OOC Chat

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Everyone's posted at least once, with Merkurial and theunderwolf having one post, sorta stuck because theunderwolf is responding to merkurial, but merkurial isnt as active in comparison to the rest of us.
Also, headcanon: Eco and Lilla whispering "nya" to each other and everyone else trying to figure out what it means.

In all seriousness this might happen down the road for some lols.

Edit: Wait a fellow cat faunus? Great, now I HAVE to socialize with Eco...

Actually, now that Sp3ct3r said that. Nyx might just kiss both Lilla and Joshua's cheeks for being worried. but that would be after they were all friends.

Lilla would be either extremely embarrassed or try to shrug it off, and then be embarrassed.
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[SIZE= 12px]Associating with Eco is really easy, he is really nice. Also yeah I guess an assassin could do that but for now lets say the one he beheaded was the alpha for an alpha would not just fall because it got poked in the eye and femoral muscle XD.[/SIZE]
I have many who would like to join. I will check with the first and see what they say. I do however think they will all have male cs's so your idea is getting stabbed again XD.
Yay! <3

Her Semblance is really good against Grimm, because its more of a surprise factor, and Grimm dont understand it. However, against people who understand it, they can begin to exploit it.

Ah, I'm the opposite my Semblance is great against targets who feel pain, it doesn't affect Grimm as much...

I need to make Lilla look like a badass now >_>, one boarbatusk was nothing compared to Skye's stuff...
Yay! <3

Her Semblance is really good against Grimm, because its more of a surprise factor, and Grimm dont understand it. However, against people who understand it, they can begin to exploit it.

Yay! <3

Her Semblance is really good against Grimm, because its more of a surprise factor, and Grimm dont understand it. However, against people who understand it, they can begin to exploit it.

<3 yush! @Clockwork Syringe

Im wondering whats gonna happen when she sees Joshua wielding a sword too? Also, team wise scenario against enemies.

"Get that girl! She's open!"

*activates semblance*

"Dammit she hardened her skin or something!"

"Move over I got this!"

*attempts to attack girl when shield appears out of nowhere*

Haha, well Skye generally thinks everyone's inferior to her battle-wise xD  (except for like adult hunters and huntresses, but even those she would underestimate)

@Clockwork Syringe Hehehe, well yah, something like that'd probably happen, as Skye's semblance actually leaves her wide open (she basically >almost< cant move during it)
Then there is just Nyx. who's semblance is useless without others and is only a badass when there is a Grimm involved.
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Team INJL in a nutshell

Joshua: Pointman with Shields, Sword and rifle

Sky: Diamond Gal with a big ass blade

Nyx: Mute Muse with the Deadly Songs

Lillia: Facefull of claws and buckshot
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