[OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

Heh heh... Odalis's background is flexible in that respect. I suppose, if the ST is willing, I could just add another language and not publicly name any as their native tongue, given their background. Appropriate enough, Odalis being Odalis.

Then again, I could just say Low Realm and not concern myself with such niggling details.
That it would, but it would hint towards one background over the other... Unless I decide that it's all a lie and Odalis is the God-Blooded sodaughter of the Unconquered Sun!

... Naaaah.
the rules speak about taking tribal languages as specialties, but I allow any language to be treated so, and let ;anguage specialties in Linguistics not count as bonus dice, yet they are also not limited to only three.
Sorry about the delay in posting. I just had to sort some things out with Axel and I've been generally busy today, not to mention not feeling too well. I'll be able to get to it soon.
Just in response to the Linguistics thing: Wouldn't that make it easier for a character just to take specialties (3 EXP each) to get new languages instead of increased dots?
It is, but that doesn't give you the other benefits of Linguistics, such as a higher effective Appearance when making social attacks through writing.
true, but especially with Solars, Linguistics has some great Charms, that with specialties in languages, you can't get. It's got it's ups and downs, but I feel it's a rule that keep a fair balance.
Is it okay if I make some last-minute adaptations to my character sheet?

In particular, I want to make the following changes:

Removing Melee as a Favored Ability and switching that to Integrity. One of its three dots would go to Integrity, the other two to Lore.

Getting rid of Principle of Motion and replacing it by a combo of Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique and Twisted Words Technique.

Replacing Linguistics Essence Flow by Presence Essence Flow (because the Linguistics Excellencies don't really... do all that much, as Linguistics Charms usually reference other abilities than Linguistics.)

Replacing my two specialties by a double specialty of Presence (Persuasion).

I'd like to do the first two aspects because I realized that even with those small improvements, my character is still going to be worthless in Melee, and would better be a bit better as a non-combat character than be just as useless in combat as well as being worse off outside of combat.

The second two are mostly corrections of errors I made in writing up the character so quickly.

I'd be most glad if I were allowed to change these.
I'll let you do the following:

Switch Integrity with Melee as Favored

Get Rid of Principle of Motion to take the Combo

Replace Linguistics Essence Flow with it's Presence counterpart

Replace your Melee specialty with Presence (Persuasion).

I understand how you want to be better in your field, but a caharcter with no fighting ability will be hard pressed to survive, because combat will happen, and you can't always escape from it.
Sorry about disappearing like that... I've just been having trouble with work and a lack of sleep recently. I should be able to post tonight, and hopefully finish the background.
Ready. Willing to come along to the tent as well, if the others don't mind. I'm not too bad at investigation, after all.
I can't stay on long now, but you can go ahead and move things along without waiting for my response, unless there's anything else to be done. Rhea will be following the others to the tent.
I don't mind others coming to the tent. They said that they would need to sneak us in and I figured it would be easier to sneak in just a couple of us rather than the whole group. Frankly, I'd rather all of us go, if just to keep us all together.
Also, let me know if you need a response from me tonight. I'm kind of suffering from writer's block at the moment, so I've had trouble putting together anything decent, but I can manage a response if you want it.

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