One Thousand Birds

Yo no se ~

Btw everyone, I had just gotten back from vacation, but now I went with my friend to her grandpa's until maybe Thursday, but apparently my sister is in the hospital now for some unknown reason, so idk about being on again any time soon.
Okay, she's fine, she just had a colon infection and was in a lot of pain. ;w;


Ouch not fun

My power went out last Monday night. I had over 36 alerts to go through......
36 Alerts.... <.< *glances at the 679 emails in his inbox from ONE conversation* and that's after I've deleted about half of them xD
No I'm talking about 36+ alerts on the SITE. Plus pages and pages and pages of stuff to go through that I missed FROM those 36 alerts.
Aha..... Well, I guess those can add up to a bit more then :3
I'm too tired to really post anything meaningful tonight, so I'm just gonna hit the hay, but are we ever getting this RP up and running again or is it just kind of an OOC hangout now? xD
Yeah... x3

It was not fun. lol

Especially since I'd been working on stuff, then I couldn't save stuff and my laptop died and I lost it. So I had to start over on it x3 I was so sad... 
I'm actually pretty sure it's my turn to post. But I'm tired of posting for today x3 So I'll post tomorrow.
Ok, you better, Maika's been waiting for all of you girls for quite a bit now xD
We're all together, I just haven't responded with Asuka x3
....i used to play fancy pants as a kid >:0'


i totally sucked at it tho
the new updats b craaaazzzyyy i came to this site and was like whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

the new bbc code stuff is neato tho
Haha, I loved Fancy Pants as a kid.. So many unlockables, though, it took forever to find/ earn them all xD
I'm loving all of it! :{D

Cause before the update if I ever got a notification when I wasn't at the top of the page I'd have to scroll all the way to the top and mess with stuff until it finally let get the notification button. Now that doesn't happen :)
i think out of all the games like that on websites like the ones i found fancy pants on, fancy pants was the one i liked most

though, like i said, i really sucked at it

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