One Thousand Birds

x3 I don't I take like more than half of it home. But none of the vegetables are ones I like so I make sure my vegetables are put on my moms plate x3 
IL? Ghost come pay me a visit! x3
i would if i could drive and had a car
YEESSSSSS. Snow and Kirito posted > :D Thank you so much >.<

You can post first, Infinities. x3

@Infinities Lover
I have been summoned.

And of course I'd have to. I'm your teacher x3

BUT that is so not happening tonight. I have half an hour left of internet on my laptop and I'm reading something. =3

I'll post tomorrow though. Plus it takes time to go through and make sure I have everything down.
Because not everyone is fast enough. In here we talk about nothing. The rp matters. This OOC doesn't.

And Pine is very busy.
if you havent noticed, pine doesnt even participate in the ooc as much as everyone else so laaayyy oooooofffff kiroo
well, talk about something else then

theres literally an infinite amount of things to say that dont have to bother pie
(haha it's fine you two thanks <3)

Well Kiro you know what I have to say to that?

Infinities, have you not notice that Ghost always calls me Pie? xDD

I have so many nicknames it's fuuuuuuuun. 
Happy uninspired Satoru/Tetsune reply day!
we'll make it into a holiday 
OH AH I JUST REMEMBERED tomorrow im leaving to a neato art camp and wont be back until next saturday so obvi im not going to be able to rp
Ahh, yeah I have like at least 5 names to call you. x3

Aww okay Ghostie!
Infinity is surrounded by idiots in the SAO rp she joined. There are few sane ones left.
It's fun, with the people I'm hanging out with and the other few random people wandering around, but these four? idiots are just making me mad. Me and Sunasa, one of the guys I'm in a group with, have stated that we are NO WHERE NEAR anyone else. So these idiots are off mining so they can suddenly get 900 EXP each and see everything we're doing, and talk about sending us to jail for PKing? I don't think so idiot. Please stop referring to us, we're ignoring your posts anyway.

Gosh those guys are stupid. Plus I was in a rp with them before. They were complaining about how they shouldn't have to have a minimum post length. *rolls eyes*

I say they're all stupid idiots...
No they're the idiots from Nico's role play that kept complaining so they dropped.

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