One Thousand Birds

sighs sorr ive been busyish and all my relatives r comin over today (ew) and im not allowed to be on computer when theyre here 
gaaah also theyre here already so i cant post a reply with ko sorry kiro

i have 2 go ( V n V )
hes gr8!! ( ^ w ^ )!!!

i cant reply tonight i dont have enough time

sighs a sad sorry sigh

hopefully i can tomorrow

Anyway, I've got a bit of a predicament guys.

My laptop has gotten REALLY bad in the past two days and has shut off WHILE it was plugged in, so I might have to cut some of my time from the computer, which also cuts away time for me to do stats, hack pokemon, and all the god awful amount of role plays I've gotten myself into. x__x

On another note, though, I messaged Mura and told her we're going to go ahead and move on without her, and she can come back when things calm down with her life.

So Asuka can prolly be dragged out next when the jounin leave. xP
laughs @Kiro Akira i lied it seems i did have enough time and posted

also since i didnt explain it in the rp post with maoh-

if anyones wondering, which i doubt they will be, kouun has several different-sided dice and heres how it goes:

die 1 (6 sided): if its an odd number or even number it determines the final outcome of yea or nay

die 2 (4 sided): if its a 1, multiply, 2, divide, 3, add, 4 subtract

die 3&4 (8 sided, black and white) the black one is muliplied, divided, etc by the white one.

a small explain: if die 1 was odd and the result of 3 & 4 are odd, its yes, if die 1 odd and result of 3 & 4 even, its no

that probably didnt make any sense

kouun does all this very fast in her head ( * v *

she tried to come up with a way that would be very random, but didn't involve a whole lot

flipping a coin is old who does that anymore 
thats okay pine you can take time posting

( @ A @ )

its okay kouun does the math
no i dont actually bother finding different sided dice, though i know we have a bunch scattered through some of our cupboards in the den

they hold a large array of lame board games
what r u talking about pine i just decide what i want the answer to be with nothing random involved >:3

i mean

i could find dice


im too lazy

hisses my parents want me to get off the computer

oh just never mind lol

/too tired

I need to get off before mine fries. D:

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