One Thousand Birds

It's really not that graphic in the book. There are a couple of scenes with some >.> 'woman' but usually unless it serves some kind of story line progression, there really isn't anything there. They also don't go into detail all that much
That doesn't sound too bad~ If i see it in the library tom., I'll grab a copy :3

Ooooooo, somebody's gonna get in trouble with Midnight xD . Makoto's probably gonna be late too haha

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Aaaaaa I know I'm in trouble and my mom just got home she's going to lecture me or something I know it she's intimidating and strict and incredibly stubborn and refuses to be wrong and does not understand me at all so Iknow iI'm going to get in trouble even though i have valid excuses and I don't want to have to talk to her and/Or my similar dad

/metaphorical criying
I thought Makoto had already been on her way to the gates when they dismissed? lol

What happened, Ghost? D:
I just couldn't get out of bed today school is too dreadful and I ended up not making it to school until third hour because I was so sad getting out of bed took quite awhile, then I had to get dressed and get food and leave, but I got there on time for third hour and first and second aren't too important, just gym and creative drama

But I skipped a lot in freshman year for similar reasons bcuz last year was way worse and I got into big trouble and was truent and neither of my parents understood and they were the reason I almost went to juvie. I wasn't doing anything wrong except being sad and incredibly lonely last year. Its not like I skipped to do drugs. Getting out of bed was hard and its getting increasingly harder now too

( '• m • ` )
Oh, well, them both being late... xD

Oh dear, this team has no hope, it's so perfect.

Do you think you need more sleep or something?

I mean, if you haven't been skipping as much this year, I would think the improvement would... y'know... be a good thing. owo
I would've talked to other friends about this but they'd be so disappointed too the one friend actually at my school always reminds me to try to get to class on time if I'm walking with her in the halfways or something..

She's probably the only one that can make me guilty about this/motivate me but I don't want to be a disappointment 
My sleep schedule is fine

My parents don't care if I've at least improved or are trying, they expect me to be perfect all the time
Just work to not sleep in anymore, yeah?

I'm sure your friend just wants the best for you and to help. owo

That's how I am, anyway.

Ahh, in general, your parents just don't sound like the sort I would be too fond of. xD

What exactly about school is it that's putting you off?

I know I've had my days where I would rather be home, and I had fits of depression last year, but I'm a lot happier now. -w-

I generally enjoy school one way or another.

Like, idiots used to annoy me and make me angry, but I just changed my perspective and now they amuse me.
No, I'd woken up on time I hate school so much I literally just can barely bring myself to go

Idk man I don't even know why school is so horrible. People stopped bullying me around middle school and I'm left alone by the idiots now. I have a friend and a lot of aacquaintances, I learn very well no matter what and if it wasn't for some late homework assignments I'd probably be doing incredibly well in all my classes without ever studying or anything. But nothing in school is enjoyable. Other than seeing one of my friends there I have literally no desire to go whatsoever, even to the classes that are pretty good compared to the others. Even if my other good friend went to the same school as me, I'd probably still not want to go. My parents make it even worse by not letting me do anything with my friends if I have a single late/missing assignment and if I'm tardy I'm not allowed to do anything for a week (I can only imagine what my punishment for today will be) so I rarely get to do anything interesting which makes me even more upset

Trying isn't good enough for them. Apparently my ability to learn means that I'm clearly better than everyone else and on a whole different level that i'm not human and should be able to do literally everything all the time. Also, "well I went through highschool too and I got my homework in" 
Yeah, I'm glad she makes me to go to class during the school day now I think about it, she's a good friend ( V w V )
Ughh, it's not exactly practical at this point, but band is just sooooo good for making friends. :c

I really don't know where I would be without it.

All of my friends are in it or were at some point, and I only have a few acquaintances outside of it...

Organizations are so great for meeting people.

If you could find some sort of club... I mean, I just know plenty of people at MY school who would love someone like you, it's just about... exposure?

Maybe your friend has friends?

Idk if you're the same way, but I have a tooooon of acquaintances and a lot less friends mainly because I have something of a strict criteria of what I consider a friend.

Like, if I'm comfortable striking up a conversation with someone, which isn't very many people, then I'll call them a friend, y'know?

I wouldn't ever get that close to someone without spending a lot of time with them by sitting at tables with them on a consistent basis.

Maybe your school has a writing club?

Even though our writing club quickly became a Dr. Who fan club prior to me ever watching the show, I did make a friend through there, and now we sit next to each other in psychology. owo

Regarding school itself, are you taking classes you're interested in/have good teachers?

I hate homework and will put it off until the next day pretty consistently, but I like learning, itself.

Then I have two teachers that I absolutely adore. c':

That's just how I am, though, and idk if I'm even really giving advice or not. lol

I wish I could help with the parents, because one of my friends is about on the same boat (telling her on jut about a daily basis that the world is going to end soon and stuff like that), but idk how she copes with it. ;w;
I'm not interested in most of the clubs, I used to go to a few but kinda stopped.

Idk maybe people don't like me because unless I'm with friends, I'm kinda

I'm trying to come up with a good description idk

Generally unhappy looking

My friends make me p happy though, just being with them, but yeah... I only have lunch with the good friend, she's a year older

I dunno what it is, some people I just like a lot more than everyone else but I don't know why there are a fair amount of nerds like me that I know would love to at least be my friend (there are a few people I know who would like to ask me out but its awkward bcuz I don't like anyone in that way ;-; also they're a little bit creepy sometimes) but for some reason I just don't like them as much

Also I do like my creative drama class and art would be better if there was a different teacher but all my other teachers I don't like so the only enjoyable class is drama
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Allow me to bust out my super extensive knowledge in psychology (lol right) and mention that your expression plays a part in your emotions.

Smiling can trick your brain into thinking you're happy, then you'll actually be happy.

I've done it before. lol

Either way, people probably don't think that poorly of you.

There aren't that many judgmental people, and those people tend to be self-conscious, themselves.

(Kinda' like my best friend and I.)

I mean, that's all pretty understandable if you don't like them.

I know plenty of people who think I'm their friend, and all I can do is try to be nice to them.

(I'm starting to sound like a terrible person, but believe me when I say they're obnoxious haha.)

If at all possible, you could try to just spent some more time in your drama room, then?

I have to be at school an hour before it starts whenever I drive with my mom because she works there, and I spend that time either in the band hall or in the choir hall.

However, my psychology teacher is super chill, and a lot of kids are there in the mornings and also eat lunch in there.

Idk how drama would be, but...


Mom stole her laptop back. ewe

now food
I know about the psychology thing already but... It feels weird trying to smile for no reason.

In my experience there have been plenty of judgmental people but you're probably right, and it was probably just the group of people I was stuck with elementary through earlyish middle school and though it doesn't seem like it either there are more matureish people in highschool


Not much

Yeah I can help being polite, then I have to deal with people that think i m their good friend, because I can't not be polite to people I have no reason to really dislike...

I think if I said most of the things i didn't i would have almost no friends at all....

There's not really any time in the day to do whatever, the entire time at school I have classes, no breaks

Also I don't really have any friends in drama, I have like one acquaintance... The drama kids don't really talk to me but I don't expect them too and don't mind

Its alright pie your attempts are fine :0

And u can't help that your mother took the laptop
but weird things are funny

or at least it makes me laugh

and i laugh way too much

Given time, they'll mature.

Even some of the most immature people I know have their bright moments now. xD

Then again, being seniors... idk if that makes a difference.

Yep, same boat.

Or, at least it had been for the past few years.

my mind is now full of rainbows and sunshine haha

Lunch and before/after school, though? owo

Idk, I'm just trying to think of the things I enjoy in school.

basic algebra makes me p happy though so lol

Maybe you'll get better teachers soon?

I'm sure there's something for you to enjoy.

Anyway, I should probably head off to bed.

Good luck with your parents and I hope things just get better ~

G'night all. nwn
My mom came downstairs and forced me to go upstairs with her because apparently the best place to talk to her and my dad was our den with only one door thats incredibly easy to eavesdrop from.

As expected they said what I was saying was just excuses, that its okay I'm improving but it has to be an everyday thing and that being even late is totally unacceptable, that colleges and employers look at these things, and that they don't like their work either but they "just get out of bed, once you put your feet down u get up and that's it"

My experience this morning trying to get out of bed and dressed, get food, and especially open the door to leave says otherwise to that last statement

Also, any small desperate hopes I had of doing anything remotely considered "fun" anytime soon are gone, which wasn't very unexpected either 
Hopefully shell leave me alone in the farthest depths of our basement now

( • ^ ; )
Ghost, it sort of seems like your having the classic bullying victim effect. You are seeming to down play yourself, but in the short time I have known you I know your not kind of generally unpleasant or unhappy. In high school and my current "college" I may not look good or seem very nice from a outer view, but its that first impression that really sets people one way or another. I went through what you did, I even considered doing some very regrettable things but all you have to do is tell yourself your going to turn a new page and it happens. I am going to tell you a story from middle school about me. I don't care if it compromises my identity or reveals possibly my occupation. In the first year of seventh grade I started to feel these strange sensations. Before I was a work machine, all As and if anything was less so would be redone in record time. I realized puberty had opened up this wonderful world of emotions to me. Before I chose a select few of the other elitist as what would be called a sort of a relationship of hate to spend my time with. This thing of emotions opened me up, I started making dick jokes (some bad things about puberty), I actually became a more likable person. When I started feeling more emotions like say "love" I sort of went into a idyllic state of this just really worked out for me, where the girls I wanted to spend time around spent time with me. I was no loner living on the expectations of others, I could be free. I slowly learned that in order to succeed you need to turn a new page in your long legacy, and that you just need to find the light. *realizes why my church wanted me to preach for them*. Ghost don't make a new you, live the good ghost you always wanted to be, let it go, let it go! 
Man I loved frozen... A grown man... I still when feeling down watch finding nemo. Also try watching beauty and the beast in Japanese in a omni theater... Puke a thon.
Flubb I must say I did not understand 100% of that but I will think about the parts I did


Also no I still have no clue what ur super secret occupation is i don't see the possible give aways
I hinted at it... Very subtlety. I ordered a blue ray player with frozen decals. Best financial decision ever.
"Work machine"

I know!

You are.....

......a cyborg 
If someone did figure out your job would they have to die
That was fifth grade flubs. Now I am a light work-a-holic, but nothing a little bit of frozen cant fix! Seriously. It's my new chicken soup. 
And ghost if they did they would be merely put in a coma and have that memory removed through screening. Then I would have intensive plastic surgery, a new life to live, and more frozen DvDs. :3

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