OOC Chat

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Hey, she's already missing an eye, might as well try to be a bit more asymmetrical while we're at it!

I feel bad for writing that.

I live in this constant realm of liking you yet really hating you.

also @Thalia_Neko I won't post again till the Alpha is down, Lilla is currently defending the keg from being overrun, and that is taking all of her attention.
I live in this constant realm of liking you yet really hating you.

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And here is the moment of truth, where we finally get to see Natsuki's sick dance moves.

Probably a weird time, but shh, it's to sweep the Rust off its feet, sort of!
omg another dancer? x3 uhoh.. lol

omg another dancer? x3 uhoh.. lol

lolol, she was always a dancer (her bio mentions that in her family inn, there was a crew who'd do dances and plays, and she learned a lot from them!)

She just doesn't show much of it unless she's in combat, and even then it's more of the traditional dancing since it fits her image, though when things start looking bad she switches into modern dancing.
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lolol, she was always a dancer (in her family inn, there was a crew who'd do dances and plays, and she learned a lot from them!)

She just doesn't show much of it unless she's in combat, and even then it's more of the traditional dancing since it fits her image, though when things start looking bad she switches into modern dancing.

Lol, three dancers in our group? Should we just form a dance troop instead of becoming Huntress'? xD
Lol, three dancers in our group? Should we just form a dance troop instead of becoming Huntress'? xD

Ahaha, incoming dance mob, watch out, grimm!

But yeah, Natsuki's a dancer, she just hasn't been showing it off a lot.

(Natsuki is a rip-off of my old character Ryuuko Shirogane, who was a dancer/noble mix...)

I have to edit her CS because I forgot to replace the old semblance again...gg me...
well Skye and Olivia apparently are dance partners (since very early on in the rp lol) xD so.. add nat! ^^

Are we all just gonna bond over the dance floor?

Natsuki knows a lot of styles so she'd try to teach others if they were interested, though she'd get easily flustered in dances requiring partners and would refuse to teach any of that sort of thing, ahaha.

Though she's not going to bring up her love of dancing until someone asks her about it (she believes it to be a "distraction" to her huntress duties...though does it anyways when she can't help it). 
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Lilla would refuse to dance....

Unless like, Skye or Olivia asked, then she would kinda melt and timidly take their hand.
Well Skye isn't an actual dancer and she doesnt know any dance styles, she just considers dancing "fighting" which is why she likes it lol
Well Skye isn't an actual dancer and she doesnt know any dance styles, she just considers dancing "fighting" which is why she likes it lol

How far away would you reckon the alpha is? Also in my post I'm going to get the keg onto the beast, and then let @Calm and you post for how you get away while Lilla blows the keg. This'll all take place in like 8 seconds in reality.

Also, Lilla right now towards Grimm.
If there would be some sort of dance party later on, Amber would be too busy spiking the punch to dance. Just sayin' x3

Also, I was gonna work on a post with Amber getting pissy at Skye and storming off, but I might save that for another time. Just thought I would share part of my thought process x3 I figured if they argued then Olivia would be bound to do something to help and that might bring them all closer together.. But Amber storming off with good reason is kinda unlikely, in any situation.



Lilith can't dance...


Okay, not actually true. She can dance. She just won't.

i dont dance3.jpg

i dont dance.jpg


Well Skye isn't an actual dancer and she doesnt know any dance styles, she just considers dancing "fighting" which is why she likes it lol
Lilla would refuse to dance....

Unless like, Skye or Olivia asked, then she would kinda melt and timidly take their hand.

...I'm kind of wanting the Beacon Dance thing to happen.

Natsuki can just be like, "Please hold my drink, I shall be right back" and just breakdance in the center like it ain't no thing.
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