One Thousand Birds

i change my mind
this music is much more superior
Hello any all. My name is flubs. Flubs is communist. Flubs would like to get to know you or engage in a meaningful conversation. Or he can just go sit in a corner if you want that... Not like flubs cares or anything. Flubs has started to notice that this is leaving the appropriate OOC length but as many a person have said: "F*ck the conformists!"
But must all people conform to fucking the conformists, in which case they become conformists and fuck each other?

Ghost that was way too long. xD

You guys have too much time. Lol

I prefer reading a meme (poorly executed make me sad tho) to anyone who ever says HASHTAG and means it. ;w;
kirito was planning on posting soon I believe but they've been a little busy. But yeah, I've posted for all my characters! ^.^
Da'aw poor Kiro!

Oh yeah, my friend Chicken was wondering if you were planning on responding to the comment he made when you posted on his wall.
Ahh I got nothing. He said hello and that he was my friend. lol And ask me if you didn't believe him. He's sitting next to me right now. lol
lol I'm at home now. If you really want to ask him that send him a message or post on his page or something x3
So much work tho x.x Also, my new phone is being serviced currenlty having issues with it. So sorry if I don't reply to a text or something.
lol Yeah I'm going to see him again tomorrow though.

Ahh okay.

Now be back soon I have ramen to make

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