One Thousand Birds

goodnight pie

goodnight everyone

i hope you all have good dreams ( * v * )
Ahh, I'm going to reply after my chemistry test for sure. ;w;

Expect me to be here on thursday ~

i'm just going to also pretend that i don't owe all those other role play replies right about now hnng
I'm so sorry guys, I'm legitimately dying under so much sudden stress and so little time. I'll be back when I can, have fun!

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There haven't been many posts at all lately.

Its because I mentioned math, isn't it.
Yeah I suppose not

I could try to revise my post with Kouun a little bit if you'd like.
Hmm maybe I'll be lazy then, i'm reading rn

I guess there won't be any posts until infinities replies or pine is back then.

I don't think it's anyone else's turn to post? Out of the active people?
Sorry guys, I've been busy. D:'

I SHOULD be able to reply tomorrow, but right now, I have a chemistry test to try not to fail
It's okay pine!

You already mentioned posting tomorrow so I wasn't expecting anything til then already ( * w * ) 

Welcome welcome (\( ° o ° )
Hey, so glad to join this group

(=゚ω゚)ノ RPnation has become my new addiction, so I'm on here pretty much 24/7 anymore, so I'll try my best not to reply to EVERY post you all put up xD I love the Narutoverse, am actually pretty caught up with the series, so I skipped a beat when I saw there was a roleplay for it here :) TBH, I can see my character being a Jounin teacher for 3 of the students here, I kind of picked my team as I read it, so I'll make suggestions, but if you guys want different, I can go with who I'm assigned to as well :3
Rping has been my addiction for quite awhile ; ∆ ;

I'm interested in who'd you want for your team.

We're not, like, officially deciding anything until after all the genin have taken their test.

But we can talk about it of course.
Yeah, I'll make it public after the Genin have passed, I'll take my chances on my selections making it through, but I want to keep the suspense a little longer :3
/whines and rolls around

Alright eheh
Hahah, sorry, I'm a sucker for a good suspense, and finding out who you're going to be stuck in a team with is a gooood one

(⌒-⌒ )
Hey, I heard you like to ooc.

So we put some ooc in your ooc so you can ooc while you ooc.

Duuuuude, Stickdom, I want to know. D:

you should tell me because i run this joint and bring role play joy to all the little chilrun c*
Nooo! Its not fair, I say!


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