[OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

Oh, sorry, I didn't notice that...

I hope to be more active in this soon, after I get Rhea's backstory done. I'm hoping to manage that tonight, finally, but knowing myself I'm not too sure how that'll turn out...
I'm back.

But go ahead and move on. I don't really have much to contribute at the moment, and I think it's more important to try and get everyone involved in this again.
This is the time where everyone is supposed to mention a tidbit about their character. EVERYONE should have something to contribute, even if it's a "I don't really have much to say..."
So... who is still here? If we've lost some players, we might have to try to get this restarted, if Shadow chooses to do so...

I am around, I've just been having a heck of a lot of personal problems recently, so I've been unable to do much. I will see this through, though, even if I have to sacrifice half my sleep to do it. It's fine if you want me out to speed things up, though; I'd rather not hold this game up with my inability to get anything done.
Seems we only have three players remaining still... Perhaps we can split the group as it is now and have some continue the quest, the others doing something off-screen and any who return can just have been sent to join the current group?
I'll think on how to do that without it seeming like just a plug-in.

Also, I'm pretty sure Myllinia is still interested, but in another game she's running she said she's having some problems. Hopefully these will get resolved soon, and she can rejoin us.
I'm still here and interested.

...Er, kind of here. I'll be here properly once I clear up my computer problems.
Yaaay! I was kinda worried you'd drop out. I shudder to think the amount of potential character development lost if Rhea up and vanished.
That's fine, at least now I know I have about 5 players.

Will do my best to come up with a way to keep this game going within the next few days.
...I'll do my best to get that spoony backstory done sometime, too. I just can't seem to get myself to write...

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