One Thousand Birds

Yeahh new character what's-his-face can replace Akira for now.

I'm sorry Stick, but I won't be able to do the time warp skip until I get home from school tonight. xD

On a side note, I forgot we had band practice this morning and ws twenty minutes late!

Well, at least it's sometime today xD I meant it wasn't going to be another 5 centuries before we got to doing something :P
Shhhhhhhhhhh, I'm very (im)patient, but it's been an eternity already.. I'm surprised Maika isn't grey bearded and balding yet xD
I was like SOOOOO happy! I catch up to my friend on our way to first period and she tells me we have an early dismissal~

You could like not believe the joy I felt at that moment x3
Really tho x3

Though I have something to say about that bus driver....

Pine, my Pine feathered friend, I am thinking so we stop getting Genin that perhaps you CLOSE the rp? We have plenty of people and we keep getting Genin x3
But if we got another genin, we could make one last team and all would be right with the world :D
What Pine is thinking of doing is the first one might be Chuunin and the other would fill a place because someone a while ago made a Chuunin as well, so that other Genin would be part of that team. That way we would have two Chuunin teams. Cause Pine Kiro and I have a Chuunin team in Kumo and me a Kiro have a Chuunin team in Leaf.
Yeah, I had that was my original plan, but I didn't exactly close the role play on time...

It would be easier if three people could join at a time. xD

Maybe if we could just close the role play to Konoha genin but... eh. :/

I'm struggling with my morals and my pet peeves. xD
lol I'd just close the role play entirely. Plus we have some people who joined but haven't even posted. And we do have plenty of people who do post and are active.
Okay, I'll close the role play for now.

Later on, I'll find a way to organize the role play in such a way that new people can join... but not now.

My concern is inactive people, but I guess I can be strict...



/fist shake
Soldier on my Pine feathered friend! Soldier on!


Heheheh...see what I did there?
I keep on reading that wrong. xD

Like soldier on my pine, feathered friend, but... it's not.

x3 lol

PINE! I got a picture of my afro-less puppy!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/picture005.jpg.d28dca8e002060b4c0be29cec39ccbd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/picture005.jpg.d28dca8e002060b4c0be29cec39ccbd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • picture005.jpg
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That isn't a poodle, is it?

I'm not up to scratch on my dog breeds. xD

I kinda' want a vicious poodle... for the sake of having a vicious poodle.

I think they're capable with the right training, considering they used to be hunting dogs...

but were they the trackers or the ones that ripped game apart hmhm
lol She's a poodle maltese mix

Right now she's walking down my arm but a moment ago she was sitting on my shoulder and leaning on my head. It was really cute but it hurt my neck x3
Ha! We had a 1:30 dismissal! x3

But I'm leaving for now. Going to the store with my Nana (grandma but I call her Nana)
I'M BAAAAAACK! I brought the sexy with meh

BWUAHAHAHA! Have fuuuun~
About time.. It's been so quiet around here... Steps on the cricket that has been chirping for the past hour

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