One Thousand Birds

What price? :3 I'm a Jounin, bro, it's my JOB to torture these kids... now, maybe I'll be nice about it, I won't play rough or dirty, I'll just make it so they have to play smart x3
Oh, no, characters are fine, and torturing characters in encouraged by me.
^ probably, Stick. xD

I think it may have started after Wednesday night when I was working on replies for... four, five hours? lol

it'll get better c*



Eh, I tend to use various household objects as stylus replacements, mechanical pencils, tiny toy swords, a toothpick. I can't find me cool little retractable stylus, I'm pretty sure that one snotty kid I used to hang out with stole it xD
Snotty kid? cx lool

It's just so fun to mess with.

I usually just use my fingernails. lol

I figured out pretty quickly that Nintendo is biased towards right-handed peeps. :'D

Kiro is having the busies, like I sorta' guessed. -w-
Eh, it's ok, Flubs, it's just a later installment that hasn't come out yet, we can wait xD
Watching return of the king for inspiration... Much Hobbits, very Ring, so Inspiration... Wait... Frock just randomly said naked in the dark? WTF?!?!?!?! SMS shining moment happens! 
Act three is here!

Ready your weapons and eat hearty, for tonight you read something of hell! 
A tale of men and Ghost act 3

Lower castle set

"Why dost thou want? If it be my love I hath already given it."

"My fairest lady, I hath been gone for two long years and have come to confess my love for thy self."

"As have I m'lady, for the same purpose as my dear friend MemoriesUnknown, to confess my love for thee, except two years past you sent from thy halls a messenger to thee myself that thy wanted to see me again."

"I hath given my love to a man far greater than both of the combined."

"M'lady you wrote to me, forsooth I hath been incorrect?"

"I sent no letter to you or to anyone in the past two years. Those foes of communication hath be one undoubtably outdated by thine own commanders invention of private messages."

"Shall we go Stickdom, it appears our dearest maiden of desire rejects us."

"Let us leave this vile place and never shall we look upon it until the days of our death."

"My dearest lady..."

"What dost thou want peasant. I speak shortly for those rotten creatures hath twisted me."

"I hath come as both of they hath before I, to confess my love for the. If I am correct thy placed thy blessing upon me seven nights past when I doth been acquitted of murder."

"Then thou shalt be remembered. You may go now... What doth thy call thine self?"

"Ghost m'lady."

Battlefield (5 years later)

"My dearest flubs what dost thy recommend in the dire times?"

"My dearest Ghost, we hath been through deeper troubles than this. You have led me through the battle of OOC, where we fought the most vile scum this world hath conceived, I saw you call yourself here my liege."

"To the throat of the enemy we shalt strike! Your shields shall be splintered and your swords notched, but if you shall fall, let it be know that you fought for our freedom, our wives and children, no, you shalt not die today. You may be smitten in battle and pass from this world, but you shalt watch down, lifting upon myself your soul, we all shall not mourn but honor you! For freedom!"

"My liege, you have sent these men to there deaths. I said we had been through worse, not won. If we expect to win this war against Google one dost not simpler run down the gates of Gmail"

"I have made a order of cavalry, to rout there armies from thine insides of the fortress. It may be impenetrable from the out, but not from within. Rally the troops from even sign up, we must take the walls."

"As you wish my liege. All ready men must bear arms! Word of the liege!"

"Flubs why dost thou command such grave actions?"

"Stickdom, Ghost out liege believes we must take the walls."

"Then I shall ride with you!"

"On my mark we charge! All with arms, to the walls of Gmail!"

"Five down!"

"My dearest stick I am at seven."

"Ten! Nearest down to thirteen."

"Stick keep up, already at twenty. Take the gates! Muster what we can! Use any means possible! Cannibalize there catapults for a ram if need be! Take the walls! Use any means possible!"

"Flubs, you are a true leader. We have breached and flood like ants through there streets."

"A fools errand. We have the walls now Ghost leads a charge to the heart of Gmail. He can't possibly believe we can hold against the drive."

"Fools errand or not, nobody in five hundred years has breached the gates."

"It shall be Ghost recorded for his deeds, not mine."

"Record or not my dear flubs thou hath achieved the impossible."

"I ride for RolePlay, you must hold off the reinforcements from oculus, keep them at the gates by any means!"

Castle set

"He believes we can take the drive!"

"And what is we can take the drive, flubs what then canst thou say?"

"I saith this. We took the gates with a blitz and the drive is narrow. No strategy he can think can save thy troops from the fate he dost laid for them."

"We ride upon the search itself. If we can stamp out the vile center then thy worries are assured and thy patience rewarded."

"M'lady if I may, thou art no warrior, and serve a far greater purpose here than dying upon thine grave. I shalt lead he charge upon search."

"As you wish. Tell Ghost Pine sends him her luck if he is still alive."

"As you wish. We ride for the search at daybreak. Ready thy horses and eat hearty, for we may dine upon the enemy's plates or them upon ours."
Wow!!! Womdeful flubb they keep getting better, they are so cool

So much applause, my hands will fall off too, not just my head
Yes flubs its just

Words won't express

Well of course pie
oh u

Now to find a place to feature all of these. ewe

Question: Is it fair to throw a scholarship opportunity in my face and expect me to be able to write the required three essays for it by the time it's due the next day?


Didn't think so.

Gah sorry I was distracted, I just finished the sixth harry potter book

But I must sleep now

Goodnight and good dreams everyone
I'm a "rotten creature"? And everyone's lackey, it seems D: but, why? :'(
(psst, stick, just stay in character)


Thmetal is dropping out, so someone's going to be replacing Damen.

I'll be asking around. owo
I don't know what to do in act four.... Pine any help? 
Anybody please.... What shall be done about act four?
Hmmm, seeing as we have an internet theme going here, how about the tale of Trollface The Brave? xD
!!!! Sorry I'm very distracted, reading deathly hollows and trying to get my friend to come to a play with me 
Siiighs she won't answer her phone or check her Skype, and I've no clue how else to contact her 
@LeafKnight hello, hello! Welcome to pie's rp

I can't speak for everyone, though I doubt they'd disagree, it is nice 2 see newbies

If they disagree I'll shout at them

Even if I also disagree

Which I dont

If you have any questions about anything ever most will be happy to help

Pi(n)e is the GM and kiro's the secretary, tho

I am the resident ghost, I haunt pie and complain about things

I'm everyone favorite


That's true

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Not much is up, I'm reading the Deathly Hollows

No spoilers

I tend to hold grudges against people that spoil things on purpose, though I'm incapable of doing much other than being passive-aggrressive, which doesn't really work sometimes when talking online ( @ w @ )

But I'm sure you wouldn't do that :0


What's going on with u

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