One Thousand Birds

i would be surprised when you told me no matter what time i found out
poeple have soul

also moms asking for computer bye goodnight
Can Infinity know? =3

Pine! I'd be interested in something like that most likely! I wanna know! x3 
Oh yeah, I'd realized it was Chidori but I didn't bother to say anything. Like Ghost, I thought everyone knew x3

When I saw it I was like 'Ha!'
I have no idea whats going on... Flubs threw his morality down the drain yesterday... Flubs cried for a very long time.
me and a friend had a long joke we typed out to each other

note: none of the contents of this spoiler reflect the author's views or feelings about memes in any way.

[5/15/14 7:18:57 PM] Commie Potter and the Capitalist of Secrets: its a mystery

[5/15/14 7:20:45 PM] Nyan: did u just meme at me

[5/15/14 7:21:19 PM] Commie Potter and the Capitalist of Secrets: meme it up

[5/15/14 7:22:54 PM] Nyan: meme town

[5/15/14 7:23:15 PM] Commie Potter and the Capitalist of Secrets: meme town's main export comes from the local meme farms

[5/15/14 7:26:00 PM] Nyan: the people of meme town work in its various meme related industries, such as meme production, meme harvesting, meme canning and meme education

[5/15/14 7:31:16 PM] Meme Town Mayor: the memers are fairly happy people when not in meme wars or when they find themselves the victims of a common memer pastime- trolling. unless, of course, they are the memeing trolls. then they enjoy it a lot. usually it is the 18- memers that enjoy trolling, but oftentimes you will see older memers engaging in this activity.

[5/15/14 7:37:01 PM] Nyan: the main attraction of meme town are its classic memes. the citizens keep a well maintained museum featuring a large number of memes from over the years. the museum also has the worlds largest, and only, statue of the original "troll face" meme out front. its a very popular place for tourists to take pictures.

[5/15/14 7:48:09 PM] Meme Town Mayor: new memes are created daily, if not more often, though most memers don't even notice them. some, however, are complete meme fanatics and know every single meme.

their religion revolves around the Original Meme, the Troll Face. There are many other deities in the Cult of Meme including the Circle of Meme Faces, but the TF is the major one.

at social gatherings such as dances, memers have been observed to sometimes wear masks of these 'meme faces'.

the major artform in Meme Town is meme face comics. Often they are short comics with only stick figures and meme faces, and tell a short, humurous story, with the punchline often being the meme face and a 'meme phrase', or any other phrase.

[5/15/14 7:55:20 PM] Nyan: most new memes dont make it very far in meme town, it takes a special kind of meme to acheive true meme greatness. however, recently there has been a rise in memers attempting to use less than honorable methods to try and make their meme "the next big meme". illegal meme dealers can be found through the right contacts, they sell memes to buyers with the promise of meme fame. meme police have been cracking down on these meme pushers, and have even created a seperate force from the grammer police, an anomaly never before seen in meme town culture

[5/15/14 8:00:04 PM] Meme Town Mayor: the grammar police are the main police force and up until the meme police were made, were the only police at all. They policed grammar, but have been rumored to be biased and to let things slide if the improper grammar is amusing or humorous. some people say it just depends on the officer. However, a rumor that could potentially be much more dangerous to the police if found to be true has been going around- that they're at worst secretly in league or partnered with the Grammar Nazis, or at best share ideals. Of course, the grammar police deny all claims, but some memers aren't 100% sure.

[5/15/14 8:09:38 PM] Nyan: the most popular pets in meme town are cats, but not just any kind of cat. these loveable creatures are often called "cheezburger cats", and were the true original members of meme town. long before the people of meme town arrived, cheezburger cats were living as strays. when meme town was settled the cats became quick friends with the new memers because of a mutally beneficial partnership. the cats gave the citizens amusing pictures to caption, which many believe was the start of the meme, and the people thanked the cats by giving them cheeseburgers (the favorite food of the memer). combining the original bond between meme town residents and these cats, and the tendancy to use purposefully improper spelling and grammer when captioning the images of cats, the nickname of cheezburger cat was created

[5/15/14 8:16:39 PM] Meme Town Mayor: when meme town was created, they declared independence from all countries, as memers are from everywhere. they have a constitution and a declaration of independence, but one memer stole the latter in a successful attempt to reenact a common meme from the nice cage national treasure movies- "im going to steal the declaration of independence". an excerpt from the constitution reads as follows: "We the Memers of the Meme Town, in Order to form the most perfect Meme, establish Trolling, insure Irony in all households, provide for the common Swag, promote the general Sarcasm, and secure the Blessings of Memes to ourselves and our Hilarity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Meme Town."
-Loses interest due to the disliking of Meme's.-

[9:16:43 PM] Kiro Akira: You're name on skype is now Ghost and not meme town mayor <<

[9:16:50 PM] Kiro Akira: I was like O_o The hell i- oh ghosty :D

[9:16:55 PM] Meme Town Mayor: NO I AM THE MEME TOWN MAYOR

[9:17:10 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:17:11 PM] Kiro Akira: Well you're renamed in my contacts <<

[9:17:15 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:17:30 PM] Kiro Akira: Nah I'll pass

[9:17:33 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:17:37 PM] Kiro Akira: Meme's piss me off and annoy me anyways <<

[9:17:40 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:17:48 PM] Kiro Akira: No.

[9:17:51 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:17:57 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:17:59 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:18:17 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:18:20 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:18:23 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:18:29 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:18:39 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:18:44 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:18:44 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:18:53 PM | Edited 9:19:04 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:18:55 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:18:56 PM] Kiro Akira: ^

[9:18:57 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:19:06 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:19:08 PM] Kiro Akira: Nope

[9:19:15 PM] Kiro Akira: Not happening ghosty o-o

[9:19:22 PM] Ghosty: me

[9:19:24 PM] Ghosty: me it up

[9:19:30 PM] Kiro Akira: I did you it up

[9:19:35 PM] Kiro Akira: Tis why it's ghosty (cat)

[9:19:44 PM] Ghosty: meme it up

[9:19:58 PM] Kiro Akira: Me-Me it up

[9:20:10 PM] Kiro Akira: Only logical actions would be to make it up and in fancy fashion

[9:20:10 PM] Ghosty: m e m e i t u p

[9:20:15 PM] Kiro Akira: Ghost is to mainstream

[9:20:20 PM | Edited 9:20:26 PM] Kiro Akira: Fancy people say ghosty

[9:20:29 PM] Kiro Akira: So done (cat)

[9:21:44 PM] Ghosty: mememememememememememememememme it up

[9:21:52 PM] Kiro Akira: Nah <,<
neither of us actually like memes

infinities its...

i dont know how to explain it

its friendship 
its not weird it s hilARIOUS
i only meme ironically.

memeing non-ironically is p lame and not funny
I wonder if I can get Skype to work on this laptop without having the ultimate password....
i promise if we become contacts and if we talk i will send messages that arent just "meme it up"

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