OOC Chat

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You people post too much the page crashed trying to load all of the 28 replies posted between now and 30 minutes ago
I was off trying to find it lol

Heres a post from it (1568 words it says lol). It was a harry potter rp (and ended shortly after like 3 pages lol, but still, its one of my fave rps ive ever done)

I think my character was in Ravenclaw? If I remember right, and she was dabbling in being slightly maniacle and evil xD  - she was basically the villain of the rp

Pyr walked down the snowy pathway to Hogsmeade, beside the taller guy, Jason. Snow was falling oh so softly, brushing atop her dirty-blonde hair, and over her sleek, tannish-orange leather jacket, covering her in a soft frosting, turning her a very stark white. Her cheeks were pink from the biting cold. Even with Jason's warm-charm -which, even Pyr, had to admit she was greatful for- she was still rather chilled. Not chilled to the bone, though, that might've given the blonde some sick sort of thrill, but still rather chilled. Her nose and her cheeks were pink, revealing her coldness.

Gosh, she walked beside Jason, cheeks pink, covered in white, like she was some blushing bride. What a disturbing thought. She shook her head to clear it from such a disturbed thought. A disturbed thought not even Pyr was enjoying. As disturbed as the girl was. As she shook her head, the snow that had covered her began to billow off, causing a mini-snow-flake flurry about her. "Puh puh!" She spat, trying to get the wet flakes off of her nose. A blushing bride? What had she been thinking about to come up with such a ridiculously ludicrous analogy? Her? A blushing bride? Never!

Generally, Pyr was not enjoying the stroll along as much as her companion seemed to be. The companion she was beginning to wonder about. Stepping into Hogsmeade, she saw some dumb kid wave at him. Even out here she could tell that kid was Gryffindor. Meh, idiot. Pyr was Hufflepuff. Good ol' unassuming Huffelpuff. "Hehe..." she chuckled softly, eyes flashing darkly, but only momentarily. No one would guess some silly Hufflepuff was the witch that had cursed that girl much earlier that day, at breakfast,

At Jason's suggestion to go to the Three Broomsticks, Pyr found herself answering a quick, short "yes". What had made her say yes? Hadn't she planned to shirk this lame boy? Why was she getting so flustered at her very small word, and at the thought of this, as she followed him into the warm establishment? She could lose the guy who had dumbly forgotten his jacket later... Right. Of course she could. She had only agreed to come in here, for just the moment, because she would warm up, and get a nice warm drink. Hey, even Pyr, as cold as she was... cold in the heart that is, still needed something to keep her warm. Warm on the outside.. that is.

Crunching snow beneath her orangey-tan leather boots, Pyr stepped up to the Three Broomsticks behind Jason. She immediately noticed something that ticked her off. He held the door open for her. Oh now what the hell was she supposed to do? Of course, Pyr knew the correct answer. Be like any other girl, and be thankful that a guy was being so chivalrous for such an occasion. Guys were meant to do that type of thing for girls. But somewhere deep in her gut it caused Pyr grief to enjoy his random act of kindness, finding it instead mildly disgusting. Even still, she mustered up the courage to keep playing the part of 'scared-girl-who-needed-someone-there-for-her'. What a part. Such a strange play. She swallowed and looked at him, flashing him a smile. Unbeknownst to her, her smile was actually really pretty, snowflakes from the earlier fiasco had fallen about her face, and onto her lips. They glittered around her face. Pyr couldn't see herself, but her smile was rather beautiful. Mesmerizing even. She gave him a slight odd look after that, wondering what he thought of her cute smile. Pyr had just been trying to pretend to be thankful, not actually give him something to think about and... god forbid enjoy.

The second after flashing that glorious, glittery, snowflake-smile, Pyr took a step to go inside the establishment where she would warm up, but instead the fifth year found herself getting cut off by a group of kids. Around five or so, as they filed out, chatting amongst one another, not even caring that the door that was being held wasn't meant for them. A crossed look flashed over Pyr's face, erasing any involuntary moment of beauty. It was a momentary p'oed look from the girl. It might've actually revealed Pyr's true nature. Too bad she was facing away from Jason. He wouldn't see that. Her glorious, glittery smile was probably still on the boy's mind. Not that Pyr knew that either.

So the people moved by, a couple brushing against her, making her hand grip tightly around her locket in her jacket pocket. The golden trinket was cold to the touch. Not unlike the feelings that were being felt by Pyr day to day.

What an annoying little escapade, Pyr was thinking, finally finding her boot thud against wooden or some other sort of hard material of the Three Broomsticks, finally entering that cozy, home-styled establishment. Her green gaze swept the inner interior of the building. Many tables were around, with many patrons sitting down, talking, chatting each other up about various topics. Even some students were there. Of course they were. Pyr recognized a couple Slytherins. Why she knew those Slytherins, Pyr wouldn't know. Its not like she had any meaningful interactions with Slytherins. Or, unless this Jason guy behind her was one? He wasn't was he? No. He was Gryffindor? Right? Sure. Yeah, had to be. Such the kind gentleman that he was. As dumb as he was. Pyr still couldn't believe that he had forgotten his jacket. How daft can one person be? Seriously, he had invited HER. He should've been ready! She didn't know how long he had spent waiting on the girl to get ready. It had taken her quite awhile, admittedly. Hey, makeup was hard. Orange eyeshadow, and lipgloss had to be perfected! Pyr adored the colour orange! Orange was a perfect person's colour. A perfect girl's colour. Too bad no other girls realized that. Or maybe it was lucky no other girl realized that. Pyr didn't want those hussies tainting her colour. But really, even though she had spent some time qetting ready. Its not like Jason wasn't to blame in that forgetting-jacket-scenario. He had been standing right beside the cold outside, after all.

Pyr followed the tallish boy over to a table. She liked to think it had been her choice of table, leading the boy behind her, like a sheep. Yep, so thats how it was. No one could say otherwise. Pyr swung her legs over the bench, and sat her butt down. A shiver went through her pants. Gosh, the seat she had just sat on was cold! Oh.. It was wet. No wonder. She forced her face not to change into the crossest of glares at Jason, as he sat across from her, asking dumbly 'What do you want Pyr?' As well as mentioning something for his sister again. Yep, he had chosen this spot. Now she had to deal with the wet, cold seat. Ugh.

Again, playing the damsel that needed rescuing by a great sir-knight, she smiled. And yet again, those snowflakes, that were admittedly melting at this point, glittered in the sullen light that flashed around the room. Smiling at him prettily, she replied, in her sweetest voice, "I'll take a butterbeer, too! Thanks Jason for being so nice to me!" Wow, she was so good at this whole decieving thing. If she didn't watch it, sooner or later she'd have Jason fawning over her. Pyr didn't even know just how pretty she really was. Pyr didn't need the aid of pretty makeup, or the cover of very nicely laid out snow to accentuate her girlish features. They just were doing that on their own. She wasn't considering that, however. Her beauty wasn't something that Pyr ever thought about. Or at least, not the beauty she displayed to others. Pyr vainly made sure she was presentable for herself. If she garnered any attention appearance-wise that was entirely unintentional, unlike a lot of girls, who daintily made themselves up for that specific purpose.

Yep, so Jason was asking about some present for his sister. Like Pyr really cared. 'I got a present for your sister...' she thought darkly, thinking about her cursed Remembrall, that she had planted somewhere for another sprung mine-like trap. Wow, that was quite harsh, even for Pyr. Jason had only been nice this entire time. Well, whatever. None of Pyr's facial expressions or body expressions revealed her inner demon though, and she continued to 'play-nice' with Jason. That was when he mentioned a locket, and she froze. Visibly froze. What the hell did he just say? Her hand dove into her pocket - she didn't care about the odd movement. Her hand gripped around her locket. What the... Did he know about it? Did he know? How could he... No. There was no way. Just no way. NO WAY! Blinking, she shakily asked, "H-haha.. L-locket.. U-uh.. Wh-what about a locket? N-no.. Ju-just get her some c-candy or something..." Pyr murmured, trying to play it cool. The mention of a locket however, had made Pyr lose her cool completely. What was he getting at? What was this man playing at? She didn't even notice Yue, and Jason's superficial 'fan-club' come in. They might bother Jason at any moment, but Pyr wasn't the wiser about that, instead she sat staring at Jason, her butterbeer barely drank at all, her hand clutching around her locket hard, deep in her jacket's pocket.

"Heh hehe... J-just get her something nice... I.. I don't know anything about a locket though... I-it has to have sentimental value... "

You people post too much the page crashed trying to load all of the 28 replies posted between now and 30 minutes ago

haha! well it is a chat thread.. lol
Thalia you scare me. That is a level of writing I can never get to >_>...Im going back to math ;~;
we've posted like 70+ times today.

well it is a chat thread.. lol


Ooooooh.. i thought he meant IRP thread.

4 minutes ago, Mossino said:

Thalia you scare me. That is a level of writing I can never get to >_>...Im going back to math ;~;

thats is normal for the more detailed oriented rps. if you don;t like  those kind of big posting rps. stick to ones like this. xD
Also, a paragraph on here doesn't look like a paragraph at times ;-; it throws me off sometimes.

Edit: also, nevermind about my post being over four paragraphs long. 
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I reread that post that I put up (I had just copy and pasted it lol). God, I remember that rp. Thats right, Pyr (short for Pyrrha btw... yah thats how much I loved Pyrrha >.>) was a Hufflepuff. She ended up finding out about a lost type of magic (rune magic), and after that, she began to change, her mind distorting. Shes basically Nyx but far darker and more dangerous-mischievous. She regularly cursed people as pranks.
Just now, Thalia_Neko said:

I reread that post that I put up (I had just copy and pasted it lol). God, I remember that rp. Thats right, Pyr (short for Pyrrha btw... yah thats how much I loved Pyrrha >.>) was a Hufflepuff. She ended up finding out about a lost type of magic (rune magic), and after that, she began to change, her mind distorting. Shes basically Nyx but far darker and more dangerous-mischievous. She regularly cursed people as pranks.


sounds fun xD  
Thalia you scare me. That is a level of writing I can never get to >_>...Im going back to math ;~;

Bleh math! I hate the subject lol

Throughout school I always got perfect grades in English classes (I even got perfect English scores on the ACT (or SAT, i forget which test it was))

sounds fun xD  

Oh it was lol, but 1000 word posts each time took literally hours to do. Like half the day XD. 
Bleh math! I hate the subject lol

Throughout school I always got perfect grades in English classes (I even got perfect English scores on the ACT (or SAT, i forget which test it was))

Yeah I always found that uncanny about myself. In school I hate writing and half the time just bs it. I love math and try to never write and I am barely creative.

Then my brain is like, "Yeah, but you love RP, lul."
1 minute ago, Thalia_Neko said:

Bleh math! I hate the subject lol

Throughout school I always got perfect grades in English classes (I even got perfect English scores on the ACT (or SAT, i forget which test it was))

Oh it was lol, but 1000 word posts each time took literally hours to do. Like half the day XD. 


i know xD   

thats usually the reason they move kinda slowly.
Just now, Mossino said:

Yeah I always found that uncanny about myself. In school I hate writing and half the time just bs it. I love math and try to never write and I am barely creative.

Then my brain is like, "Yeah, but you love RP, lul."


i hated Math and English. but here i am. what an odd turn of events, huh?
Okay actually earlier I lied, I used to be on a Fairy Tail RP site, and forgot that some things in it needed a lot of posts or one big posts, so I have some huge posts saved...
Show us one Mossino :D

And uh, I do want to reply next, but should we wait? I know theunderwolf said he was typing up a post a little while ago..
1 minute ago, Thalia_Neko said:

Show us one Mossino :D

And uh, I do want to reply next, but should we wait? I know theunderwolf said he was typing up a post a little while ago..


i say we wait for a bit, yeah. just so us four aren't filling up the thread with just our team.
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