One Thousand Birds

Bye Ghost and Pine!


Asuka and Teikomai I'm pretty sure can get along. Asuka likes most people (not Makoto) and is fine with others, just has weird mood swings. lol
xD two people on her team like to bad mouth more experienced shinobi. I think they're gonna end up giving Teiko a heart attack
Nah, Asuka just doesn't like Makoto. x3 She's fine with the Jonin. She went quiet when Ryoichi told her too lol
lol I'm going to have to go back and re-read a lot of things. It gets kind of confusing with all of the chuunin and stuff in the same string of replies xD
lol The Chuunin that have been posting in the rp are Chinatsu (Me), Renshii (Kiro), and Itsuki (Noah I think)

That's in the Leaf

In Kumo are Satoru (Pine), Ren (Me), Kamei (Kiro) and their sensei Ryuu (Kiro)
Oh, I see how it is.. We plan this roleplay out ALL.... DAY.. And now you decide to be vocal and talkative ;P
Though one of the younger. I think Maika and Rin are 19? The others are at least 20 I Yuzuki and Ryoichi are 21. I don't remember how old Night and Midnight are. That's kinda why when I read your post I laughed, cause Yuzuki ain't listening to a new Jonin about 3 years younger then her x3

Ryoichi just wants peace and humor lol
Psssh, age, who needs that? Maika's got the experience of most Jounin in their late-20s, he's just now becoming a Jounin because he's young..
Yeah the Hanabe twins aren't weak. I didn't go into it, but they've been Jonin for a bit.
Well, I guess you two are on my team, huh? So, what do Asuka and Teikomai want to learn first?
Hrm...Observe Asuka and realize that she needs to learn some patience. x3 Have fun
Yeah, that sounds about right, and there's two of them, so I'm not gonna pick a fight :P
Yup. Though just make sure Ryoichi is around if Yuzuki is mad. He can take care of her. lol Ryoichi is the nice one. Yuzuki is the rude one lol
Yeah, I figured.. I looked but, at least for Teiko, you didn't seem to get very in-depth with your skills, what do the two of you know so far, along the lines of techniques and jutsu? No need to stay canon, just make stuff up if you want xD
I made Asuka a long time ago and haven't rped her much x3

Don't remember and am WAYYYYY to lazy to go look now
That's just it, I intended Teiko to be incredibly ordinary as far as genin go. She knows all the basic jutsu, and some medical jutsu. Other then that though she's extraordinary ordinary. ^-^
:P fine, be that way, Asuka, I guess we'll just find out in game, shall we?

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