OOC Chat

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[SIZE= 12px]So @Clockwork Syringe what are you going to do?[/SIZE]

I am unsure of what to do in this instance.

I mean for my last few posts I have been working towards fighting the Grimm horde to get to Natsuki and Olivia. However, I also consulted with people on what action I should take. Joshua also knows that there is no way to beat RUST so he's going to play defensively until more help comes. So I think that I would keep what I wrote due to how he got to there and that he's helping his partner, Natsuki, which is something he would do instead of Olivia as Nat's in more danger currently. What is your take on this?
I am unsure of what to do in this instance.

I mean for my last few posts I have been working towards fighting the Grimm horde to get to Natsuki and Olivia. However, I also consulted with people on what action I should take. Joshua also knows that there is no way to beat RUST so he's going to play defensively until more help comes. So I think that I would keep what I wrote due to how he got to there and that he's helping his partner, Natsuki, which is something he would do instead of Olivia as Nat's in more danger currently. What is your take on this?

Dude. You got one person's opinion. And it wasn't "he should help them". It was "he should continue trying to get to them". However there have been several instances of people saying "you can't get to them" and "I want them to fight on their own." I hate to be the bad guy here, but @Keidivh and @BlackJack are being a whole lot nicer than I would be after having their requests and "hints" get ignored.
I am unsure of what to do in this instance.

I mean for my last few posts I have been working towards fighting the Grimm horde to get to Natsuki and Olivia. However, I also consulted with people on what action I should take. Joshua also knows that there is no way to beat RUST so he's going to play defensively until more help comes. So I think that I would keep what I wrote due to how he got to there and that he's helping his partner, Natsuki, which is something he would do instead of Olivia as Nat's in more danger currently. What is your take on this?

Like I said mate, you don't have to make any changes, just letting you know my thoughts on the matter. I already said my peace so I'll just leave it at that.
Yeah, so I wanted to write this earlier but I have been off getting supplies for my trip back to college which is buried in snow and I drive a rear wheel drive car. Please lord save my stupid soul. But let me say what I wanted to say. No one is the bad guy here, just a little misunderstanding is all. Natsuki and Olivia are cut off from the others, they are actually in a different area altogether. Like getting past the grimm will not bring you to where they are. They made the mistake of following Rust into the fog and will now pay for it. I do not want anyone to bother them until they learn there lesson/get hurt. Its the price they should pay for doing such a dumb move. You did nothing wrong because I forgot to specify. Again, its been really hectic on my end hence why posts are small and hard to read but hopefully that will all get fixed soon enough. Don't worry, you will all meet again soon enough. Either they get hurt or Rust hits stage 3, either way everyone will be reunited.
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Yeah, so I wanted to write this earlier but I have been off getting supplies for my trip back to college which is buried in snow and I drive a rear wheel drive car. Please lord save my stupid soul. But let me say what I wanted to say. No one is the bad guy here, just a little misunderstanding is all. Natsuki and Olivia are cut off from the others, they are actually in a different area altogether. Like getting past the grimm will not bring you to where they are. They made the mistake of following Rust into the fog and will now pay for it. I do not want anyone to bother them until they learn there lesson/get hurt. Its the price they should pay for doing such a dumb move. You did nothing wrong because I forgot to specify. Again, its been really hectic on my end hence why posts are small and hard to read but hopefully that will all get fixed soon enough. Don't worry, you will all meet again soon enough. Either they get hurt or Rust hits stage 3, either way everyone will be reunited.

Thanks for the clarification good sir. Hmmm Stage 3 huh? That sounds apocalyptic. I like it!

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