OOC Chat

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Would you like me to escalate the fight or wait for the others so they get to witness it get way worse. Soon enough you will learn the blades name.
Probably wait for the others.

'Cause I kind of want to see everyone get super ticked once they see their friends get hurt from Rust, lolol.

Well, if the two of them, three if you include Lilith, either return to the group or get found by the group already seriously beat up, it could cause even more drama.  :ChesireGrin:
Well, if the two of them, three if you include Lilith, either return to the group or get found by the group already seriously beat up, it could cause even more drama.  :ChesireGrin:

Oooh, true, true...that'd be fun...

Hmhmhm...I guess I'll wait to see what Kei says on this matter.
@Mossino Wait, wait.. Did I see 'Schnell' in there?

That's fast, right? I took up German a long time ago, and I haven't taken lessons in a while, so I'm a little fuzzy.. Do you know the language?
@Mossino Wait, wait.. Did I see 'Schnell' in there?

That's fast, right? I took up German a long time ago, and I haven't taken lessons in a while, so I'm a little fuzzy.. Do you know the language?

Schnell is go.

I'm gonna say Lilla knows german/is slightly german

i just started taking german, i love german.

Edit: schnell may mean fast as well,

but i know Schnell Schnell Schnell is Go Go Go
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Wait, Mossy is multilingual, too?
Salut, mon amie! Je ne parle pas allemand, mais je parle français un peu (je m'excuse pour mon français pauvre; je suis une débutante) et c'est amusement parler!
Schnell is go.

I'm gonna say Lilla knows german/is slightly german

i just started taking german, i love german.

Edit: schnell may mean fast as well,

but i know Schnell Schnell Schnell is Go Go Go

I swear sometimes, German is more confusing than English. Like how they have different translations of 'The' for different genders, and different tenses? It always gets me, I swear. It's harder to listen and understand it than it is to speak it... Maybe I'm just odd in that way, though. I only really took a few random online courses, never anything formal. My school only offers Spanish.

-Insert racist comments about the immigrant problem in Minnesota here-
I swear sometimes, German is more confusing than English. Like how they have different translations of 'The' for different genders, and different tenses? It always gets me, I swear. It's harder to listen and understand it than it is to speak it... Maybe I'm just odd in that way, though. I only really took a few random online courses, never anything formal. My school only offers Spanish.

-Insert racist comments about the immigrant problem in Minnesota here-

heh, homeschool op.
someone translate this

Sorry, I forgot my accent marks. ;-; That might have screwed things up a little. 

Salut, mon amie! Je ne parle pas allemand, mais je parle français un peu (je m'excuse pour mon français pauvre; je suis une débutante) et c'est amusement parler!

"Hey, friend! I don't speak German, but I speak a little of French (please excuse me for my poor french: I'm a beginner) and it's fun to speak!"

Je suis desolee; est-ce un sujet mal?

"I'm sorry; is this a bad subject?"
[SIZE= 12px]What would you like me to do? @Keidivh @Danchou Tsubomi[/SIZE]

I'm cool with what Danchou said!

.... Or you can make RUST whallop on us some more!


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