One Thousand Birds

I play pokemon leaf green. my team is so awesome (most of which are probably spelled wrong):






Close enough. xD

Gyarados is a personal love of mine.

I always always always always buy the magikarp from that guy in the pokemon center. LOL

I would love it if you could go back to battle him and be all like 'oh btw about that fish you sold me...' 
It's a cheap luck based move, Kiro. xD

Barring Gyarados and Aerodactyl. c:

/must be the politically correct one
I love my little special poliwag/poliwhirl spam spot x3 
My oddball team on pokemon gold






so im here now, just finished seeing the Fullmetal Winter Soldier

it was rad

anyways ill skim over the posts in the team discussion
Ghost! I saw that today too! x3

Right now I'm watching the first one x3
It's funny because the people that weren't in the chat probably thought today was a slow day. xD
I need to find the profiles for all who are connected to my characters x3

If the current draft gets approved (prolly the case) without any other problems, then I'll update the role play with the teams ten minutes until eight.

Then I'll go watch Game of Thrones, cram homework, then do role play things. lol
still waiting patiently for the RP to start back up again :3

my moms making me get off the computer at 8 
oh well
Bah, it's going to take me a while to type up all this stuff anyway. :c

I've only gotten, what, one role play post done today?

Actually, no, I don't think I've done a single reply to any of my role plays today.

where has the day gone ahh
I was in Indiana with my cousin who annoys me to death. He's older than me but I'm more mature. But then again, he has Autism so yeah. :P

But still >.<

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