One Thousand Birds

I make a appearance be quad catching up on sleep is not important. I flew to Minneapolis Minnesota to see the president... Secret service confiscates passport: "If I have your Rolex by the time this is over I get it back?" Said Flubs. Secret service man stands still. "I didn't know everyone there was a matrix fanboy jeez." Borrows mans watch. Holds up. Gets passport. Woot! *note to self: don't trust matrix fanboys*
ooo cool

is the president lame or cool, flubs
In his speach he hammered on conservatives... Blame isn't cool. -1 flub points. Talked about how great people where like me. +2 flub points. Trashed socialism. +1 flub points. Had frogmen. +1 flub points. Gave good speech. +2 flub points.

Total: Obama: 5 Flub points: slightly cooler than macklemore.
only slightly cooler ahAHAhah

also, frogmen?

what are they

they sound froggy and man-like
Frogmen are like marines for lakes. They sit in the weird places like under boat covers with large guns.
i see

no actual part-frog men then, or part-men frogs

im so disappointed by the government

tell obama this is a problem we need to fix

also, the problem of no dragons
And Ghost macklemore got a 4.8

Benedict cumberbatch: Sociopath. +5 socioflub points. Trendy. +2 flub points. Has fangirls. Who are guys but hey. I don't judge. +1 flub points. Plays Khan. +3 flub points.

Total: Benedict Cumberbatch: 6 Flub points! Slightly worse than Lenin.
*applauds* benedilly's cooler than obama and macklemilk
>:0 thats incredible!

it seems difficult to get over 10
aaah i see

it sounds like it would take a really long time to figure out someones score then

lots of dedication to looking over someones entire life

Wait, what?! xD *joke not get, but has never seen the Matrix, so that may be why* xD
Wow, ok, my stupid Tapatalk missed every post inbetween my last one and Flubs' first post about the matrix.... Thanks, Tapatalk, you're a real bro... :PPP
steals data from parents' wallets real quick hehe

haha we're making fun of this old lady who pulled up beside us in an expensive car in a handicapped spot

they weren't handicapped

i looked at their license

wants to know how many flub points she has

is afraid of answer
Does Pine trees want to know how many points she has? I can probably hack into your perso- NOOE NOTHING HERE! NOTHING ABIUT LOOKING OVER PINE TREE FILES.
i want to know how many points everyone here has

i am a curious person
over... my entire life?

only 18

well, i guess since ghosts dont have lives (since theyre dead & not alive), i think ive done pretty good

but i gotta go give my parents my laptop now before i get in trouble ( ' ~ '
Noooooo! Use mobile if you can!

My life flub points: -2.... Wow. And I haven't even reached jail yet.
I do want to know but I also don't.

Is it an impossibility to tell? xD

Ghost doesn't have a cell phone ~
Pine has... Drum roll please... 17 or so? Still have the rest of your life to bring it up!

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