One Thousand Birds

your plays are my favorite

you should ping me when ur done bcuz my mom is taking my laptop real soon
K. That's the inspiration I needed!

*If your just now realizing I am slightly eccentric then wow*
The day the OOC stood still (Ghosts perspective)

(Based upon real events in OOC. Bent to fit the theme. A lot. And speculation. Lots of speculation.)


I awoke in the morning to my radio, roaring a message. I have no idea how it turned on, let alone was in my bedroom. "FLYING SAUCER LANDS IN THE FLUBS PARK!" It blared as if it was the end of the world. I had had some had experiences with this and payed it no mind. I went about my normal life in the boarding house, no parents, just rude people who ran it.

Then on wash day when all the children got to take there weekly shower I heard a knock in the door. There where few staff who worked here so I opened to door to save there time. I saw a tall man in black clothing standing right in front of the door. "Hello my name is IDK." He said to me. "Well hello there sir! Are you just going to he visiting us or staying for a while sir?" I asked him putting on a upbeat voice. "I shall be staying, thank you." The man said. I opened the door further for him and he walked right in.

The next day I walked to the room where he was staying and awoke him. "Excuse me sir, but would you like a tour of our services and staff around here?" I asked him. Being kind to the newcomers was essential around here. I had enough enemies as is. "Thank you. That would be very kind. Maybe you could even show me this city of yours." He responded. I did as he asked and even showed him the overview where some do our most valuable work has been put by some more influential figures in the world. Then he wanted to see the most powerful person in OOC. So I told him to PM pine. Then I took him to the saucer that was somehow there. Then when I was in the boarding house I saw the entire cities power shut off.

I do not know what happened after IDK admitted to causing the power outage, but the saucer left us and flubs made a statement about how we should all be kind and respectful to each other, starting with just us in OOC.

Flubs perspective

I woke up as usual, got my food, did some usual stuff like make short posts then I noticed something peculiar. There was a saucer in my front lawn. "Darn materialist think they can throw away space ships..." I said under my breath as I walked over to it. There where a few nervous soldiers around it. Suddenly a door like flap shot down and a mist rolled out.

Slowly a figure descended, every step, another closer to the soldiers opening fire. I watched as it descended. When it stepped down it awkwardly extended something from its hand a nervously one soldier fired. I then realized I had the hood your fire hand up from the start. The being said a slur of foul words to all of us which I refuse to repeat. The bullet had completely missed the person and I walked forwards with a pep in my step.

"Did you not see that that was only one person? And that that bullet completely missed. The rest of us where expressing hospitality. We recognized you as one of us. When you say those things about us that makes all of us become that, and now you have placed yourself in a position where you are worse than what ever foul machinations make these acts happen." I shouted using my hand to get to point across. Then the person took off running. I would make no effort to chase them, nor would I allow one. I would let them deal with their own sins. I merely went back to my routine until it left and gave the same speech I gave the person.

@Ghost Its here!
i dont like japanese food

unless its candy or sweet things
It wasn't really Japanese food.

I get steak. But you always get noodles and vegetables. With rice, soup and salad.
It was good until the *not appropriate for the Internet* started. Hamada is a common name in some middle eastern cultures. Just felt like sharing that.


...I always order Hibachi Steak and all meals come with the soup and salad as appetizers. Then the noodles and vegetables come with the food. The afterwards I get the rainbow ice cream
i wwwant anko bun

too bad the closest place that i know of that sells them is in IllinOIS

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