One Thousand Birds

Purposely Possum and not Opossum?

I want my own dog so bad, I'm selfish lol. /rolls around

Or at least some indoor pet.

Without a doubt, I want a dog, but I'd also like a tarantula, a couple of rats/guinea pigs, and a draft horse of some sort. <3

Would love on them so much.

and if i could ever have a bat ohhhhhh yes <333333
Yeah his name is Possum. Once your school day is over I'll tell you the story of how he got his name =3

I'm not sure how many pages I'm behind so I'll assume I missed almost nothing of importance. Good evening O.o and who needs a ds when you have a game boy advance/color emulator on your phone. That's all I need to have to play a decent pokemon game
im just going to copy and paste

"so every time i go to get my hair cut, somehow it ends up looking more like levi's

well yesterday i went to go get my hair cut

i wanted something different but didn't know what, so i looked through the books and found a picture of a lady who's hair, from what i could see, i liked

her face was turned and you really couldn't see much of the hair so I just let the haircut lady basically do whatever she wanted

and now my hair is levi's

not even on purpose"

i now have green levi hair

/dances happily

Idk about how green hair would look, but that's funny. cx

I miss having my hair short. ;w;

I have this thing where my hair grows really super duper fast, so I grow it down to ~my elbows then donate it.

I think it has to be eleven inches to donate?

Either way, rly rly short hair is oh so convenient and fun to run your fingers through and-and. ;w;

like idec if it's bordering on an emo haircut

but it's okay though

it's past my shoulders now i can wait -w-

Definitely keeping short hair as an old lady though.

old ladies with long hair are always crazy


i made a banner for another one of my role plays if anyone cares hee ;w;
whispers my blueish green hair is amaze, green is a nice color

yeah mine grows reeeally fast too, so I get it cut fairly often..

two days or so ago when my mom was like yo you wanna get a haircut im getting mine trimmed and im like yeah and my dads like

noO!!! no!! short enough already,. no more short

so i got it cut p short

teenage rebellion

he hasnt said anything about my hair yet

when i first cut my hair short i donated it yeah

i used to have hair longer than everyone in my elementary school


dragons are rad
I've only ever seen green on a mohawk and anime characters, so... LOL

oh g u did it

I used to know a girl (relatively tall, mind you), and her hair was literally down past her feet. ._.

oh yeahhh c':

and it actually looks nice with the skin

dances around

I was...playing video games last night and at a birthday party....Then today I woke up at 11 AM and went to Indiana and got back half an hour ago x3
I love harvest moon and rune factory games. But home town story really just. .. didn't live up to my expectations

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Lol sorry xD I work from like. .. 9-5 every day. And when I get home I have like, a bajillion things to do

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I was ABOUT to send her a message again.

gee kiro so rood

I'm totally kidding. xD

Just glad you can still be around ~
Yeah, I'm not really sure what it's about.

Which Rune Factory do you think is the best? Thinking of getting one.

Yeah, I haven't seen mura anywhere. :(
I'm about to grab a random student and throw them into the testing room with my next post xD So she has until then to post
Omg. Get the one for 3ds. It's absolutely amazing :o

Except for one guy you can't progress with until you beat the main story line, almost every day people say something new. The characters feel so real ;-; it was the best one yet. I'm so sad there aren't gonna be any more rune factory games

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