One Thousand Birds

can i find the books online

thats the iportant questions
Probably not, Ghost.

Maybe in the deep, dark crevices of the internet, but no one wants to go there. D:

well the first is like 600 or 700 but that's beside the point

Well, yes, she's awesome, but I was also thinking... poor babe.
i managed to find every harry potter book online

if you dont look very hard though i mean you can find the books but theyll have horrid spelling errors and chunks missing which really sucks

but i found some russian website with all of them with no missing parts and very rarely spelling errors and stuff ^ w ^

they have some of the spin offs too
Mom has every single harry potter book x.x 
I am SO not ready to turn 20 ._. It's coming sooner and sooner and a week and a half.
Then I believe in you, Ghost.

You can find these books! xD

It's just a number you old fart.
Kiro, you already have a job.

They aren't going to increase your work load because you're a year older. LOL
That is the extent of my wit of titles for Naruto role plays. xD

It may or may not have been recycled.


I want to do some sort of realistic role play but I can't come up with a solid role play idea...

Not anything new, anyway.

Like, maybe something with fantasy elements, but I don't want to have to call it fantasy.

Sort of a Pan's Labyrinth degree of fantasy except even less than that?
PM me and we can talk about it. And I finished my secret :3 For the rp. Even tho you never decided <w<. None the less PM me and we will speak the rp of realistic rp and fantasy combined :D
actually i realized almost right away that it was chidori but i just didnt really bother commenting on it because i thought you guys already knew eheh

hnnnn i could attempt to help you with ideas pie

also secret what is this secret i must know

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