One Thousand Birds

Well, I'm ready to start up whenever you guys are, so I'll keep an eye out for when we get going again..
Hopefully today, given pines good graces.

I wonder if pine shouldn't just get somebody else to play the part of the teacher, given that she had a lot of stuff going on right now
Okay, I've dropped three of my role plays as of about an hour ago, and it was all very stupid hard...

I know I'm letting those people down, but at least I'm a little less stressed and can focus more on this role play among others.

I'll try to get the ball rolling soon, but for now, I'm going to take a nap and let my laptop cool off.

ghost *;

Yes, I do recall you mentioning that. cx

I'm fine with my family, except... I just can't exactly talk to my football-loving, alcohol consuming cousins when all I want to talk about is role playing or my psychology class. LOL

they probably don't even know what it is

and don't even get me started on my family in alabama lol


luvs on u

Haha, I want a pet tarantula.

Her name shall be Lady Daenerys and I'm going to call her the Mother of Dragons just about every opportunity I get.

I would love to have a male and name him Sir Lancelot or something like that, but after doing some research, having a male isn't a good idea...

Significantly shorter life span (two years versus thirty-sixty), and because they have so little time to reproduce, they try to escape more...

Yeah. xD

Well, I can't say that I'm a hard worker.

Maybe for things I really care about... like the role plays I'm most interested in at whatever given time. xD

shhhhh rest u /pets 
Oh, something just occurred to me.

Okay, so when I get back on, I'm going to be sending a bunch of messages to check to see who's still interested/will be around/etc., so I'll do some sort of activity sweep on... Monday?

Anyway, do you guys have a pretty good idea of what team you want your character on?

I know a way we could skip pretty straight away to everyone being put together on their teams, or do you guys want to continue on with the genin exams?

I'm thinking regarding what the teams do and missions they go on and things of that nature can/should be established by the jounin sensei... like, I want to leave that responsibility to them, but feel free to consult me or Kiro, my secretary, for ideas. -w-

Let me know what you guys think!
Eh, I guess if we're picking teams, I'll put my list up here for my preferred students, not because I don't like the others, but I think I could teach those three the best. List to follow shortly, students, I know you normally wouldn't get a say in who your teacher is, but I at least want to see if my char would be interesting to have as teacher :3
I was mainly asking if you guys wanted to continue with the genin exams to see what everyone's like or if you would rather have teams established now. n_____n;

Since Kitsune wants it to be a surprise, I think we could all have a private group messaging chat discussing it.

BUT I want everyone to have a say in it, not just the jounin.

Like, whoever wants their genin teamed up with who.

I'll just be the final word if we can't come to a decision.

Does that make sense? lol


It would be fairly easy to do a time skip at this point- who wants to piss off what.. 5 jounins? -.- Unless of course somebody wanted their character to fail.
Can we just assume that all of the academy students passed with varying degrees, and we can make up what happened via flashbacks? That would not only make it interesting as to what happened, we would get the time skip, and move straight into picking teams and going into missions... :) As far as where the roleplay is going this moment, I would like to see less in-fighting, more character developing and butt-kicking! :3
Well, all of the characters will pass... otherwise that would kinda' ruin the role play for people. xD

What I had in mind was basically the teacher walks in and is like ugh I'll deal with you lot later go home, and so then they actually don't have the exam until Monday, SO THEN the time skip after this hypothetical post would lead us into Tuesday (sorta' liquid time for the chuunin, nukenin and Kumo team), where teams will have been established.

People can choose to do flashbacks if they so desire... but teams and stuff will be decided in the aforementioned chat.

After we announce established teams, then we can go into the time skip and have the first team meetings and junk like that.
I know, I'm working on it. xD

but i'm still very upset

this is a problem kiro

Time skip? O_o Hm, like to where everyone passes the test? Eh, I'd give them each the ability to pass the test, give our responses. Gives more character to the rp.

As for our Kumo group. Well we could do a time skip at the end of this post here O.o where the three finally get the ribbon from Ryuu's belt.
Time skip for the Konoha genin, not with the Kumo group. xDD

Believe it or not, I AM working on a reply for them.

(I went to go just use my mom's laptop since it... y'know... doesn't have quite the same problems as mine. ewe)


With the academy students, they were all going to pass the test anyway one way or another. xD

Then we would have a group message discussion to decide on who's on what team, THEN the time skip.
Eh, I guess it could work, ask everyone else as well. And if we all agree on the time skip. Then we can skip to everyone meeting their new teacher :3
That's the plan Jan Dan Stan ~

I've asked three people thus far, and so far everyone's for it. xP

I'll decide later tonight, I suppose.

Until then, we can round up a bunch of virgins to sacrifice to summon Infinities. :'D

We'll sacrifice the virgin genin.

Happy now? e____e

/pushes tetsune toward boiling pot
I'm awake now ahahahah

But I have to go eat and probs family will make me do chores

I am for the time skip

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