One Thousand Birds

Nothin' much on my end either. I am trying not to fall asleep AGAIN. ;-;

Other than that, though, I've been eating. A LOT.
Nooooooooooooobbbbb go away nobody likes you... jk :P

Yep he's the guy that i invited to the rp~ I give you guys permission to torture him to your liking hehe

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Well, he may have to replace a certain non-posting member of my Squad if she decides she's gonna keep not-posting :3 (just poking, Infinities) xD
If you are very sleepy, sleep seems to be the best cure eheheheh ewe

Memories if I'm mean, I could get banned!! No thanks

*sees something about miracles on your profile thingy*

are you... A homestuck?!
Aaaaaa I think were the only two homestucks here in this rp, that I know of!!

Vriska is alright, I like gamzee and eridan

Oh oh, what about OFF?
Ahhh that's okay, i was just wondering because a lot of OFF fans are also homestucks.

Most people have never heard of its existence

Are you all caught up on home stuck?!

I can't wait for the last update though idk what I'm going to do when its all over

Probably be stunned for like a week

I'm incredibly excited for the adventure game too
I don't know if I want it be tomorrow or not auuuuuuugh

I totally forgot the date today

I really hope the new servers are up to the task of the last update, whenever it happens 
harr y what are you doing harRY YOURE BLOWING YOUR COVER

/makes noises at deathly hollows
I don't know, I really would love to read more home stuck, see what happens, but it'll be so sudden, I don't want home stuck to just end
Welcome Leaf! It's a little hard to breath in OOC, but I always sleep here.

Ghost is a liar. If you want I can send you in a private chat what makes moi everyone's favorite. Pine says I am creative. I learned not to trust the trees many years ago after reading LoTR and I tried to talk to a tree for two days. Well now that my semi confidential self thinks about that Ghost gets favorite... If my posts seem so reheat scary, just know at least its not offensive.

*scrolls through chat*
Okay, so Thmetal/Damen's out of the picture. xD

I'm trying to check up on Mura, but I'll probably end up just setting the status of the role play to needing more members... or open?

Not sure.

Maybe need, because it's a position thing.

I'll update the overview with that stuff so maybe people will see it.

In general, I might start organizing that.


I have implemented Flubs' play into the overview now. lol

But Fluuuuuuuubs, I'm actually a fruit, you can trust meeeeeeee. c: 0

Anyway, welcome to the shady part of One Thousand Birds, Leaf. 8D

So after having been at the school painting for five hours... I'm a little tired. xD
Gaaaaah I totally fell asleep at my desk playing reaper of souls- and now I have like a bajillion things to reply to!!

P.S. @Pine I love you! Haha thanks for that on my 1x1 post <3
Aaaah I had to see a school play or I could've replied

I'm on my tablet now, and I don't like writing rp posts with it bcuz rp posts r much longer and autocorrect and this touchscreen keyboard make it difficult

So when I get a computer, or if it gets to be too long without a post from me, I'll reply

I don't think I'll have time to be on tomorrow, I have to go to church then right over to my cousins afterwards, apparently, and they live a little ways away so I'll probs get back a Lil late
It's finally here! The final is talment in a tale of men and Ghost!

A tale of men and Ghost IV

"Very lies! So false! Much death!"

"My dear Doge, if I intended thee I am very sorry, so sad, much apologies. We humans are of by no means such a superior creature as thine self."

"Very want? So ask. Much forgiven."

"If I may request so my dearest Doge, Very help, So dire, Much pay."

"Very accept. So flubs. Much doge."

"Good. Very good. So fast. Much aid. To the Drive!"

"Doge, Very haste, So speed, Much kill."

"All of my company we have gotten the doges of! We shalt ride upon the drive, and smite the google down once and for all!"

Bride of the drive set

"Ghost clear you men! Retreat! The doges have arrived! Much charge! So fast! Very swift!"


"How much did it cost my dear Flubs?"

"As long as the DogeChief is slain it shan't cost a penny. If it needs to happen I shall cut its throat."

"Good. We shall be remembered for this!"

"So may the god of malice not take upon my soul I charge to battle! Thy shall regret the day you ever sold our words! Google shall fall under thy feet! Men! To me! For thy family's, for thy wives and children, for thy towns and cities, FOR FREEDOM!"

"Flubs if we charge now the doges shall die."

"I am no dogemanitarian. I shan't give a scrap to those foul beasts. I may speak to them, and eat with them, but no, I shan't become one of them. We need the drive hem we can swarm the search. Watch my dearest companion as they throw there lives down and take the drive. As they overrun the doge, they pile the search. Nothing leaves it now not even them."

"I led these men and said I shall die for them, and now you kill them mercilessly. Why hath the done these horrific acts?"

"If I recall correctly you said you shalt die for them?"

"Yes, flubs I shalt."

"Follow me to the walls."

"All men of Birds cease attacking! This keep is empty and google is dead! You king said he would die for you and did he?"


"Flu s what are thou doing?"

"Fulfilling your promise. Is he not living and standing on the wall?"


"And would you rip him apart for not even drawing blood? Look at his sword! Clean!"

"Flubs why?"

"He asks why now! I shalt show you why ghost! You have done nothing but take our glory and stuff yourself in it! Thy hath corrupted thine own men, stuffed them on thy glory, we deserve something! And now we take it!"

"Flubs... Why hath thy run me through upon my blade?"

"Feast upon his flesh my brothers! For tonight, we sleep for years more!"

Imperial castle set

"Kitsune the menace of the Drive still stirs. Our men lost a battle there, and now it is cursed. We don't even know how google was taken and who died, let alone how it corrupted there souls! If thy shall allow me to send a spy to the lost city may we eventually know what stirs."

"M'lady I cannot say yes or no to anything you beg of my person. I you intend someone else to go then yes. If me so be it."

"My dearest Kitsune I would never send the off to the Drive! I send Memories for I care not for him and he shalt do anything for me."

"Memories go to the drive and tell me what you learn."

"As you wish m'lady Pine."

The drive set

"Hello Memories."

"Who shalt come forth and show thine face?"

"If I do you shan't recognize me. I hath become more than mortal! I am a god!"

"Why dost thus end these red strains of liquid around me?"

"That is blood. The blood of all the other once free nations of this planet. Now as the blood lightens you shall see me."

"What is that shape I see? It appears to be a lump. And that scraping sound? I see it now! The horror!"

"Go tell your lady Pine, Flubs says a godly hello."

Imperial castle set

"M'LAAAAAAAADY! I MUST SEE THE QUEEN! Pine m'lady! Flubs... Flubs is..."

"Speak up memories."

"He has surpassed a mortals capabilities. He claims god hood, and says hello to the."

"Kitsune send him off. Get my most trained men in a company of twenty four. I ride tomorrow for the drive."

"M'lady surely he shall kill you and all others who come?"

"He shall not slay me. I know his warped and twisted mind. He later his snares even before he became a soldier. The day we met he set his machinations to work."

"Then go m'lady. Surely if he will not kill you then we must spare these men's lives."

"You are wise beyond your years Kitsune. I bud the farewell and if I hath not returned in a weeks time you shall lead this nation."

The drive hall of death

"Greeting pine. I knew you couldn't resist coming."

"Come out demon. I know the shan't harm me."

"You are wise beyond your years. But not mine, for I am no demon. No, much much worse. I am the last god. I have through slaughter and cruelty become the god of slaughter. My brethren would welcome another to our halls of seven. What saith the m'lady? Shall the become immortal?"

"Your lies and deception cannot fool me. Behind your illusions cloak lies a cruel man in a cloak of blades."

"As you wish m'lady. Shall I bring down to my hall my six other brethren of the godly nature?"

"Shall I kill the?"

"I call in a time of fire need my brethren of the heavens, earth, and hell to my aid. Speak before me, as me, and against me as the choose."

"I am the god of light."

"I am of shadow."

"I am of earth."

"I am of sea."

"I am of knowledge."

"I of strength."

"And I of course slaughter. I have summoned the before my lady pine to show we can take upon our ranks another. You shall choose. You are not embodied by your aspect, you merely see that it happens. I see war and crime, and my brethren there respective duties."

"If I where to accept how would this help me?"

"It is up to you m'lady."

"I accept."

"Now all you must do my lady pine is declare oneself god of something and it shall be done before my bowing knees."

"I declare myself god of… life!"

"Go and preform thy duties. Now remember thy shall not be able to return to there life they once lived. But I can return one thing."

"My lady pine!"

"Ghost! Why are thy so opaque?"

"I am merely a figment of thy soul, leaving no trace upon this world. Flubs gave me this life so I could forever watch upon the and guide. Now once again we can be together!"
Ghost sorry about stabbing you. I based this upon my first four hours of OOC!
Hehe its okay, ghost came back as a ghost to haunt pie forevermore!

Yeah, I kinda thought it was based on the ooc at least a little :0
I feel the urge to post a RP post... Not much to do since no mission and currently Ikomo is standing waiting for someon else to come over to trainig ground six. Maybe a second character? No... Flubs ain't that good at this

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