One Thousand Birds

Stick, You are ok with Midnight knowing your character correct? Seeing your character is Anbu and Midnight is Ex-Anbu
Oh my gosh you guys. xD

The Shining scared the heck out of me, but honestly, I don't mind. xP

I think I'll watch that video later aaaaamd I'll play that game the next time I have a lot of time on my hand.
Ok, Team, doesn't look like the RP is doing anything tonight, and it's 3 in the mornin, I think I'm gonna hit the sack for a bit.. Ciao for now, all :3
yeah, goodnight!

if pine is able to post tomorrow, or infinitieslover posts, the rp will be more active

goodnight, have good dreams
G'night ~

Good news is I think I did better on the chemistry test than I thought I would.

If not, then I'll probably cry, BUT THAT'S OKAY. LOL

Either way, it's bringing my grade up in there. xP

But I have a psychology quiz to take, a lab to write up, and a project to finish for government (vote on the poll if you haven't already)... then I have a satirical essay to write, but it's mostly planned and I'm pretty fluent in sarcasm...


Things should calm down soon.

That being said, I do have a lot of other role plays to catch up on, but they can wait. :b

[small talk/conversation] How'd you do on the Chem test, Pine? You find out your grade/score yet? [/small talk]
Haha, small talk is acceptable. xP

My teacher probably won't grade it for a while now, but whatever happens, my grade is gonna' go up, considering I made a 51 on the last test... LOL

(including a ten point curve) 
Okay, I know I said that I would reply today, but we're actually having some pretty awful storms around us, so I can't get on my laptop, so... that will have to wait until tomorrow, I do apologize. D:
I got bored and started taking a whole bunch of harry potter personality quizzes I always get Snape i
I one time joined Pottermore JUST to see which house I would be in.

Turns out I'm a Hufflepuff, which honestly isn't that surprising. xD

I'm trying to drop some of the role plays I'm in, but man, I have such terrible guilt feelings. /facepalm

This is killing me on the inside.

Anyway, there are two I'm trying to steel myself to quit... but the thought just makes me nauseous. xD

Not this role play, mind you.

Anyway, I guess I'll get to working on those replies...
I literally did that last night, and I'm a Slytherin.


I wasn't rly surprised either

From the descriptions that aren't just "dark wizard cheat evil" I think I'd fit in there best and I'd probably like it too

Angry crying where's my letter

Good luck pine I know I have trouble dropping rps too...
I'm too much of a people pleaser... xD

That practically screams Hufflepuff, doesn't it?

/didn't read past the first book


I shouldn't have joined so many ahaha. ;w;

Never again.

I vow to not join another role play until the ones I'm presently in are absolutely and certainly dead except I DON'T TRUST MYSELF TO KEEP THAT PROMISE L O L. 
"From a process that the author doesn't really feel like explaining this very moment, because explaining it would be boring..."

^ lol Ghost I've so broken the fourth wall like this before, too.
I started reading them about a week ago and I'm on the fourth book already because I am in love with them now

Back I'm not very brave, so no gryffindor, I'm not a hard worker so not Hufflepuff, and I really don't care about things like school so not ravenclaw, and I guess I am kinda ambitious so Slytherin i had decided before finding like a million personality tests online because I'm bored and I love those things.

I used to have the problem of waaayy too many rps so I try to limit myself yeah 
Fourth Wall? What fourth wall. The forth wall is my enemy.

Also that's what I was explaining earlier ahaha

I didn't really think the explanation would fit in an rp post
I thought the beginnings were unbearably slow... referencing the second book.

I might be able to read them easier now that I'm not... y'know... in elementary school, but... xD

I don't know about Hufflepuff being hard workers. owo

I think it's sort of an aspect of being passive and kind... I think.

but yes personality tests are the best

I used to be able to handle an obscene amount of role plays... xD

Actually, no, I think that's a lie.

Before now, I think the most I had ever been in was maybe six at a time, and now I'm in...

Oh dear, what have I done? LOLOL

I just wish I had all the time in the world ~

And a laptop that didn't overheat as quickly as mine does. -w-
:< I have the opposite problem right now myself. I don't have enough roleplays to fill my time! So I find myself sitting at my computer, staring at my little notification bar praying ;-;
Okay, so here's the plan.

Kitsune, you'll observe me as closely as you can.

Then, after three days have passed, we'll test you to see how well you can mimic me.

If I deem you ready, then you get to work undercover on those other role plays and masquerade as myself.

I wasn't allowed to read them because my mom was like WITCHYCRAFTO and she still is but screw the rules I'll do what ever I want MOMm

Kind and passive...? Maybe passive aggressive ehehehe

I try to be kind to my friends idk if I'm any good at it iI'm still working that was not a trait I developed in elementary school through middle school and I only started working on it recently but that's a boring story

Yes personality tests

Idk how many I've attempted I forgot
Yikes, that sounds awful, Ghost. xD

My parents have always been pretty reasonable.

either that or i'm just that persuasive ;DD




123456789 tests yep yep.


I'm catching up on posts now.

I'll do something for Tetsune if I catch up on my other replies, but otherwise, he can wait. xD
My parents are Incredibly Strict Religious and Phobic

Not that its a bad thing I am religious but

Yeah no when I'm 18 I am leaving as soon as possible

Maybe the day I turn 18

Awww thank ilu2

Oooo :0 woo
lololololol nope i cant stand people like that

If my parents were like that... sobs eternally.

BUT they're not and thankfully my parents have the decency to accept my religious beliefs even if they disapprove... if that makes sense. owo

d'aw ur just sayin that c'8

Hnng, guys I want a pet bat, this is a problem. ;w;

Anyway, I'm going to sleep and let my laptop cool down.

I'll reply in the morning... or whenever I wake up.
Strict parents make good defiant lying teenagers

Which... Probably isn't a good thing

Also I do not like my family at all

I think I've mentioned that??


Ye pie that makes sense

Nooo ilu

I want a snake but my mother keeps saying that she's allergic and I'm like no you aren't at least provide a good reason for your no

She is not allergic to snakes this is a fact

Goodnight have nice dreams!!

See you... Tomorrow?? 
Oh yeah I've come to the part in the fourth book with the sorting hat Hufflepuff are indeed hard workers

Yeah no I am the least like Hufflepuff probably 
Idk if I'll be on at all today I'll probs b sleeping considering the fact that I stayed up til 5 reading

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