OOC Chat

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I like how when I first join RPs and go into OoC, I start off really shy and then suddenly:



Hahaha, I guess that's where I get the dan in danchou?

It's really nice to talk so easily on this website, though.

In real-life, you'd all be asking me to speak up louder and have to deal with twenty stutters in a row.
Depending on how you run you could dive away and get your legs hurt, could just run and risk really hurting your back. Possibilities are endless with an explosion. In RWBY sense it would damage your aura and hurt you a bit in the area closest to the blast.
Depending on how you run you could dive away and get your legs hurt, could just run and risk really hurting your back. Possibilities are endless with an explosion. In RWBY sense it would damage your aura and hurt you a bit in the area closest to the blast.

Well the post is like.

She throws the barrel, and can't take the chance it not exploding.

Its like 5 feet in front of her, and she explodes it

The blast would move faster than her

So she is getting a full body pop.

Even with her Aura I doubt it would protect her from all the damage.
[SIZE= 12px]The thing is going to start going full force if you keep throwing yourself at it XD.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Is she going to stand and take it or try to run/dive?[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]The thing is going to start going full force if you keep throwing yourself at it XD.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Is she going to stand and take it or try to run/dive?[/SIZE]

If she turned to run she'd just get face planted.

I was gonna have her stab her blade into the ground, hang on for dear life and take the entire explosion.
[SIZE= 12px]Thats a big blast to take, those barrels are really dangerous. [/SIZE]

Yeah, I know,

But Lilla would have no time to run.

The moment she shot her shotgun to explode the barrel, the blast goes off.

Turning and running or diving would help her none.

I didn't think my plan all the way through, but im committed.

I wanted your input on her injuries.
@Mossino I'm gonna wait for you to post, I think. Amber is probably gonna be the only one getting up from the explosion right away, so it'll be nice to have as much for him to react to as possible.
@Mossino I'm gonna wait for you to post, I think. Amber is probably gonna be the only one getting up from the explosion right away, so it'll be nice to have as much for him to react to as possible.

Yeah I think Lilla is gonna be out of commision with concussions and broken bones here....

Defend Skye!
Thats fine with me. It seems you might have to end the mission early. 


I mean

We were gonna have to anyway..

I mean they fought the rust.

if we stay here much longer people are gonna die

im just waiting for varien to pop his ultimate, i mean semblance.
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