One Thousand Birds


You are an exorcist 
( ; A ; )

I think you should never give a hint again flubb, I don't want that
No merely a Christian who can't attend a regularly scheduled church so he can confess to his sins on behalf of others... And no not a exorcist.
If you were I could consult you on these odd dreams I have whenever I go to church camp

They are part of the reason I've stopped going

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Ghost canst thou see... Thy dearest Internet friend thy heavenly maiden, Pine, has beckoned my true profession, busting thine kin. For obviously thou canst see that thy most dear and heavenly maiden pine has adorned the crown of perfection, in seeing the labor of even the most secretive. Verse one of my Shakespearean drama: A tale of men and ghost. Like this post if you want me to post act 1!
Does no one want to talk about their horrid nightmares with me??!


Well okay

Once again I must say flubb I'm slightly confused, but yes
act one is nearly done

Primary characters: Pine, Ghost, Flubs, Kitsune

Secondary's: TBA

Terciaries: TBA 
A tale of men and Ghost Act 1

City street set

"Ghost canst thou see... Thy dearest Internet friend thy heavenly maiden, Pine, has beckoned my true profession, busting thine kin. For obviously thou canst see that thy most dear and heavenly maiden pine has adorned the crown of perfection, in seeing the labor of even the most secretive."

"Forsooth, my dearest Flubs I cannot see the light which you impose upon me, for my body of not whole… sustenance cannot fathom these word which flow from thine mouth like the gates of Rome."

"My dearest Ghost, why must thy dwell upon these facts, for now as I take up thine hand and praise the soul thy cannot understand which I so dutifully speak with the purpose of helping you."

"My companion, My antagonist, my brother in soul, I cannot accept these gifts your words can bestow upon me, for without thine holy light to guide me, no path is unclear. I must leave you know for the hour is late, but my dearest Flubs, remember thy must keep yourself hidden for the rulers of this realm are tricky and deceptive, seeking to cripple thy at thy own spring. I beg my leave my dearest Flubs."

"This maiden Pine he spoke of, considers herself a friend. Who has without doubt bestowed her boon upon my brow, and wishes to help me upon my journey. Thy accepts me through my own flaws and yet I cannot fully understand thy reasoning behind this madness."

"This maiden Pine, I spoke of, appears to have bestowed upon my dearest companion her gift, growing ever more attached to her charge, a noble stag lest to be struck down by the hunters nerveless grasp."

Switch to castle set

"My dearest pine, why must you be so involved in the inner workings of this city, lest the be take a advantage of or worse?"

"My dearest Kitsunemage, I cannot involve myself any more than I shall if I can but thy must understand my dear Kitsune, you have been my guiding light through thick and thin, scores of perils have beckoned our names and yet thy have held fats my bastion of light."

"This bastion of light is not my doing it is created by some more unusual folk than I m'lady, they can be dangerous at times but cannot help but save us from the shadows that plague us."

"I beg of you please tell me but one of there names."

"As you wish m'lady. I give you one and only one. His name is Ghost. With him you shall find the other glorious and flourishing members of thy shining city."

End of act one
In act two: The soldiers return for the successful plundering of the neighboring YouTube, and make it into a competition for a special type of tree! (Dramatization and fictianlity applied)
I feel like it has deep meaning

I cannot wait for act 2
Act two is here, the long awaited equal has arrive upon thine browser!

A tale of men and Ghost act 2

Lower castle set

"My dear Stickdom, I haven't seen you since the battle of Google+, where hast thou been all these long fought years?"

"My dearest MemoriesUnknown, I was one of the few of the offensive to survive, and came back to the camps half dead. I was sent off to music to hold the hordes of Miley Cirus at bay, and as the stories say, was lead on a glorious charge killing the wretched beast itself."

"Where art thou going to may I beg of you my dear Stick?"

"I go to see my fair lady Pine, for two years past at google+ she sent word that she wanted to see me again after the wars."

"My dear man I was going as well! We shall match to greet her in the hall."

Switch to inner castle gate set

"All thy must do is confess this. Love for thou sweet and heavenly maiden who so gracefully discharged her blessing unto you, and she shall see you slight my dead Ghost."

"I shall do so as soon I see her. I shall wait in the hall to her my dearest Flubs."

"The maiden Pine comes to the hall in five minutes, I shall prepare myself to warn her and place in a act of advisor. Then I shall surely be known true in her blessed heart.

My god. Three me. All in the hall. I must warn her."

"My fair lady maiden Pine may I so humbly request your audience?"

"Speak lest thy hold your word a thousand years."

"There are three me , in thine hall, two a soldier and one a simple laborer as I. They are all three sutures for thy person."

"I thank the sir…"

"I am not worthy of the title of sir m'lady, although many call me Flubs."

"I thank the Flubs. Thy shalt never be forgotten."

End of act two 
Act three will be long. It picks up the pace with action and even more characters!
I really wish I could control over the tabs in this role play more than I can. xD

There would definitely be a tab for all these creative things you do, Flubs.

Either way, I know exactly how I'm going to be able to put in your play, and I shall do so when I tidy up the role play in general. cx
hello my sweet heavenly fair lady maiden
hello my


/rifles through script paper

Lolol, but really, I've gotten my glass of water now (which tasted like soap???? twice??), so I'm off to bed again. xD

G'night ~
Aha soap is gross I hope the waters alright now???

Goodnight pie good dreams
Well, I see you guys were having a party I here without me, huh? xD never fails, before bed, it's like a ghost town in here (no pun intended, Ghost :P ) and then, I go to sleep, and it's a party like 1999 xD
Part three is coming terribly. Expect a ten to twelve hour wait. 

No. Don't say it flubs. If you say it.
I think I'll wait for kiro with night and midnight to post with either of my characters, since m&n have to greet the team idk
Yeah, I know the feels, Ghost, gotta wait for others to post before you can go on. Still, you guys have an... interesting team, I can't wait to see how it turns out xD
Kiro is probably waiting for Infinities, which is 100% unecessary for him post with Night/Midnight...

So someone should bug him. c*

or maybe i will hm
Well, I'M waiting for Infinites, Asuka needs to get her ninja behind in gear, or I'll drop her from the team xD (jk, I won't drop her, that'd be mean... I'll just mentally torture her instead :3)
Stickdom, if you mentally torture anyone, there will be a price to pay.

Kiiiirooooooooo neeeeeds to pooooost


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