One Thousand Birds

Thats why I have like 6 characters << So I always have something to go off of. Hm, who else was on your team and who was your sensei? O_o
I think we're literally just waiting for Hana to reply. My character tried to get her attention, and infinities character just found Teiko. Stick is just observing at this point
Kirito is Back, not gonna reply yet though I had alot to do these past two weeks and I still got a few things to do but I will reply in the next couple hours.

I'm on! I'll try to be on more, but I've been busy lately.
Tis fine xD

“The whole thing started a few years ago. I was just a simple person in this universe but learned to love it or just simply hate it and hope something new would happen. All I had now was a white tattered up cloth shirt, a pair of black clothed pants, and a bag filled with what I needed for the time being. It wasn't much, but there was something inside the bag that spiked my interest and swept memories across my mind from when I was a child. As well as the events before I died.” The man who was speaking sat back and looked to the ceiling. He was ready to get this story over with for the sixth time in a row. He glanced back to the small group before him and smiled, it was amazing to see so many people interested in his story. “So you want to hear more eh? Well then let the story begin once again I guess.”

What does everyone think of that.
aah wow people returning all at once!

too bad i literally have to go to bed right now

goopnighto evri1
What's that blurb for, Kiro?

There isn't much to really criticize, considering it's all dialogue.

Usually 'piqued my interest' is the term.

"As well as the events before I died" isn't a sentence on it's own, so join that with the last sentence.

Since they're speaking about the past, I would also omit 'now' when he says, "All I had..." 
Btw I'm totally alive.

I guess it's my turn with Tetsune?

too much laze

no muse

I finally started reading Game of Thrones, but my mom's uncle died, so she's going out of state for the weekend and she took the book with her. xD
i know them "should posts but lazy + no muse" feels pie

also whats game of thrones about how many book how big
Haha, thank you. c;


Daenerys is thirteen/fourteen? LOL

I guess the actress had to be that old... otherwise HBO would be in trouble for child... you know. xD
All of that was directed to Kitsune, my bad. xD

It's medieval with a touch of fantasy and it's really gr9 Ghost (if a bit graphic), but there's five books right now YOU SHOULD READ THEM ALL.

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