[OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

is everyone ready to set out? if so' date=' I'll just run the tent side trek, and then we can begin the journey...[/quote']
Just let us know how cool the tent looks and that we don't find anything so we can be off.
You said we're given special clothing to blend in, yes? Would that cover Odalis's breastplate and such?

While I'm musing, I can't help wonder how the Seven Fangs would respond to their presence...

Also, I've been wondering about evoking items to Elsewhere. The only rules for Exalts regarding that, which I've seen, is evoking away weapons and armour. I'm wondering if other items can be sent there, like clothing and such.

Lastly, where are the rules for attribute maximums based on Essence? Does anyone know?
I don't have much investigation, so I leave that CSI stuff to you all. Let me know when you are finished.
Axelgear said:
You said we're given special clothing to blend in, yes? Would that cover Odalis's breastplate and such?
I'm assuming that for my character, at least. Otherwise he wouldn't come along. He wants to hide whatever orichalcum he has on him.

Also, I've been wondering about evoking items to Elsewhere. The only rules for Exalts regarding that, which I've seen, is evoking away weapons and armour. I'm wondering if other items can be sent there, like clothing and such.
There is apparently one for Warstriders in Dreams of the Lost Age.

Lastly, where are the rules for attribute maximums based on Essence? Does anyone know?
"Elder Exalts can raise their Essence, Attributes and Abilities above 5 using the same formula as described previously, but they must first increase their permanent Essence score. For example, an Essence of 6 allwos characters to raise Attributes and Abilities to 6. Solar Exalts can increase Abilities and Attributes above this maximum with rare artifacts or other supernatural means, but they may never spend experience to do so without first raising the Essence score. Exalted cannot raise their Virtues above 5."

p. 275 of the Core Book.
Solars can only store their arms and armor Elsewhere. Lunars have no such limit, except size of object, if I remember correctly.

The clothes you are given will hide your equipment, unless one of you is sporting a warstrider I'm not aware of... :mrgreen:
Damn Many Pockets Meditation... It'd be so much easier if, like Raksha, we could just pop anything we needed in and out of existence...

Ah well, guess we're stuck to being a touch more mortal.
Axelgear said:
Damn Many Pockets Meditation... It'd be so much easier if, like Raksha, we could just pop anything we needed in and out of existence...
Ah well, guess we're stuck to being a touch more mortal.
Maybe I should ask my Contact to have my Graces forged, so I can learn some raksha charms? :)
Sadly, the only Raksha charms worth having outside of shaping combat are so heavily tied to Assumption Charms, it just isn't worth it...

Well, except, perhaps, for the craft charms...
I've been busy and blah-y, so Altieria will be at that tent. I'll post something soon I hope. ^^
Odalis is going to go but I'm really not sure WHERE we went. Or that we went. It just kinda went to us being by tents...

Maybe we should split into two groups, one following the trail, one at the tent? Unless following the scent will get them nowhere...
We're investigating the tent that Flame Season stays in. Since it is in the middle of the Court of Seasons we needed to sneak in. This is being done as a short side quest prior to leaving to follow the scent on the scarf. Or, at least that is my understanding.

Per+Investigation roll 1d10=2, 1d10=7, 1d10=2, 1d10=10, 1d10=5 = 3 sux
Axelgear said:
At least it wasn't a botch.
Actually, my first roll was, but I had rolled too many dice (trying to type quickly with fat fingers) so I rerolled. Six 1's is an ugly sight.
I'm not entirely sure if Rhea got back to the group in time to go along, but... just assume she's not at the tent, for the sake of moving things along while I'm gone.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish her background when I get back.
Is this tent investigation thing going to take sometime? If so I rather come too so I don't idle for like 2 weeks.
I'll be a bit busy for the next week so I might not be able to make any posts. I'll let the ST control my character if they need to.

Edit: If you posted updates, I don't think they are showing.
Due to real life issues, I must withdraw from every game I am in. Feel free to take over my character or drop them completely. While I may be able to return one day I doubt it will happen in the near future. Have fun everyone.

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