One Thousand Birds

Heh heh, you want to know? So do the kiddies in the classroom, looks like you'll have to find out when they do ( ^ω^ ) (or maybe slightly beforehand, as the Jounin will have to discuss it themselves)
ヽ(●-`Д´-)ノ Talking to me as if I were a child! The nerve!
Psh, I just want Midnight to be stuck with the hardest team xD The one he will have trouble with most. As long as he's not stuck with the loud mouth academy student who thinks she's amazing and can beat the jonin << Then I'll be good xD

i cant wAIT for the online store to open

a very very good not well known free indie game

its hard to explain without spoiling lots of things

i can try if youd like

i also have the link to download, for mac or pc
actually it wasnt too scary i think i wouldnt have been able to play it if it was a horror game

i mean

its kind of a scary game, but its more psychological i guess??

no, my descriptions arent helping
actually, you dont have to go through the scariest parts of the game

you can just kinda not do those and still be able to finish the game, and you wont lose much in terms of story

those scary places are good for grinding, though
._. I don't do well with scary. My boyfriend was playing slenderman, the lights were on and i had like, twelve blankets on me and a pillow to hug. I still screamed. Every time.
i wouldnt be able to play slenderman either, i dont do well with scary games

i cant watch horror movies either

theres not jump scares and you know all whats going on

its def not a traditional horror game
whispers, all should play off i love it
Even psychological horror games. I get this weird paranoia that there's something around every corner- which totally makes me sound crazy. I'm not. At least i don't think I am.

Which isn't convincing at all, but the point is I can't even use the bathroom without checking behind the curtains first normally.
I like the paranormal movies. Not paranormal activity, but like exorcisumis and stuff like that O.o Paranormal asylum.
yyeaaah the scarier parts of off did kinda scare me

why did i choose to go through them

i shouldnt have 
*wiggles* kiro u should play
i clicked through it

screamers are terrible things
*maniacal laugh* *maniacal laugh*

Jump scares are the best, you just gotta watch it through, there's no real screams, only one scary image, but that's all it takes xD
Well, whoever decides to watch it, I'll be here for therapy afterwards :3

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