OOC Chat

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I thought he did. I will fix it, I will say that I did not refresh my page before replying.

They moved the barrel outside Its probably in the street.
I'm going to deeply regret this action, but I am heading to bed! 

Good night everyone! Tomorrow I should be free! ^^ 
so seems good, pin the alpha under skye's semblance and blow it up ^^

but imma hold off on a post till some others get a reply in, and i needs some sleeps anyway lol <3
It's cool

hows the zombie life now?

Is Olivia gonna get seriously hurt fighting the armor.

If she does this might turn into a season 3 finale. Cuz Lilla would fly into the biggest of rages and go to fight the armor for hurting her lover friend
... Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion.

I should be studying right now.

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