One Thousand Birds

*faints at all the stuff*

I should probably do that too....Since I want to be a writer. Heck I haven't written for anything in a while, I need to finish some stuff x3
Yeah, so...

I hope I will still be able to get on every now and again, but whether or not I will once school starts...


The last story I wrote was in eighth grade, and even then, it was just a character's history. x___x
Before I got a solid idea for a story of my own (Which I have now...sorta), I've been writing fanfiction and I have a bunch of stuff I need to finish. x3
I have my idea for a book, but I really need to develop the other characters a lot more...

I mostly have the main character and minor characters shaped out. LOL

so that's kind of a problem
I have a general idea, but I need to actual come up with all the characters and expand on the idea for the whole plot.
@Pine, I deleted my reservation post in the RP, I was planning on editing it into the actual RP post itself, but I kinda forgot until I had already posted it, so... yeah xD anyway, I'm back for a good long while, it seems, I hope to see everyone active on this again soon :)
I meant in the squad, there will be a team leader for most of the missions our team goes on, just in case the Jonin needs to split off for a bit :3 I have an idea for how things might work out, but I can change it as we go along, Maika is as new to being a teacher as the genin are to being students xD
Thanks Stick ~

I would just rather not have an ooc post there for any reason. cx

I think that the concept of a squad leader is super neat !

I can't wait to see where this leads. c':
Haha, I just woke up a few minutes ago and was so confused.

I was like... why is Dad already mowing the yard?

Did he get work off today?

Why am I still in my clothes?

It took me way too long to remember I had taken a nap. cx
Ok, guys, I had to switch to Tapatalk, for some reason, apparently the new RPn server won't let me post from any other source :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't stand it, but it's the only way I can post stuff here on the forums, all the chat boxes are gone when I get on the site for my computer D: ShoutBox is completely shut down for me, it always shows 0 people online and the message box is always blank, even when I type something :(
Ahh. Well I never use the shoutbox so I wouldn't really know...
Yeah, and it appears to be worse for anyone not in the US, I'm in Germany, and the whole site is practically useless right now :( I can read my notifications and such, but I can't actually type anything up and send it :/
Ahhh yeah that's gotta suck

I'd die if that happens cause I recently started two advanced 1x1 rp's with someone and having SOOO much fun :D
Ah man, all of my old RPs kind of tuckered out and went dead :( I want a good, low-member count, active RP to join in, but that doesn't look like an option right now with the site like this :/

my mom just unplugged the internet and i have no idea if there will be wi-fi where we're staying so

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