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Fantasy OniKami Agency

Kyu grinned, sighing in relief. "Thank goodness!" He feared that no one would end up partnering with him. He didn't have any connections to anyone here, so finding a partner would be a task, well he thought it was gonna be one.
After taking a second look at him, Shishiza completely forgot about Kyu being a "he". She saw him as a bishounen and instantly started to go blushy-girl on him. Shishiza calmed down and just held her hand while she still was blushing slightly. "W-Well, nice to meet you, partner" Shishiza slightly smiled.
Kyu laughed, smiling at her. He lifted a hand and ruffled her hair. "Nice to meet you too partner!" He said cheerfully, still failing to see that they were both of the opposite gender.
Shishiza felt his hand ruffle her hair and she puffed up her cheeks slightly. She liked this guy's attitude and how he looked but she hope she didn't have a random fangirl outburst again. She also noticed that they were different ages but, Shishiza didn't care. "So, what else do you wanna do now that we are partners" She said as she fixed her now disheveled hair.
Kyon sits in disgust at the Luvey Dovey mood. "Don't you two have some kind of murder to investigate? Get to it. The faster you do your job, the faster I do mine." Kyon looked back at the computer screen, browsing through all of the different ways to burn someone. Hopefully he would find some clues as to why this had happened.
"Hey, why don't you stop being so bitter" She rolled her eyes as she said to Kyon. "I'll talk to you when I'm , Kyu" She said as she walked over to grab one of the pictures of the crime scene. She studied the bruise on her head and wondered about the bruise, "Actually, Kyu, I need more detailed pictures of the body, on the bruise on her head." Shishiza said as she walked over to get her Laptop; She was looking at types of injuries that would inflict bruises.

The boss walked up to Kyon, her silent presence made known when she spoke," I have further details about the Witnesses."


She layed out three portfolios in front of him, each had a description of the witnesses;
Ken, Page and Gabriel.

Ken the Kitsune


Kitsunes can be dangerous beings, as well as tricksters. In order to interview him to what exactly happen please do not get yourself caught up with his silliness. He will try to distract you away from your original goal. Be harsh and get straight to the point with this one, and beware of the illusions he may cause.

Page the Tanuki


She is found in the bars constantly drunk, she is least problematic out the three to interview. However her roughness may injure you, please be careful, as the Tanuki race has tremendous amount of strength.

Gabriel the Harpy


A dangerous person to approach, their sharp claws can rip through human skin like a knife. They are an extremely sensitive race, please when asking questions be careful as how she may react.

Kyu mustered a smile, bowing his head slightly towards Kyon. "Sorry, we'll get back to work." Turning towards his partner, he too, looked at the pictures. His eyes skimmed each picture, none of them seemed easy to handle. Scratching the back of his head, he wondered which one to go for.

"Do you want to try checking out the actual crime scene or interview these witnesses?" He asked her.
"I'm assuming that you need me to interview these people myself. I will gladly do so if you give me some time to record the rest of this information." Kyon records more information into the hard drive then searches for details on the witnesses, making sure to be ready for the interviews.

(Who will be acting out the role of Ken, Page, and Gabriel?)
Kyon said:
"I'm assuming that you need me to interview these people myself. I will gladly do so if you give me some time to record the rest of this information." Kyon records more information into the hard drive then searches for details on the witnesses, making sure to be ready for the interviews.
(Who will be acting out the role of Ken, Page, and Gabriel?)
(I think I may have to.)
He turned towards Kyon, nodding. "Well I guess that's settled." He changed his focus towards his partner and the sibling pair. "So, does that mean all four of us will end up searching in the crime scene?"
Shishiza saw the witnesses and thought of a strategy, She thought of interviewing the witnesses first and so she could get a clear representation of how they hit and to get Their finger prints. "We'll go see the witnesses first than the crime scene, it will help us see the personalities and how hard they hit" She strategized.
Kyon organizes all of his files, then the crime scene files, making them easier to access. He looks at the crowd of people talking about the crime and feels relief. It's about time that those insolent people actually did something. They should treat this as if it was their mothers that just got killed. Kyon finished typing the last files then shut down his computer. Soon after, he went to the food court to grab a bite to eat. He hadn't eaten since the incident.
Kiyo looked at the phone and chuckled "It's kinda cute, you know." he looked up when the bosslady said who would be interviewed. "Me and Miyo will interview Ken. We are immune to other Kitsune's tricks." he said and stood up. "Nothing will get past the wonder twins!" he grinned and let out a chuckle. "Man I crack myself up."
"Well the goes the kitsune," he muttered, scanning the two other pictures. The tanuki seemed easier compared to the extremely sensitive harpy. However, he did take in that one detail about the tanuki being often drunk. That can lead to some difficult obstacles if she doesn't cooperate. Plus, she was a violent one. Kyu didn't see himself as a buff or strong person, but at least he could pray that worst doesn't come to worst.

"I think we can take the tanuki. Perhaps we can talk some sense onto her." He shot a glance at the picture of the harpy. "Maybe the two groups can team up together to take the harpy down. She seems to be the most challenging of the three . . . to me." He added, to make sure that they don't misunderstand.
Shishiza studied the Harpy, being a sensitive and violent while the Tanuki was a drunk most of the time, She could probably get her drunk and easily get the truth out of her. "If we interview the Tanuki, We could get her drunk and u'know, get the truth, but, the Harpy might have to get her to talk to a group of us like Kyu said" she thought aloud.
"I'd like to interview the Tanuki," Mao murmured. If the Tanuki was strong, Mao would be an appropriate match. She hadn't found a partner yet, but it didn't seem to bother her much if someone was with her or not. Besides, it would be nice to meet another Tanuki, she thought as she finished another stick of Pocky. Without another word, she stood to leave, not bothering to wait for an answer because she'd probably just do it anyway.
Miyoshi jumps up "Yeah,we'll trick him if he even thinks about trying to trick us!" Miyo puts his fist out towards Kiyo's "Wonder twin powers activate!" He said laughing "Nothing can get past us brother!"
Shishiza chuckled at Miyoshi's comment. She had to interview the Harpy but was ok with it. She had a high charisma with quiet people and had a serene voice she could lure in the Harpy to the truth, though she would need help from her partner. "So, Me and Kyu will interview the Harpy and maybe other people will help us as well." Shishiza said.
Kyu scratched the back of his head, scrunching up his nose. Last he remembered, he called dibs on the tanuki. But whatever, he let it slide. Clasping his hands together, he pushed himself up, brushing away the wrinkles on his clothes.

"Well I guess everything I'd decided, now. Shall we?" He asked all of them, wondering if they could head to interviewing already.
"Yeah, We should get going with the interview" Shishiza replied as she scratched the back of her neck. She had to pick up some balls or melons for the witnesses to hit to make sure they didn't have anything with the crime. She didn't have to do that but she still had to get some type of device to measure the force of the fist of all the witnesses or one of them anyways.
Before everyone left, Kyon said, "Be sure to report any information into me through your cell phones. And be careful." Kyon may seem bitter on the outside, but he actually really cared for his partners. He hated for people to get hurt or suffer, even if he hadn't known them at all. This case especially got him hung up. Poor girl. She didn't deserve to die. And a brutal death at that. First they burnt her then killed her with a hard, blunt object. What kind of sick people do that? Kyon clenched his fist at the thought. He wondered why people had to come and go like this. He wondered why death was even part of the life cycle. But most importantly, he wondered how the parents felt about the whole incident. So at that, he had decided. Kyon grabbe his laptop and slid it carefully into its case. Then, he grabbed his tablet and his pink cell phone and headed out the door. He had found girl's parents' adress and walked to their house to interview them, wondering why anyone would want to do this to the poor burnt girl.
Kyu watched Kyon go, a smile on his face. He liked that Kyon guy, he was smart and straight to the point. Something that he wished he possessed. Sapping his head towards his partner, he nodded. "Okie dokie then!" He exclaimed, winking at her. "Let's move!" He followed Kyon from behind, eventually leading to the door. He opened the door for his partner. "After you,"
Mao was strolling to one of the Tanuki girl's favorite bars, now popping grapes into her mouth every so often. Maybe she had been forward with her claim on the other Tanuki but she was unaware of how that might've been a problem. People skills were not her thing. In her mind, she was protecting others from the strength of another Tanuki and was a bit curious about what she'd be like. Of course, the Tanuki was a suspect and it was strictly business. If it got rough, Mao wouldn't be bothered in the slightest. As it has been stated, normal morals were not her thing. So, with the small bag of grapes in hand, she opened the door to the bar.

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