One Thousand Birds

Are the idiots those people who have the whole "Git Gud inc" thing going on? Cause I was in a RP with them before...

I made them leave through convincing the owner to use my moderation system... And they wanted to use there one where a set group had all the power...
if youtube lets me 
Yes they are. -_-

More or less we've been ignoring them. Except for one person mainly because she didn't have a group. If you joined I figured you would join the group I was with =3




Yes. Dear god. The RP I was in was where certain humans had augmentation. I had taken a 50% augmented spot and they had 10%. I was trying to have a simulated fight with one who dodged like 50 bullets. I mean I had one of two spots capable of matrixing but seriously?
You know I luvs you =3

Flubs do you want me to show you one of their posts? IT WASN'T EVEN A POST!
I'm tired. And wishing my dad liked the AC more. x3

It was storming but he likes having windows open...So this little fan is on with the windows and door open.... 
The post I'm talking about was made by a user named 'zeke'«-sword-art-online-».32102/page-13

Plus, look at some of their other posts. And read the comments that Sunasa and I put under a post by Parsnip.

In my group there's me, Sunasa, and ZaiKai
Seriously. We kept stating we're no where near anyone in a large. empty. field. They keep going on about mining then suddenly they can see us? Uh no.

I'm just waiting for Sunasa or ZaiKai to post since in our group of three I was the last.
x3 lol

Yeah just do it soon. Cause Endrance (Sunasa's character) is the leader of our small group. Atria (My character) is pretty much second in command, with Shiro (ZaiKai's character) as the newbie. x3

But Atria can invite anyone she wants/trusts to join before they form the guild when they get to the third floor, but afterwards, she can't invite anyone.
What Flubs does when he can't sleep:

Makes new account

Plays hearthstone for 7 hours

Feels good about himself

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