a 'hands on' sort of approach. In truth, it was a clash of their values, and selves, instead of their actual physical strengths.

Still, that was beginning to end; Futeki's fuse was shortening by the second. Clenching her fists, she spoke up once again, "Boring? People's lives are boring to you?" she hissed out, desperately trying to contain her fury. "You haven't fought anyone in ages?" Again she repeated what he had to say, except her growing anger was apparent. "Ha! Weak? No, you just confirmed it -you are weak. Its a wonder no one in this gang of yours hasn't already usurped you. How can you keep up your strength, if you laze around on your stinkin' butt all day, and let others do the fighting for you?"

Shaking her head furiously, her fists lit up with flames. "Nu-uh! I'm done. No more pathetic words from your stupid mouth. You leave Gopan alone you -fraud! Let these men think for themselves for once, and stop buttering up your rear end. There's no 'challenge' or games here. If we have to beat you to show your lack of respect and honor, then that's just what we're gunna do!" The flames on her fists raged up, burning the area around her, her eyes glaring right at the Mountain.


"Hit her again, Remoh!" A kid who was the second-biggest among them, commanded, a toothy smirk on his arrogant face.

Complying, the actual largest kid bent forward, and sunk his fist into the side of her face.

Futeki fell over, head ringing, spitting up blood.

"Hahaha! Stupid little snot!" A third kid, who was scrawny, but had a snake-like aura about him, cackled at the sight.

All three were kids from the Fire Nation, and together they had cornered a young girl in a dark alley. It was early morning, but the sky was still dark. These kids were nasty mean, and enjoyed tormenting others when they could.

The slimy, snakey kid's foot shot out and hit the girl in her chest. Laughing, he spit, "Take that! Orphan scum! Teach you to come around to our turf!"

"Yeah, get her, Jomih!" a group of kids shouted behind him. The three's followers. Remoh the muscle. Jomih the villain, and Zizan, the boss. Together they were at the top of this particular group, with a bunch of riffraff following them, both impressed, and fearful of the three kids.

"You hear us?" Zizan asked out, trying to sound tough as the leader. "Huh, girl? D'ya?" He snapped his fingers and pointed at her.

Remoh bent forward and hit her again. This one knocked her into the back wall, and a crunch was heard. More blood splattered the ground.

"Did you hear me, this time stray?" Zizan asked angrily. Getting no response, he clenched his fists. "This is our territory! You follow by our rules, or you pay the price!" Stepping closer to her, he held up his fist, but he was shaking ever so slightly. "I asked, 'did you hear me'? Fine!" He was in the process of bringing down his fist on the struggling girl in front of him, when he heard her cough out some words, which caused him to pause.

"D-don't hit me... again..." Futeki coughed out, barely struggling to speak. "I.. I'm..." She was struggling to speak, coughing blood everywhere.

"What?!" Zizan growled furiously. His face was red, but he was shaking even more, his fist inches from the injured girl.

"W-warning you..." She finally managed to say.

"Auugh! Insolent, little brat!" Zizan screamed out, his voice cracking. With that, he struck her, knocking her backwards, causing her to hit the wall behind her much harder than before.

Suddenly, massive orange flames roared to life, and kids began screaming. "I warned you!!" The girl bellowed. The flames grew bigger -massive- until they were over the top of the buildings on each side, with kids screaming bloody murder, just as the sun began peeking over the horizon, that early morning.
I finished reading your post Mossino lol and it was pretty poorly edited xD  After i saw this spelling "lature", it took me a moment to remember how to actually spell *later lols

But it was really interesting, and his blood magic was pretty cool actually!
I finished reading your post Mossino lol and it was pretty poorly edited xD  After i saw this spelling "lature", it took me a moment to remember how to actually spell *later lols

But it was really interesting, and his blood magic was pretty cool actually!

Yeah, my writing has improved by at least 5% since then, I tried to batch and rush things too last then, aha. Also my blood magic was nerfed 3 times on that forum, since the way I set it up I could 1 shot people much higher level than me..
1 minute ago, Mossino said:

Yeah, my writing has improved by at least 5% since then, I tried to batch and rush things too last then, aha. Also my blood magic was nerfed 3 times on that forum, since the way I set it up I could 1 shot people much higher level than me..


ah, the wonderful moments when you unintentionally break a specific rp oriented site's system. good times xD  

seriously, i broke a VRMMORPG rp site because of ideas i got from mangas.
I sorta noticed it could oneshot things.. You hit that monster, and then just had to wait for the poison to kill it. Pretty op lol

I laughed hard when he saw the bird monster and was like "he had to wonder what the hell it is", that was pretty funny!
I sorta noticed it could oneshot things.. You hit that monster, and then just had to wait for the poison to kill it. Pretty op lol

I laughed hard when he saw the bird monster and was like "he had to wonder what the hell it is", that was pretty funny!

Well the system on the site was setup for all monsters to have HP and stuff, all spells and weapons had damage, but for a solo thing like what I was doing, you can one shot enemies, and as the mods said, "As long as the plot of the story isn't messed up, you can pretty much do whatever."
Hehe, yes he did. And @theunderwolf san's post was actually really interesting. I like the use of the Semblance xD

So now, @SP3CT3R and @BlackJack hasta post. Then I'll feel good about posting again :3

Meanwhile, heres a post of mine from my AVATAR rp. (im really proud of it sorry, shameless plug lol)

If Futeki was beginning to dwindle on her more brilliant-side, then it was because she was quickly losing patience. She was indeed a hot-head when it came to that sort of thing. All Fire Benders were. It was sort of their shtick. Perhaps this Mountain guy, whoever he really was, or really could be deep inside, he was a bit more reasonable, and calmer than most. She had had heard that Earth Bending required force, but concentration, and inner strength. Unlike Fire Bending which was more of a 'hands on' sort of approach. In truth, it was a clash of their values, and selves, instead of their actual physical strengths.

Still, that was beginning to end; Futeki's fuse was shortening by the second. Clenching her fists, she spoke up once again, "Boring? People's lives are boring to you?" she hissed out, desperately trying to contain her fury. "You haven't fought anyone in ages?" Again she repeated what he had to say, except her growing anger was apparent. "Ha! Weak? No, you just confirmed it -you are weak. Its a wonder no one in this gang of yours hasn't already usurped you. How can you keep up your strength, if you laze around on your stinkin' butt all day, and let others do the fighting for you?"

Shaking her head furiously, her fists lit up with flames. "Nu-uh! I'm done. No more pathetic words from your stupid mouth. You leave Gopan alone you -fraud! Let these men think for themselves for once, and stop buttering up your rear end. There's no 'challenge' or games here. If we have to beat you to show your lack of respect and honor, then that's just what we're gunna do!" The flames on her fists raged up, burning the area around her, her eyes glaring right at the Mountain.


"Hit her again, Remoh!" A kid who was the second-biggest among them, commanded, a toothy smirk on his arrogant face.

Complying, the actual largest kid bent forward, and sunk his fist into the side of her face.

Futeki fell over, head ringing, spitting up blood.

"Hahaha! Stupid little snot!" A third kid, who was scrawny, but had a snake-like aura about him, cackled at the sight.

All three were kids from the Fire Nation, and together they had cornered a young girl in a dark alley. It was early morning, but the sky was still dark. These kids were nasty mean, and enjoyed tormenting others when they could.

The slimy, snakey kid's foot shot out and hit the girl in her chest. Laughing, he spit, "Take that! Orphan scum! Teach you to come around to our turf!"

"Yeah, get her, Jomih!" a group of kids shouted behind him. The three's followers. Remoh the muscle. Jomih the villain, and Zizan, the boss. Together they were at the top of this particular group, with a bunch of riffraff following them, both impressed, and fearful of the three kids.

"You hear us?" Zizan asked out, trying to sound tough as the leader. "Huh, girl? D'ya?" He snapped his fingers and pointed at her.

Remoh bent forward and hit her again. This one knocked her into the back wall, and a crunch was heard. More blood splattered the ground.

"Did you hear me, this time stray?" Zizan asked angrily. Getting no response, he clenched his fists. "This is our territory! You follow by our rules, or you pay the price!" Stepping closer to her, he held up his fist, but he was shaking ever so slightly. "I asked, 'did you hear me'? Fine!" He was in the process of bringing down his fist on the struggling girl in front of him, when he heard her cough out some words, which caused him to pause.

"D-don't hit me... again..." Futeki coughed out, barely struggling to speak. "I.. I'm..." She was struggling to speak, coughing blood everywhere.

"What?!" Zizan growled furiously. His face was red, but he was shaking even more, his fist inches from the injured girl.

"W-warning you..." She finally managed to say.

"Auugh! Insolent, little brat!" Zizan screamed out, his voice cracking. With that, he struck her, knocking her backwards, causing her to hit the wall behind her much harder than before.

Suddenly, massive orange flames roared to life, and kids began screaming. "I warned you!!" The girl bellowed. The flames grew bigger -massive- until they were over the top of the buildings on each side, with kids screaming bloody murder, just as the sun began peeking over the horizon, that early morning.

Oh stop you'll  make me blush.
See through their eyes is the only invasive thing, it does create a telepahic link but you only share what you want to share.
Let's see...

All of these are big BTW.


[SIZE=14pt]Birth of a Mischievous Devil.[/SIZE]



One day, hundreds of years ago, two unholy lovers left the field of battle for a small time to do something quite important. They had known each other for a long time, and had been seeing each other for nearly the same amount. Therefore, they decided to have a child with each other. These two people were a vampire lord, who was a fierce fighter and a Demoness whose speed and sword finesse was unmatched. For a few human years they decided to sit their weapons aside to raise a family in the castle that the vampire lord owned.

They did in fact have this child, a crossbreed of demon and vampire. Even stranger yet, the child possessed a gene that turned it into a cat-person, neko if you will. She was born with tiny, black and white ears with a matching tail, pink hair, and tiny fangs that were as sharp as a knife.

The small family lived in a castle, near the border of vampire lands and lycan lands. These two factions hated each other, and everyday fought to destroy one another. Normally, the child’s father would have been leading troops into the enemy territory to defeat them. But, he felt like taking a break was necessary to raise his own child. This included the demoness’ mentality, to stay behind to raise the child, until it could sustain itself. But of course she was not alone, the lord had servants in his castle that assisted them and helped to raise the child.

[SIZE=14pt]Oh, so I’m that? Cool![/SIZE]

Years would go by, and the child would grow into a small, mischievous little demon. She would be about six years old now, and have long, pink hair. She loved her hair, the color and smoothness of it. She also grew her ears and tail, to a decent size with a beautiful black and white color scheme. She couldn’t deny her love for the color red and black. Though, interesting changes were happening to her in this point in life. She started to have a pain in her stomach, a hunger for something. She spent an entire week trying to figure out what it was. Finally, she asked her mom about it, and was able to have a long talk about her lineage. She learned about how vampires and demons work, and what she should expect as life goes on. And she got the answer to her question, what she was hungering for. Vampires feed on the blood of living creatures. Though, this blood can just be from any living humanoid. Therefore other demons, vampires, even the servants at the house. Though, blood from relatives and oneself tasted pretty badly. She actually had a pretty good day talking to her mother the entire time, learning about her heritage. She was told for now that she would be brought blood from the servants, since she was too young to bite well.

A few weeks later, while exploring her dad’s castle, she came across a room she had never seen before. It ended up being a nice library, which enthralled her. She loved to read, but was brought books, she didn’t know this place existed. In her child-like excitement she went over to a shelf to get a book out. Sadly, her clumsy self rocked the shelf slightly, and the bookshelf tipped over, dropping them all. She was able to dodge due to her reflexes, but it made a loud bang, which most definitely attracted company. Scared that she will get told off, she quickly leaves the room and runs off, instantly hearing a servant call out to her, “Young Mistress! Did you knock over these books! Get back here!” She was being called by the servant personally responsible for her. She used to be a human but was damned to the underworld. Her name was Amy and she was very nice, but stern when need be. Like now, and it only made the child want to run, to not get a talking to. But, knowing it was best for her, retreated to be told off by the servant about her foul conduct. Even her mother came by, but took it much more lightly than the servant, laughing it off. In the end she had to put the books back and vow to be more responsible.

Sadly, not everything could be sunshine and lollipops. Even though she was told sunshine would hurt her and well, she dislikes lollipops. Anyway, that is beside the point. Her life was nearly perfect until she about turned seven. The mortal enemies of the vampires, lycans, were slowly gaining ground, and they needed their strongest general to help. This man would be her dad, and he would not refuse the call. He would gather his powerful armor and weapon set, and leave the next day, with only a goodbye to his daughter and a kiss to his wife. She wasn’t really sad to see him go, neither was her mother. She guesses it just was this way, for the fact she felt no real remorse. It would be years before she saw her father again.

[SIZE=14pt]So I Can Do Some Freaky Stuff?[/SIZE]


Another small time skip, and it would be right after her ninth birthday. Her birthdays were nothing incredibly special, except for this one. This year one of the servants brought her a dress. And what an amazing dress it was. It fit perfectly, was a mixture of black and red, and was embodied beautifully. She loved everything about it. She had been a sucker for girly things like doing her hair and dressing like this. It was a good way to take her mind off of her everyday school. She now looks a lot more like she does when older, just a lot shorter, and younger looking. Cut short-ish pink hair, black dress, and nicely full grown ears and tail. Though, her ears and tail confused her. Her mother wasn’t like that, and her father certainly wasn’t like that. It was some odd thing she had, maybe even a disease? That slightly worried her for a few minutes, until she realized that it was far too nice to have a tail and ears, even if it was a disease. Though, she hated it when her tail betrayed her sometimes. For example, once as a prank she dumped some water on her mother while she was unexpecting. This made her furious, but her mother knew she was joking around, and playfully decided to chase her across the mansion. Though, for once, she would be able to escape. She listened real closely and could hear her mother walking down the halls, or even sense her when she wasn’t. Amazing, how can she do that? Was that part of her heritage like she was told years ago? This tactic of hiding and sensing worked for a while, well until she heard these words, “Well, you are pretty good at hiding child, but I can still sense you~.” Those sing-songy said words made her know she had been spotted. Giggling a bit and running away she would get stopped by her mother going at least four times faster than her, and grabbing her tail. This would cause her to yelp and then burst out in laughter as her mom hugs her. “I must say, you did an amazing job at running from me, it seems your powers are coming in…” She sounded genuinely proud of her daughter. A bit wide eye’d, she would look up at her mother, asking what she meant. Well, to continue the talk they had years ago, as she grew up natural powers of her would be unlocked through training and just existing. This included her speed from being a vampire, just naturally these beings can move with incredible speeds at the drop of a hat. While on the other hand demons could sense the presences of others and hide or be stealthy accordingly. But, this didn’t answer her other question about her ears and tail, which she knew were the same as a cats. To this, her mother was stumped. She had no idea where that came from, and blamed it on random chance. But she told her daughter to not worry, because it was really cute.

What her mother forgot to mention was her innate hunger to bite someone and feed off of them. Being brought blood was nice, but one night she was really hungry and couldn’t sleep. Her regular black eyes turned dark red, and she lusted for blood to take. Standing up in the dead of night, she left her room hunting for someone. Quickly, she would find a servant walking the halls and started to stalk them. Like a cat who had just found prey. After a few minutes when the servant stopped to look around, she pounced them. For the first time in her life she would sink her teeth into the servant’s neck, bringing the blood up with her fangs and drinking from them. After a few seconds she would stop, and her eyes would turn back normal. In a slight panic she would look at the now unconscious servant. She wouldn’t know what to do, she was incredible guilty, blood would cover her mouth and she was going to be found soon. Breaking down, she would start to cry, scared of her own actions. Her mother would instantly hear, and come to the rescue, only to find the scene. Instantly understanding what happened, she takes a cloth out and wipes the child’s mouth while she is crying. After, she picks up the small child and takes her to her bedroom, comforting her and putting her on the bed. She had other servants take care of the unconscious one. The child would slowly drift off to sleep in her mother’s arms. The mother really wished that her husband was here, because he was the vampire, and would be able to explain this much better. At least she knew about vampires enough to explain it to her daughter.


[SIZE=14pt]You Are on Father![/SIZE]



A week after she turned twelve, her dad returned from war. He had news of the war, and it was going badly. He had just held a fort down single handedly. Due to false information, he had to hold it by himself. Her father was an amazing fighter, able to combine sword skill and magic to decimate enemies. No assailant got to him before he chopped them down to size. This was the first battle in which he got wounded while killing them all. It was a bloody gruesome mess. He won the battle against hundreds of enemies, but it made him realize the numbers of his enemy. He had explained to his daughter that this was no time to have ladylike mannerisms. This was a time of war and every vampire needed to fight. She was a bit nervous to be honest. She didn’t want to fight, and more or less wanted to have a peaceful life. But, her father was adamant that she at least learned to fight, so if worst came to worst she could defend herself. Reluctantly she started to learn the skills of fighting with various weapons, blocking, tactics, and all of that stuff. Her mother on the other hand will teach her, her powers, vampiric and demonic. By now she had gotten her vampiric urges under control, by careful teachings from her mother and practicing by herself. She could go a few days without feeding and keep it under control, but after that she would go into frenzy.

The next day she reported to a training room in the castle. She again had never seen this room, though it seems the room had been sealed off until recently. Dust covered parts of it, as it seems the servants tried to quickly clean it before she inhabited it. They didn’t do a good job though. Once she entered her dad looked down upon her, and told her a multiple of things. She could barely remember what they are now. But it went along the lines of knowing your opponent was the name of the game. Knowing the strengths of weaknesses of your enemy was key. Try to never get hit. This was a very easy one to remember, not getting hit meant not dying. But her dad meant much more than that. Every time you get hit, you slow down, you think for a second of what you did wrong. This throws your timing off more, and will lead to more mistakes. That day, she was showed an array of bladed weaponry that she will learn over time. This ranges from short swords, long swords, katana’s, poleaxes, pikes, and scythes.

The way she learned was trial by fire. She picked a weapon and her father would pick the counter to that weapon. Time after time she would get countered and flung across the room into a wall. This would only cause her father to shake her head and bark at her to try harder. But, this quickly let her excel in the weapons. Months later she had taken a scythe to battle. Her dad to counter would have chosen a two tipped pike to get her weapon stuck and then disarm her. But, this one day she had better reaction time than her dad. Instead of her weapon getting caught, she moved her weapon just in time and hooked the blade around her dad’s neck. She won once, after thousands of times of trying. This caused her dad to laugh and say that she was nearly fully trained, just a few more months. But her mother could finish that along with her powers training. She will need to train her speed and reaction time, since that is her strongest point.

Her power training was much more relaxed than her weapon training. Her mother and she went outside to train her speed, stealth, reaction time and various powers she had. It was much more relaxed and easy to do for a while. Until her mom made her start racing her until she won. It took a few months until one day she broke some mental barrier and was able to move faster than her mom. It was the first real time that she had been outside of the castle, so this was quite interesting for her. Sadly there wasn’t much out in the large plains of hell.

She had gotten a new black dress to swear, though this one was less long, easier to fight in. She demanded that she still be able to wear a dress while training and fighting, since she loves the dress so much. Her mother was quick to agree to let her do so.

[SIZE=14pt]You Are Not Leaving Here Alive…[/SIZE]



While she trained constantly for months, and the once or twice every day after that, she never put the skills to good use. Her mother, and reluctantly her father, agreed to not have her fight in the war. Which to be honest, she wanted to do at this point. She was told once she turned eighteen she could freely participate, since by the point she would be an untouchable killing machine. Consenting to this deal, she waited for her birthday to come by. At this point she was seventeen years old, and nearing her eighteenth birthday. She had finally stopped growing at this point, and settled into a specific look for sound this part of her age. 


She settled on shorter pink hair, even though she liked longer hair. Her ears and tail were in full from, and she continued to love the black dresses she used. But, this year would be the start of a chain of events that forever changed her life.

Three months before her eighteenth birthday, she received a report from a distressed looking vampire. He hands shook because she knew what it was, so did her mother. Her father had been killed in the middle of battle. The numbers were too large and the enemies too powerful. His entire armies of thousands of troops were obliterated into just corpses. This included her father. The report also stated about how vampires were very quickly losing the war, and they were too close to the border. They were prompted to move away before the lycans got too close. Her mother was distressed, but tried to keep a clear head. Moving away seemed like the best way to keep themselves alive for a while. At least… they thought they had time to go. But, due to faulty scouts and intercepted information, their enemies were upon them, and they were seizing the castle.

She made the worst mistake of her life that day. When the castle got attacked, the servants fled, and she was getting prepared to fight the troops at the doors. But, her mother refused to let her fight. She stated that she just leave, and let her take care of it. She thought this was a mistake but her mother insisted. Consenting to her will, she left, knowing that her mother was more powerful than all these lycans. She was wrong. Upon leaving the castle and sprinting away the fastest she could go, which was insanely fast, she heard screams of agony. It wasn’t fifteen minutes into the battle before her mother got overtaken and killed. A flood of emotions would take her over. Realizing what she did by abandoning her mother, she left her die. Groaning, a fire would rise inside of her. She was going to avenge her parent’s death. No matter what it took.

[SIZE=14pt]A Bloody First Battle.[/SIZE]



She would ready herself as she watched the lycans destroy the castle. They set it ablaze and camped there that night, watching it burn to the ground. She would have brought a long katana with her and she had her magic. Therefore, she knew what she had to do. Filled by rage, she would furiously sprint into combat, arriving in the middle of the camp of hundreds in seconds. Due to her speed no one noticed until she was in the middle of their camp. It wouldn’t take long before lycans were calling out they had a vampiric intruder, and a young one at that. They sneered at her, “Where are your parents child! Go home to mommy!” She only frowned, her face darkened by the some of her hair. She hadn’t drawn her weapon yet, waiting for one to attack her first. One would make a stupid move, walking up to her. “I’ll make it quick girly, don’t wo—“ Before the lycan could get out his words, he was impaled through the neck, and then flipped over her back, killing it instantly. She looks up, scowling, holding her katana in one hand, waiting for the next ones to attack her. She calls out, “You took my family, my servants, my castle, and now you shall pay, you will all pay.”

The lycans observe her for a moment, and then launch a full attack on her. All of them charge her at once, weapons draw, some in wolf form, trying to tear her piece from piece. This is when she would realize something. In this one moment, she was more powerful than her father and mother. The battle would last a quick ten minutes. Heads scattered the ground, bodies laid on the ground impaled on weapons. Wolf corpses laid still, severed in half. Some bodies were ripped in half. By the ten minutes were up, only one werewolf was left, a coward. She was covered in blood, and would walk up to him, grabbing it by the neck and lifting it up. She didn’t receive a single scratch in the fight. Untouched, like her father until now. The werewolf stammers out, “B-Before you kill me, w-who are you?” She smirks, tilts her head, and laughs. She has two distinct personalities. And this was her fighting mentality. Brutal, effective, and scary as hell. “Isn’t it obvious pathetic whelp? I am the new famous Untouched Warrior. I am the child of Hirenroth Zonde, the most famous warrior known to vampires and lycans alike. I am Mika Zonde, go back to your allies, and make them fear my name. You will get to live for now if you do so.” She would release the werewolf and it would quickly run off, towards the east, towards werewolf lands. She would smirk. It’s time to finish what her father could never do. For revenge this time.

[SIZE=14pt]Let Us Win This, Yes?[/SIZE]

A week later, Mika had gathered a small army of powerful vampires. She was going to end this war by herself. But she wasn’t going to go straight for the capital. Oh no, she was going to destroy every settlement, village, everything, and then kill the king. This was her fury. She was going to end this war and kill every lycan. For the next few months settlements would go up in flame within seconds as Mika and her followers destroyed them nearly instantly. Her first challenge is when she got to the fortified fort town that the lycans owned. It had walls, and a small castle inside. It wasn’t the capital by far, but taking this town would force the lycans to fall back to their capital. From there they would all be killed, giving Mika her revenge. She honestly didn’t care her father died. But they were going to pay for harming her mother. She was the nicest thing in her life, and it was forcefully taken from her. She wasn’t going to stand for it.

Approximately six months after her first fight, she came upon the walls of the fortified town. This was the last town, the last blockade before she could take the capital. The walls were no problems, the vampires easily scaled them and instantly started to destroy men, women, child, and guard or not guard, they were all destroyed. Mika was the head fighter here. She immediately went to the small castle, to kill the royal guard and the leader of the town. The leader of the town was the military second in command, who only reported to the king himself. His name was unknown, but he was supposed to be a fierce fighter. Mika will be the judge of that. When she entered the castle, nothing slowed her down. Guards with swords got impaled into the wall. Archers were blasted by demonic magic. Nothing stopped her. She blasted the gates of the main room down. Only to be greeted by a single man, standing there. He was seven feet tall, much bigger than Mika. He was strong, and held duel katanas. His presence unsettled Mika for once. She thought this man could be very dangerous, but had no doubts that she could kill him. She wasn’t wrong, the fight lasted 20 minutes. Mika didn’t get scathed once, and the man died quickly after Mika getting one hit in. He let his guard down once, and it allowed Mika to break his defense. After that, repeated stabbing to the chest stopped him from ever causing problems again. By the time Mika walked out, the entire city was on fire and burning to the ground. She lost some troops in that, but still had 20 elite units left to use. Smiling, they all know what is going to happen. It is time to take the capital.

[SIZE=14pt]Mika V the King.[/SIZE]



It would be some time before Mika attempted to take down the capital. It was much more heavily fortified than she expected. Huge thick walls, guard towers, and a lot of troops defending it. All the lycan had fled to the capital. Therefore, all the blood she wanted was here. But, for once, she didn’t know if she had enough manpower to take it down. While one of her elite vampires may be able to take on a thousand lycans, there were more than twenty-five thousand troops here. It was going to be hell just getting to the throne room. Therefore, Mika was going to help this time. All of them will take down the security, and then move into the throne room at once. It happened in a flash. Mika gave a signal and herself and her twenty elite troops jumped over the walls. Describing the battle with the guards is redundant. They were slaughtered like the animals they were. Citizens were bathed in the blood of their loved ones before being slaughtered themselves. The royal guard even tried to stop them. Only one vampire went down during the fight. Mika would be laughing maniacally the entire way up to the throne room.

The castle would be devoid of guards. They all tried to attack the vampires while they were fighting the regular guard. They all died. Mika would make it to the huge, golden doors of the throne room. Kicking them in, she would step inside with her troops to the throne room. On a giant throne made a crystal, a man would sit. “You dare attack my people, my kingdom, and then face me? Girl, you will die here.” The king stands up and draws a huge 4 foot wide 8 foot long sword. Suddenly the king would disappear. Mika knows what is about to happen and blocks. There is a loud sound as metal hits metal, and screams of agony would fill the air. The king was fast, and had magic that allowed him to blink. To Mika’s advanced training she could see him move around, but the others couldn’t. They all got sliced down instantly, decapitated and killed. It would only be the small girl, Mika, and the werewolf king left alive. She would have fright in her eyes. Her katana would not last against a broadsword like that. She might die here. No! She refuses to! Mika will win this for her family, for her mother, for herself! Mika sprints towards the king, faster than the human eye could comprehend.

The fight would go on for two hours. Everytime Mika attacked, he blocked perfectly then counter, in which Mika would dodge or block. If he casted magic Mika would counter it. They were nearly evenly skilled. Until the king started to lose energy. Finally, his defense was let down slightly and Mika went in for the attack. She impaled his shoulder, making the beast cry out in pain. Mika would jump back, breathing heavily. She was hungry for blood now; this fight was using all of her energy. But she was about done, one last attack… She launched herself forward, going for the neck, but. She gets grabbed by the king and his monstrous hands, being held away from him. “Pesky girl…I will fix this.” Below her, a dark purple portal would open up, and before she knew what was going on, she was dropped into it.

[SIZE=14pt]The End?[/SIZE]



When Mika opened her eyes again, she would be back when she saw her mother get killed. This was a year and a half ago. How was she here? What happened to her?! She tried to move but couldn’t. Why couldn’t she move!? Looking down she realizes she is in some object. A…A necklace? Suddenly everything would go black, and she would go unconscious. Her last thoughts here just full confusion. She had no idea what was going on. But now, she was trapped. Trapped inside a necklace and sent back in time. Now she never avenged her mother, her father, or got the bloodshed she wanted. Hundreds of years would go by, and she would end up forgetting all of her memories, lying inside the necklace, waiting for someone to release her. The necklace would end up in a dungeon on Earthland, waiting for someone to find it.

Mika Zonde quite bluntly is a mischievous little demon. She will get into someone else’s business on the drop of a hat. She is quite curious by nature and will go exploring when she wants to. She was retained her child-like excitement for finding new things. She is one to overstep her bounds, only having servants or her family to talk to; she doesn’t know where to stop in something embarrassing. Though she isn’t completely lost. She can get embarrassed, anxious, scared, excited, like a normal person. The thing that sets her apart from everyone else is well, she is a mix between a demon and vampire, and has never interacted with beings like humans. This will definitely create some awkwardness when she first meets them. Other than that, she likes to be left alone most of the time. To read, play with herself, or do whatever she really cares to do. Though, she does like talking to people on occasion. She loved conversing with her servants and her mother specifcally. It filled her with wonder whenever she learned something about herself or anything new in general.

She dislikes a few things. But the main two would be lycans. She hates werewolves. And she would kill one at a moment’s notice. Though for the time being, she forgot what they did to her and her family, so she couldn’t exactly instantly want to kill it. But, one thing she is certain about is that she hated being trapped in that necklace. She may have forgotten why. But being trapped in there for 300 years sucked, a lot. She will never let that happen to herself again…

But, on the battlefield, it is like Mika completely changed. When she fights, she is a brutal executioner who will kill on the drop of a hat. Being from a place where lives only matter if they are you’re your own family, her sense of life and death is skewed. She will cut through a horde of enemies in a heartbeat, enjoying the rain of blood across her face. Using a combination of superior magic and weapon skills, any enemy will fall to her. She laughs in the face of misery in pain, finding it a great feeling to destroy enemies with no effort.

As a leader, Mika isn’t really the type to do so. She is more of the lone wolf with back up type. She’d rather go in and deal with the strong enemies herself and have allies take down the weakling guards that flood out en masse’. But, she is a kill hogger, and would gladly kill everyone on the battlefield for her own sick enjoyment. While she may seem cute and innocent. Fight her and you WILL regret it.

 But, sadly, due to unfortunate circumstances, she lost her memory. She has forgotten how to fight and even use her magic, for now. This means that a lot of her actions will change depending on how her life goes after learning new things.[SIZE=10pt]Name: (Name your character)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Gender: (Male or Female)[/SIZE]
Age: (How old is your character)
Birthday: (When was he/she born, mm/dd (Month and day only. No year))
Sexuality: (Gay, bi, or straight)
Special Characteristics: (Anything special such as scars,tattoos, etc)

Personality: (What is their personality like, at least 500 words, two paragraphs; first explaining your character in detail outside of battle. The second explaining your character in battle, how they do as and under a leader.)
Likes:(What does your character like and why? ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Dislikes: (What does your character dislike and why?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Motivations: (What motivates your character in life?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Fears: (What does your character fear in life? Can be phobia or anything else. ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

General Appearance

Height: (How tall is your character)
Weight: (How much does your character weigh)
Hair: (What color is the hair and how is it designed)
Eyes: (What color are the eyes)
Skin Tone: (How is the skin tone, light, dark, etc)
Appearance: (What is your characters general appearance. Physical and clothing is needed)


Guild: (Name of the guild your character is in. Make sure to check out all the possible Guilds before you join one. If you're joining the Rune Knights, make sure you specify the branch too.)
Tattoo: (The guild or council tattoo. Where is it located and what color is it)
Rank: (What rank is your character.) Name: (Name your character)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: (How old is your character)
Birthday: (When was he/she born, mm/dd (Month and day only. No year))
Sexuality: (Gay, bi, or straight)
Special Characteristics: (Anything special such as scars,tattoos, etc)

Personality: (What is their personality like, at least 500 words, two paragraphs; first explaining your character in detail outside of battle. The second explaining your character in battle, how they do as and under a leader.)
Likes:(What does your character like and why? ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Dislikes: (What does your character dislike and why?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Motivations: (What motivates your character in life?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Fears: (What does your character fear in life? Can be phobia or anything else. ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

General Appearance

Height: (How tall is your character)
Weight: (How much does your character weigh)
Hair: (What color is the hair and how is it designed)
Eyes: (What color are the eyes)
Skin Tone: (How is the skin tone, light, dark, etc)
Appearance: (What is your characters general appearance. Physical and clothing is needed)


Guild: (Name of the guild your character is in. Make sure to check out all the possible Guilds before you join one. If you're joining the Rune Knights, make sure you specify the branch too.)
Tattoo: (The guild or council tattoo. Where is it located and what color is it)
Rank: (What rank is your character.) Name: (Name your character)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: (How old is your character)
Birthday: (When was he/she born, mm/dd (Month and day only. No year))
Sexuality: (Gay, bi, or straight)
Special Characteristics: (Anything special such as scars,tattoos, etc)

Personality: (What is their personality like, at least 500 words, two paragraphs; first explaining your character in detail outside of battle. The second explaining your character in battle, how they do as and under a leader.)
Likes:(What does your character like and why? ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Dislikes: (What does your character dislike and why?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Motivations: (What motivates your character in life?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
Fears: (What does your character fear in life? Can be phobia or anything else. ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

General Appearance

Height: (How tall is your character)
Weight: (How much does your character weigh)
Hair: (What color is the hair and how is it designed)
Eyes: (What color are the eyes)
Skin Tone: (How is the skin tone, light, dark, etc)
Appearance: (What is your characters general appearance. Physical and clothing is needed)


Guild: (Name of the guild your character is in. Make sure to check out all the possible Guilds before you join one. If you're joining the Rune Knights, make sure you specify the branch too.)
Tattoo: (The guild or council tattoo. Where is it located and what color is it)
Rank: (What rank is your character.)


Primary Magic: The Demon’s Support
Secondary Magic: N/A
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description:  While most demonic forms of magic would be for dealing the most damage, this one supports the user rather differently. It uses forms of demonic energy to boost her own powers and or her allies’ powers.  Ranging from healing to damage blocking to even debuffs to the enemy, Mika will have one somewhere in her magical library.

On the field her magic consists of fast casting and usage heals and debuffs, able to stack multiple spells that allow her to quickly and effectively take an opponent down. Opponent to close? Blind. Need cover? Pop the shield. Her fighting style will be very, very dependent on what the enemy does.
#1. Strengths are that Mika will never run out of tricks up her sleeves. When the opponent thinks he has an advantage, Mika will pop out a different spell and stop him in his tracks.
#2. When in team combat, Mika can help by supporting her team with HP or assorted buffs.
#1. Sadly, while almost all of her magic is support or defensive..if she runs out of guns or items to fight with, she is left in a bad situation.
#2. Under constant attack Mika cannot get enough debuffs out to weaken all her enemies.
#3. She can easily run out of mana without some alternate way to restore it.
Lineage: (This is an additional bit of lore or abilities your roll for in the The Ancient One forum, when you roll and find out what you have, copy and paste the lineage here!)
Unique Abilities:

 Bloody Mess: By drinking the blood of a fallen enemy, Mika can boost her damage by 5% to a maxium of 50%. This includes item damage.

 Blood Rage: Mika looses all sense of self preservation and she puts raw demonic energy around her hands. After this point she rages and charges her enemies down dealing rank damage + 75% to them, ripping and tearing them to bloody shreds. This last for two posts. To activate this ability, Mika must have at least a 15% damage boost from ‘Bloody Mess.’ Afterwards, her damage boost from Bloody Mess resets to 0. Max 2 use per thread.

UA Mika can drink blood of various amounts to restore HP. She can drink a small amount of blood to restore 5% HP, a medium amount for 10% HP restore, but have a 1 post cool down. Or a large pool of blood for a 15% HP restore, but have a two post cool down.




D Rank

Name:  Demon’s Cover
Rank: D
Type:  Demonic, Defensive
Duration: 2
Cool down: 4
Speed: Instant
Range:  Only on self
Magic: Standard for Rank
Description: Mika summons some demonic  energy to make a 10feet by 10feet shield in front of her. These blocks 2 d rank damages until it breaks. Mika can shoot through it, giving her cover that moves with her. It disappears after 2 posts.
Strengths: 1. Moving Cover that Allies Mika to Advance On Target. 2. Can save her life if used right.
Weaknesses: 1. only blocks the way she is looking, making her vulnerable from the sides. 2. Fighting two targets pretty much means the shield goes away quickly. 3. Disappears rather fast.

Name: Leech Shot
Rank: D
Type:  Demonic, Supportive
Duration: 1 Posts
Cooldown: 2 Posts

Speed: Instant
Range:  50ft
Magic: Standard for Rank
Description: Mika enchants the attack she will do on this post or the next post to have Life steal. This life steal will convert 50% of the damage she did to her enemy into her own HP. It cannot exceed over a 50HP heal. Regardless of rank. She can apply this life steal to a teammate, but it then requires an extra 5% mana use.
Strengths: #1 Quick and effiecent way for allies to get HP.
Weaknesses: #1 Large MP consumption for small HP regain. #2 If the attack misses, complete waste of spell.

Rank: D
Type:  Demonic, Supportive
Duration: 2 Posts
Cooldown: 3 Posts

Speed: Instant
Range:  50ft
Magic: Standard for Rank
Description: Mika using her demonic energy to increase the accuracy and precision of her, and or an allies attack. Disappears after two turns. Makes for long distance shots or fast attacks hit easier
Strengths: #1 Allows Mika to hit her targets easier from further distances.
Weaknesses: #1 Has no real use for anyone else #2. Doesn't last long.

Name: Tired Eyes
Rank: D
Type:  Demonic, Supportive
Duration: 1 Posts
Cooldown: 2 Posts

Speed: 15ft/s
Range:  50ft
Magic: Standard for Rank
Description: Mika shoots out a small burst of darkness energy that when it collides with the enemy, it infects their eyes and blinds them for one post. That is about it.
Strengths: #1. Blinded enemies are easier to hit.
Weaknesses: #1. A Strong mage can sense her without eyes. #2 Low range. #3. Stronger Mages may not even be affected.

Regular CS:

Name: Mika Zonde
Gender: Female
Age: 16, sent back from 20.
Birthday: She doesn't know.
Sexuality: Bi
Special Characteristics: Neko ears and tail, vampiric fangs. Black Pupils.

Mika is faster than the average human by a lot. Once she starts sprinting she can easily outrun one unaided by magic, due to her heritage.
She can also sense people behind walls due to her increased hearing, heartbeats, breathing, slight movements.
She also holds lower reaction times than most humans, making it easier for her to see incoming attacks.

Being a demonic being, she always takes 2 times damage from holy attacks.
If she doesn't drink blood for a while, she will get tired like she ran out of mana.
She can also go into a frenzy for not feeding for a while, which will make her attack allies.
Due to her curious nature, she can get into trouble easily.

History: Mika Zonde Backstory

Personality: Mika Zonde quite bluntly is a mischievous little demon. She will get into someone else’s business on the drop of a hat. She is quite curious by nature and will go exploring when she wants to. She was retained her child-like excitement for finding new things. She is one to overstep her bounds, only having servants or her family to talk to; she doesn’t know where to stop in something embarrassing. Though she isn’t completely lost. She can get embarrassed, anxious, scared, excited, like a normal person. The thing that sets her apart from everyone else is well, she is a mix between a demon and vampire, and has never interacted with beings like humans. This will definitely create some awkwardness when she first meets them. Other than that, she likes to be left alone most of the time. To read, play with herself, or do whatever she really cares to do. Though, she does like talking to people on occasion. She loved conversing with her servants and her mother specifcally. It filled her with wonder whenever she learned something about herself or anything new in general.

She dislikes a few things. But the main two would be lycans. She hates werewolves. And she would kill one at a moment’s notice. Though for the time being, she forgot what they did to her and her family, so she couldn’t exactly instantly want to kill it. But, one thing she is certain about is that she hated being trapped in that necklace. She may have forgotten why. But being trapped in there for 300 years sucked, a lot. She will never let that happen to herself again…

But, on the battlefield, it is like Mika completely changed. When she fights, she is a brutal executioner who will kill on the drop of a hat. Being from a place where lives only matter if they are you’re your own family, her sense of life and death is skewed. She will cut through a horde of enemies in a heartbeat, enjoying the rain of blood across her face. Using a combination of superior magic and weapon skills, any enemy will fall to her. She laughs in the face of misery in pain, finding it a great feeling to destroy enemies with no effort.

As a leader, Mika isn’t really the type to do so. She is more of the lone wolf with back up type. She’d rather go in and deal with the strong enemies herself and have allies take down the weakling guards that flood out en masse’. But, she is a kill hogger, and would gladly kill everyone on the battlefield for her own sick enjoyment. While she may seem cute and innocent. Fight her and you WILL regret it.

But, sadly, due to unfortunate circumstances, she lost her memory. She has forgotten how to fight and even use her magic, for now. This means that a lot of her actions will change depending on how her life goes after learning new things.


Mika likes blood for one reason, she needs it to live. And why wouldn't she love it, its so yummy~ She was also told specific people have different tastes of blood, she can't wait to test them out.

New Things
Finding new things is always interesting for her. It fills her with childlike excitement.

Remembering Herself
While this seems odd, she wants to figure out who she is. She doesn't even remember her own name...


Not Remembering
She hates not being able to remember who she is. She knows that there is a part of her she has forgotten.

While she forgot her past, she knows she is forgetting someone or something.

Being Annoyed
I mean, who doesn't?

To find out who she is.

To Avenge Her Parents:
While she can't remember, once she does she will feel a burning hatred for the werewolves that killed her parents.

To Make It Back:
Once she regains some of her memory, she will want to make it back to the underworld to find her house or at least see the aftermath.

Never Remembering:
This one is self explanatory. She doesn't want to be stuck not even knowing her own real name.

She doesn't want to accidentally hurt people she knows by going into a frenzy.

Going back:
She doesn't want to be put back into that necklace, never again.

Height: 5'4
Weight: 105 lbs
Hair: Pink, short, and held down by a bow on her dress. Slightly spiky, silky smooth.
Eyes: Black Pupils
Skin Tone: Pale
Appearance: A short, lightweight pink haired mischievous demon who wears a black dress.


Guild: Guildless, currently.
Tattoo: N/A
Rank: N/A

Character Portrait:

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